

Comment trouver Face à Face gratuit

La face cachée des grandes villes

La face cachée des grandes villes

À l'aide d'outils technologiques de pointe, des historiens et des archéologues creusent sous la surface des villes les plus anciennes du monde pour en révéler les mystères et les trésors cachés. À Istanbul, une équipe creuse sous l'hippodrome de Constantinople pour en explorer les tunnels. À Athènes, des experts dévoilent les secrets architecturaux de l'Acropole. Au Caire, le Sphinx, la structure la plus énigmatique de l'Égypte ancienne, est scruté à la loupe. Cette série documentaire permet de voir les villes du passé comme jamais auparavant..

Ne le dis à personne: La face B

Ne le dis à personne: La face B

This lengthy domestic exclusive explores the filmmakers' adaptation of the original novel, changes made to the cinematic version, casting, the production itself, and director Guillaume Canet's efforts and work. It's a candid, well-conceived documentary that kept me entertained and engaged throughout. Harlan Coben, the author of Tell No One, talks about the film adaptation and how actor-director Guillaume Canet approached it. Later on, the director also shares his thoughts on the film while we see plenty of raw footage from the shooting process. Also, there is footage from Studio Labo M2 where the film's soundtrack was recorded. Finally, there are plenty of scattered comments from the cast addressing the film production..

The Man Without a Face

The Man Without a Face

A young man is wrongly accused of a brutal murder, is tried and sentenced to death. En route to the prison there is a major train crash and his guards are killed along with an anonymous traveller in the same compartment. He swaps his personal belongings with the dead man and escapes but things don't quite go to plan..

Face au crime

Face au crime

Frankie Dane est le leader d’un gang de voyous, les Hornets. Publiquement humilié par Mc Allister, membre d’une bande rivale, il décide de le tuer. Mais seuls deux de ses acolytes acceptent de l’aider, le reste de la bande, effrayé, s’y refuse, notamment son propre frère. La scission provoquée par ce projet fou va mettre la puce à l’oreille de Ben Wagner, un travailleur social, qui tentera de mettre un frein à cette escalade de violence..

Pile ou face

Pile ou face

Persuadé qu'il a poussé sa femme par la fenêtre pour fuir avec sa maitresse, l'inspecteur Baroni harcèle son suspect et s'acharne à vouloir le faire avouer..

4 Buildings, Facing the Sea

4 Buildings, Facing the Sea

Three months after the March 2011 disaster in Fukushima, TEPCO, the electric company operating the nuclear power plant, installed a livecam on the facilities. The images, on which days and minutes add up, are available online. Using them for sole visual material, such is the daring challenge Philippe Rouy has taken up in 4 bâtiments, face à la mer. (Nicola Féodoroff, FID 2012).

A Change of Face

A Change of Face

Invoking smoke, magic tricks, Michael Dunahee and Michael Jackson imagery, Andrew and friends, yet again, ritualistically slaughter that two-face bastard, purging evil, curing the sick, cleansing mankind..

A Face of War

A Face of War

A Face of War is a 1968 documentary about the Vietnam War, by Eugene S. Jones. The New York Times called it "one of the great Vietnam documentaries." Roger Ebert called it a "heart-wrenching masterpiece"..

Charlie Has a Face

Charlie Has a Face

A soldier in the Vietnam war who is unable to consciously kill the enemy, finds himself confronting his darkest fear when he comes face to face with 'Charlie' and makes a decision that will change his life forever. Based on a true story..

A Face do Sonho

A Face do Sonho

Luzia is tormented every night by the same dream. From that point on she starts to try to find out what this dream means, why it has been repeated and who this being is..

Make A Face Grandma

Make A Face Grandma

"A friend whose name I have regrettably forgotten (Beth?) took pictures of her grandmother making faces. I created a soundtrack looping her whispers and used a sound trigger video switching circuit to switch to the soundtrack. By switching 4 cameras and zooming in on the photos I created this video in real time. Creation date was around 1977. I played this in public schools during Artist in Residencies and scared too many kids." -ET.