

Comment trouver The Guard gratuit

The Stagecoach Guard

The Stagecoach Guard

When the stagecoach is about to pull out on its daily trip, Jack, the driver, finally locates Tom, the coach guard, in a saloon where a fight is in progress and Jack helps Tom whip several of the cowboys. One of the cowboys vows revenge and plots to hold up the stagecoach..

The Home Guard

The Home Guard

Gandy Goose joins the home guard, a ramshackle bunch of barnyard creatures that mostly march and drill. At one point, Gandy is menaced by a fifth columnist, who travels in a literal fifth column from a porch..

The False Guardian

The False Guardian

Just as he is appointed guardian of his niece, Helen, aged John Graham dies. Butts, his valet, conceives the idea of assuming Graham's identity. Aided by Stone, the rascally butler, Butts plans to send Helen to an insane asylum and seize her fortune..

The Old Guard

The Old Guard

A veteran of the Napoleanic Wars recounts his memories and grants his blessings upon the marriage of his granddaughter and a young soldier..

The Cowboy Guardians

The Cowboy Guardians

A pioneer caravan is attacked by Indians, who greatly outnumber the pale faces. The whole party are massacred, with the exception of a year-and-one-half old baby, who being hidden by its mother, escapes detection. Whitey is a big, bashful cowpuncher, who secretly worships at the shrine of the only eligible woman in camp, a buxom widow..

The Firefox Guardian

The Firefox Guardian

Red Panda numbers are dangerously decreasing and there could be less than 2500 red pandas left in the wild. But an unconventional warrior has devoted her life to fight all forces that are against her and her beloved Red Pandas..

The Guards Themselves

The Guards Themselves

In a city secretly controlled by the rich and selfish, local anarchists have organized themselves into a single force with the goal of sabotaging the corrupt corporate figureheads..

The Snow Guardian

The Snow Guardian

For 40 years, billy barr has lived alone in small cabin in one of the coldest places in the United States – the ghost town of Gothic, CO. With no goals of proving anything, or even knowledge that the climate was changing, billy started collecting data about snowpack to pass the time in his isolated part of the world. When climate researchers at the Gothic-based Rocky Mountain Biological Lab discovered billy’s decades of detailed records, they uncovered clear and compelling evidence of climate change. As someone who has had to learn to survive in such a harsh environment, billy shares some advice about how to move forward on our changing planet..

Review of the Life Guards by the Queen

Review of the Life Guards by the Queen

Queen Victoria seated in her carriage with her back to the camera (on the left hand side of the frame, barely visible), and surrounded by invited guests, acknowledges the salutes of the officers as the 1st and 2nd Life Guards (in khaki) march before her at Spital Barracks, Windsor..

Generation Impact: The Guardians

Generation Impact: The Guardians

In Generation Impact: The Guardians we meet three Costa Rican teens who became friends in high school and bonded over their passion for technology. Together, they are using their talents to help make public spaces safer for women in their country, where six in 10 women say they've experienced sexual harassment—on the street, at work, and in universities. With their startup, Roshe, which includes an app, wearable tech, and a community of women and allies, they're working to make Costa Rica a place where women can move freely and without fear..

Guardians of the Amazon

Guardians of the Amazon

As the Amazon Rain Forest faces a crucial tipping point amidst the increase of illegal logging activities, Dan Harris and his team embed with the Guardians, a small indigenous group taking up arms to hunt down illegal loggers and fight for their land..

The Platypus Guardian

The Platypus Guardian

In a time of hardship, Hobart resident Peter Walsh turns to the secretive platypus for solace, only to discover it is the platypus that need his help to survive in a habitat under threat..

L’Affaire Vinča Curie

L’Affaire Vinča Curie

Octobre 1958, en pleine guerre froide, des scientifiques yougoslaves sont gravement irradiés dans le cadre d’une mission tenue secrète. Ils sont soupçonnés de travailler à la fabrication d’une bombe nucléaire. Rapatriés en France, ils sont pris en charge par le professeur Mathé à l’Institut Curie. Une course contre la montre s’engage alors pour les sauver….