

Comment trouver Possession gratuit

Le Maréchal de l'enfer

Le Maréchal de l'enfer

France, Moyen-Âge. De retour chez lui après avoir combattu contre les Anglais, le maréchal Gilles de Lancre est snobé à la cour, le roi lui refusant les honneurs qui lui reviennent. Revenu dans son château, Gilles retrouve sa maîtresse et décide de se consacrer à ses recherches sur la pierre philosophale. Il reçoit alors un soi-disant alchimiste nommé Simon de Braqueville pour l' aider dans son entreprise. Le charlatan avec l'appui de la perfide maîtresse convainc Gilles de répandre le sang de jeunes filles vierges lors de rituels voués au démon, s'il veut obtenir le pouvoir et la richesse. Très vite c'est le début de messes noires....



Copenhague, a la tombee de la nuit. Un mysterieux voyageur roumain arrive a l'aeroport. La ville se retrouve soudainement plongee dans l'obscurite par une coupure generale de courant. Lorsque l'electricite est retablie, l'etranger est admis dans un hopital et meurt d'une infection presentant des similitudes avec les symptomes du virus Ebola. Ce deces pousse Soren, jeune et ambitieux professeur, a partir en Roumanie avec sa compagne, afin de trouver l'origine de ce virus inconnu et empecher ainsi une propagation eventuelle de l'epidemie..



A teacher must put aside his personal traumas to rally his school in a fight for survival against a group of violent, possessed students..

A Woman Possessed

A Woman Possessed

An evil princess who kills her lovers is condemned by the Inquisition. Four centuries later she returns with the help of a vampire and tries to live forever in the body of an identical woman..

The Possessed

The Possessed

A woman is impregnated by an evil spirit but thinks the ex-husband is the father. She gives birth five months later than she should, which is just the beginning of her troubles. A Buddhist monk is eventually called in to help..

Possessed Grandmother in the Eerie House

Possessed Grandmother in the Eerie House

A follow-up to Nenek Lampir ("The Possessed Grandmother"). Rusimini is possessed by the spirit of her baby that she abandoned after birth and finally dies a tragic death. Her "imperfect" death (without peace) is used by the devil to wreak havoc. People are influenced to commit sin and then murdered, as if that is the only way for a "perfect" death to be achieved. To stop the wave of evil, Kyai Abdullah, a religious teacher, arrives to drive away and placate the evil spirits with peace..



A secretary is forced into an affair with her boss after an sexual assault. She spirals into madness and commits a violent crime - castration..

Possessed by a Thousand Demons

Possessed by a Thousand Demons

"The possessed is a very poor woman, ravaged by delusions and ghosts, until, driven by mysterious voices, she suddenly becomes another person, young, beautiful, insinuating. Her exploits make her the subject of a police chronicle. She seduces teenagers, attacks men, she becomes an insatiable wolf who arouses the wrath of the whole community against her. Revenge is not slow and a group intends to stone her. But she manages to lure her pursuers to a strange place where she faces them in struggle. unequal and wins ". (Extracted from Guide to Movies, 55).

Possessed by the Devil

Possessed by the Devil

Eddy has quite a strange hobby: looking for demons and wants to meet Satan. Eddy always thinks logically and doesn't believe just talk. All must be with real evidence. Nearly two years of trying to find evidence of the existence of Satan always reap nothing. One day Eddy felt bored. Finally he chose the extreme path to be able to communicate with "magical" beings..

The Possessed Grandmother

The Possessed Grandmother

A vengeance-seeking spirit possesses the elderly Rusmini. When she catches a man trying to rape her grand daughter, the “Nenek Lampir” (possessed granny) kills the rapist by sucking blood from his neck. A journalist investigates the case as more bodies pile up..



A group of college students pick a remote Chinese cemetery as a filming location for their short movie ‘senior-year’ project. What was meant to be a sad romantic story turns into a horror film when the inaugural shooting date coincides with the Chinese Ghost Festival. The real terror begins when Ji, a mysterious girl, who just joined the crew gets possessed by a forlorn spirit.The evil spirit wants the crew to help it to do something…or they won’t be able to leave the place…forever!.

Possessive Pronouns

Possessive Pronouns

The story of Mia and Luka develops from their first morning-after to watching movies and travelling together, until they move to another place, in a series of events, memories, movies, scenes and frames..



Once, in search of creative freedom, jazz musician Yitzhak Gutman went to Germany, where he became a famous impresario. When changes took place in the USSR, the hero decided to help talented musicians-losers who remained in Russia. Returning to his homeland, Yitzhak found composer Amir Dzhunusov performing his jazz improvisations for the flute on the roofs of houses. Together with his Russian friends, the hero, in the interests of advertising, starts a risky game, which leads to a tragic development of events. In the role of Amir Dzhunusov is a professional trumpeter, composer, jazz musician Andrey Solovyov..



In the deep mountain area in Gangwon Province, people flock to an abandoned church famous for its ghosts. The producers of TV programs, shamans and a mystery experience group have one common purpose: to prove that ghosts exist! The situation takes an unexpected turn when mysterious people begin to appear before those who have come to experience just such bizarre occurrences in this spooky church full of extraordinary energy..