

Comment regarder The Whale sur Netflix gratuitement

Days of the Whale

Days of the Whale

Cristina and Simon are two young graffiti artists who paint the city that they live in. Their restless spirit leads them to defy a criminal gang when they decide to paint the mural of a whale over a threat written in a wall. The love that unites them, their friendship with other artists at La selva- an old house they use as a refuge- and familiar tensions, come together to tell a story where the powerful strength of youth faces fear, violence and the difficulties of growing up..

50 or Two Whales Meet at the Beach

50 or Two Whales Meet at the Beach

Félix, a 17-year-old boy, receives an invitation on WhatsApp: do you want to play the Blue Whale Game? The one with the 50 challenges? The one where you have to kill yourself at the end? Félix accepts. That is how he meets Elisa. They start completing the challenges together..

The Name of the Whale

The Name of the Whale

Miyoshi City, Hiroshima Prefecture. The junior high school boy with a zeal for finding fossils discovers the history of his hometown and experiences the changes around him. This is an ambitious work that depicts the land and time by blending various drama and documentary footage..

The Belly of the Whale

The Belly of the Whale

Ana is 30 years old and lives with her parents. As her ex-husband takes their daughter and her nagging mother to the countryside, she prepares for a laidback evening with her friends. Soon she comes to realize she lost her cell phone which prevents her from receiving a much awaited call from her previous night's stand. Her friends, Iulia, Andrei and Marius, arrive and try to watch a movie. The screening is frequently interrupted by an increasingly annoying and rather absurd dialogue that takes place between the thief/finder of the cell phone and Ana..

Le nuage et la baleine

Le nuage et la baleine

Un petit nuage se lie d’amitié avec une grande baleine bleue. Quand la baleine échoue sur une plage, le nuage n’hésite pas un seul instant : il part à la rescousse de son amie, au risque de sa propre vie..

The whaleman

The whaleman

A short documentary film that tells the story of a craft rooted in Yanbu -the sea- culture. The events of the film move towards penetrating into the depths and dimensions of the term " whaler ".

Le Toit de la baleine

Le Toit de la baleine

Au bord de la mer du Nord, un anthropologue et sa femme font la connaissance d'un certain Narciso Campos, qui les invite dans sa maison de Patagonie où se trouvent les deux derniers Indiens Yagan existant au monde..

The Summer of Whales

The Summer of Whales

Chuya, who spends his days in a local city without any purpose or dream, suddenly decides to go to Tokyo. His best friends: J, Gizmo, and Machida, from high school try to hold a big farewell party on the last day that Chuya spends locally, but Chuya remembers the past. It seems that he is clinging and hesitating to move. There, the three make a proposal for Chuya, but Yumiko, a longing senior who should be active as an entertainer in Tokyo, appears, and Chuya's heart shakes even more..

Len and the Song of the Whales

Len and the Song of the Whales

Len's phobia is water, and her tribe lives to the rhythm of the sea: the whales are their spirit guides. She feels like an outcast. Then their lives are disrupted when storms hit, and a jaguar-man tells Len to convince her tribe they must leave the coast to survive..

The Crimson Whale

The Crimson Whale

Ha-jin has the ability to communicate with whales - a fact she keeps hidden. One day, a woman asks Ha-jin to join her in the gules whale hunt. She grows curious about the gules whale and learns that every crew member has a sad gules story..

The Scarlet Whale

The Scarlet Whale

A whale hunter loses his family and at the same time he suffers a transformation that makes him into a whale, suffering regret for the acts performed to try out his human consciousness..

The Crimson Whale

The Crimson Whale

It’s 2070 and our planet is ravaged by earthquakes and volcanic activity. Nowhere on Earth is hit worse than the Korean peninsula. Ha-jin, a sly, savvy orphan, prowls the rubble of a broken, barely functioning Busan wracked by daily tremors. Her petty crimes land her in jail, and from there the clutches of human traffickers — and finally far out to sea, rescued (or rather, kidnapped?) by a ragtag band of pirates seeking the precious crystals at the heart of a volcanic island. To reach their prize, they’ll need to defeat the island’s fearsome guardian, the legendary volcano whale. And to do that, they’ll need Ha-jin’s special talent for summoning whales. But is her rare power a blessing, or a curse?.

La chasse à la baleine

La chasse à la baleine

Shigeru est jeune garçon scolarisé à l'école maternelle Les tulipes. Un matin, il aperçoit les garçons de la classe supérieure construire un navire avec de gros blocs de construction. Il veut lui aussi participer. Le navire terminé est nommé L'éléphant et le lion. Bientôt, les enfants réalisent que leur environnement a laissé place à la mer, où même des poissons nagent. Les garçons chargent alors des cannes à pêche et des cordes sur le bateau et partent à la chasse à la baleine….