

Comment regarder The Hunted sur Netflix gratuitement

The Hunt

The Hunt

In the forest are found the bodies of young women. The case is assigned to the young, diligent and thorough detective Lea Smith and it is asked help to Thomas Wolf, a forensic psychologist..



At the Northern part of Xinjiang, two policemen were killed by a group of poachers and the prey were nowhere to be found. Five years later, Wei Jiang left the the police station in the forest, and chose to become a protector of the borders. By chance, he becomes Qin Chuan's teacher, and leads him on the path of patrolling. They meet the local vet Ye Xiao Wan, as well as leader of the animal activist group Sai Na. Together, they found the traces of the poachers, and began a fierce battle with them. Finally, the poachers were caught, and justice was served..

L'Enfer des loups

L'Enfer des loups

Pendant que la découverte de cadavres mutilés provoque un tumulte dans un village, à cause de la légende qu'elle évoque, un vendeur ambulant traverse la forêt dans sa roulotte, sans que personne ne sache qu'il est en fait ce monstre que tout le monde craint..

Jesus Code

Jesus Code

Steffen Vogt est un archéologue allemand qui travaille sur un site en Israël. La découverte par hasard d'un squelette vient jeter un doute sur l'authenticité historique du site. En effet, le squelette semble vieux de plusieurs siècles, pourtant on trouve à ses côtés un support de notes en plastique et l'un de ses os a été renforcé par une prothèse en titane....

Hunters on a White Field

Hunters on a White Field

Three friends decides to spend a long weekend in a remote cabin, deep within the Swedish woods to go hunting. However, one day all animals vanish without a trace and the forest turns eerily quiet. Obsessed with the idea of hunting, they decide to let the hunt go on, somehow..

Spy Hunter

Spy Hunter

In the spring of 1931, after the Communist Party successfully set up many communication stations in China, they set their sight on Western Europe and assigned two of their agents ”Asthray'” and “Porcelain” to Paris. From there on, the stories of secret deal, hidden betrayal, questionable death, forbidden love, and brotherhood among the military and a prominent family’s members were unraveled..

I Hunt Men

I Hunt Men

This thriller series follows two detectives, Gunnar (Ólafur Darri Ólafsson) and Hinrik (Gísli Örn Garðarsson),as they attempt to track down a serial killer who has a penchant for murdering goose hunters..

M le Maudit

M le Maudit

Durant l'hiver, à Vienne, des enfants disparaissent sans que leurs corps ne soient retrouvés. La presse à scandale s'indigne des lacunes de l'enquête policière, la classe politique se déchire et la mafia s'inquiète d'une répression touchant ses activités illégales. Le meurtrier de ces enfants doit être retrouvé....