

Comment regarder The Visitor sur Netflix gratuitement



During an unannounced visit to Berlin, Jakob and Hanna let their three grown up children know that they are no longer able to support them financially. Karla, Arnolt and Sonni seem to live successful city lives; but, on closer inspection, they are in the middle of different life-crises, which have a common cause: lack of independence. After a big family quarrel and a painful revelation of life-lies, every single relative is made aware of how little he or she knows about the others – though still interdependent..

Le dernier visiteur

Le dernier visiteur

Tout droit sorti d’un roman du XIXème siècle, Joseph est un jeune médecin installé dans les monts du Forez. Dans ce pays perdu au cœur de la France, l’abandon guette tous les vieux paysans qu’il visite. Joseph est le dernier à pénétrer les intérieurs secrets de ces hommes et ces femmes que l’on ne voit plus et que l’on ne comprend plus..

Visitors to a Familiar Past

Visitors to a Familiar Past

A 1966 issue of Merian, a travel magazine, featuring Romania was filled with a number of positive articles, but there was one that criticized the regime. This inspired me to view 8mm vacation movies from the ’70s. At first glance the foreign tourists seemed to follow the recommendations from Merian and enjoy a carefree vacation. After a second look I noticed hints of a past familiar to me. (Gabriel Tempea).



Min-seok, who has just returned to Korea from Australia, gets to know his father left for Thailand with his stepmother. He is going to stay at his late grandmother’s house for a while. Su-ho, who is the son of Min-seok’s stepmother and has just been discharged from the navy, also needs a place to stay. In this way, they get together unintentionally and not as comfortably in a rustic rural place..

Night Visitor

Night Visitor

Lonely young woman with a child lives in a quiet village and works as a librarian. Close friends consider it outdated and want her to get acquainted with a man. They manage to persuade the character to meet a lonely bachelor. But instead of the expected groom on her doorstep there is a "night visitor" ....

Gobi Visitors

Gobi Visitors

A geological prospector died of thirst in the desert, his wife sets up an inn there to help all prospectors. A young man comes and helps the lady to dig a well. They fall in love but he is actually a escaped prisoner..



In 2099, spaceship Davide is sent to investigate a mysterious object threatening one of Mars' moons only to end up being transported through time and space..

Visitor's Day

Visitor's Day

16 year-old Juan Carlos was homeless on the streets of Mexico City for years before landing at IPODERAC, a social enterprise that houses runaway boys and supports them through the production and sale of artisanal cheese. It is here, among goats, cheese and 71 new brothers that Juan Carlos transforms from a victim to a leader, shattering everyone's expectations of him and proving the power of forgiveness..

Secret Visitor

Secret Visitor

Have you had a bitter experience because of a stranger you let in your house? Don’t be a good Samaritan inviting a stranger into your house recklessly. Chang-soo invites a stranger man to his house, whom he met through his photography hobby club. The two drinks together and fall asleep. When Chang-soo wakes up, he finds himself tied up and there stands his wife looking scared..



It's morning and raining outside. Emma is home alone while her mom is working. The phone rings, but nobody is on the line..