

Comment regarder Superman sur Netflix gratuitement

How Superman Defeated the KKK

How Superman Defeated the KKK

In the aftermath of World War II, writer and activist, Stetson Kennedy, sets out on a one-man mission to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan. Kennedy risks his life to pass on valuable Klan information to the producers of the Superman Radio Show..

Superman Recites Selections from 'The Bell Jar' and Other Works by Sylvia Plath

Superman Recites Selections from 'The Bell Jar' and Other Works by Sylvia Plath

In Superman Recites Selections from 'The Bell Jar' and Other Works by Sylvia Plath an actor portrays Superman and does exactly what the title describes. In a dark no-place evocative of Superman's own psychic 'Fortress of Solitude' the alienated Man of Steel recites those sections of Plath's writings that utilize the image of the bell jar. Superman directs these lines to Kandor, the bell jar city that represents his own traumatic past, for he is the only surviving member of a planet that has been destroyed. Kandor now sits, frozen in time, a perpetual reminder of his inability to escape that past, and his alienated relationship to his present world. For us, Kandor is an image of a time that never was — the utopian city of the future that never came to be..

We Are Superman

We Are Superman

Kansas City has suffered from hyper-segregation for over 60 years. We Are Superman chronicles the story of Troost Avenue, which lies in the heart of KC. Troost draws a geographic line between black and white, rich and poor. A growing movement unites to transform Troost from a dividing line into a gathering place. On the corner of 31st St. and Troost Ave., a community of people are battling against prejudicial legislation, exploitative corporations, and a stereotype that has stigmatized the urban core since the industrial revolution. This is the story their work, their vision, and how they are no longer waiting on a Superman to come save them..

The Superman/Batman Adventures

The Superman/Batman Adventures

The Superman/Batman Adventures was a television series that aired on USA Network in 1995. It was later aired on Cartoon Network and Boomerang. The series featured edited episodes of various seasons of the Super Friends, as well The New Adventures of Superman, The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure, and The Batman/Superman Hour. This show is noteworthy since it featured the 1983 episodes of the Super Friends for the first time on American television..

Superman On Trial

Superman On Trial

Superman On Trial To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Superman the BBC produced a docudrama about Metropolis’ superhero. This story was partly based on Superman: Last Son of Krypton and some early issues of Adventures of Superman. The BBC released an Audiobook production in 2010..

Man of Steel

Man of Steel

Un petit garçon découvre qu’il possède des pouvoirs surnaturels et qu’il n’est pas né sur Terre. Plus tard, il s’engage dans un périple afin de comprendre d’où il vient et pourquoi il a été envoyé sur notre planète. Mais il devra devenir un héros s’il veut sauver le monde de la destruction totale et incarner l’espoir pour toute l’humanité..

Locke the Superman: Mirror Ring

Locke the Superman: Mirror Ring

In the space history year of 0375, the killing Plan of Esper and the Imperial Plan met with failure. Run, who had executed these plans because of his partiality for his own self-made computer named Elena, lived together with Locke and Near under their protection. At the same time, Cassandra and Barcov of the Hackers netted the widely dispersed computers in each corner of space, and they succeeded in reviving some abandoned programs. This was the federal administrative computer, Elena. She tried to start the previous Imperial Plan again. When Locke found out about it, he set off to stop it. At the same time, the federal administration which detected something abnormal, also started to move. Involving Run and Near who chased Locke, the confusion was expanding to the entire Galaxy....

Kinnikuman: Justice Superman vs. Ancient Superman

Kinnikuman: Justice Superman vs. Ancient Superman

While Kinnikuman is on vacation with Mari-san's kindergarten class at Easter Island, the young wheelchair-bound Kouichi-kun laments being with an idiot like Kinnikuman, preferring to instead be with his favorite Seigi Choujin Buffaloman. Meanwhile, the other Seigi Choujins are also vacationing at ancient landmarks..

Little Superman

Little Superman

World War II Japan...the Japanese military learn that the Chinese government has stolen some secret military plans and that they will attempt to send them to Hong Kong via Macau. When a respected Chinese officer is ambushed, he must rely on his old friend (played by 'Bruce Liang' ) to help him overthrow the Japanese and successfully send the plans to Hong Kong..

Locke the Superman: Lord Leon

Locke the Superman: Lord Leon

It is the year 336 of the Space Century on the planet of Sieren, and in the state of Innex, Flora Rain-who is blind-is employed at an elementary school. Flora is adored by her students, the principal of the school, and all the town's people, and enjoys a peaceful life in the town. By chance, she meets a strange youth named Locke. Locke has numerous superpowers, although he is very discreet about them and gives the impression of being an ordinary youth. One day, Locke is visited by a Military man, Major Caliann, who requests Locke's assistance in their investigation of Lordleon. Lordleon and his space pirates have attacked the enterprise Astoria Concern, but the chairman, Great Georg, didn't report the incident to the Union. The Union though this very strange, and decided to investigate Lordleon..

Kinnikuman: Counterattack! Hidden Space Superman

Kinnikuman: Counterattack! Hidden Space Superman

As the whole world watches the Choujin Rugby game on TV, the "Underground Space Emperor" Hydra King has his Underground Space Supermen kidnap Robin Mask. Their aim is to lure out the Seigi Choujins and then attack them using the Robin Memo, which contains info on all of the Seigi Choujin's weaknesses. Watching on TV all over the world, Kinnikuman and the Seigi Choujins get together and head for Planet Hydra..

Neutron the Atomic Superman vs. the Death Robots

Neutron the Atomic Superman vs. the Death Robots

The evil scientist Dr. Caronte plots to revive the brains of three dead scientists and use them to obtain the formula for the super-powerful neutron bomb. The resulting creation needs blood lots of blood, sending Caronte's midget assistant Nick and his legion of mutant monsters out to get fresh victims. However, the masked atom-superman Neutron vows to put a stop to Caronte's deeds..

Kinnikuman: Justice Superman vs. Soldier Superman

Kinnikuman: Justice Superman vs. Soldier Superman

Meat-kun has been kidnapped by Iron Mask. In order to save Meat-kun, the treasure of Inmora Island is needed. Furthermore, the treasure is hidden in the Seven Story Tower, which is guarded by the brutal Senshi Choujins. When Kinnikuman asks Terryman and the Seigi Choujins to help him, for some reason they all refuse. Alone, Kinnikuman heads to Inmora Island to fight the Senshi Chōjin and is overwhelmed by their great numbers..

Max Fleischer's Superman: Speeding Toward Tomorrow

Max Fleischer's Superman: Speeding Toward Tomorrow

Superman’s exploits in the Fleischer series modernized the monomyth of the Greek godlike hero and expanded and romanticized the prevalent themes of sci-fi and fantasy. It was this combination of heartfelt storytelling, relatable heroes and amazing visuals that has endeared the Fleischer series to fans as one of the greatest superhero stories of all time. This featurette explores the visual storytelling as the lavish animation, with special attention paid to all the atomic age technology, pushes science fiction closer to becoming a powerful social and pop culture force..