

Comment regarder Nocturne sur Netflix gratuitement

Nocturnal Roadwork

Nocturnal Roadwork

Nocturnal Roadwork is to end as if nothing had happened in the morning.It's a construction for repairing a road.And construction is for a scar unnoticeable, before I knew it..



In the darkness of the polar night, a scientist tries to shed light on a remarkable phenomenon: an Arctic village in hibernation. When she discovers that the sleepers are all breathing synchronously, however, she slowly abandons the role of the observer..

Nocturnal Butterflies

Nocturnal Butterflies

Nocturnal Butterflies is Servais' serene and melancholic homage to Belgian surrealist Paul Delvaux (1897-1994), whose architectural paintings serve as the basis for the mise-en-scène for the film, and whose opaquely gazed women represent the enigmatic, silent witnesses who guard the secrets of the eccentric artist's curious world of precisely rendered, hermetic construction..

The Nocturnal Kids

The Nocturnal Kids

An 18-year-old boy named Haewon hates his father for being unfaithful to his mother. In the same apartment block, Ha-young becomes an orphan after her father passed away. One night, they decide to take revenge on the irresponsible adults..

A Nocturnal Roam

A Nocturnal Roam

At night, the escort girl Muduo and the writer Mianshan stroll in the People's Park. Mianshan tells of a novel he dedicated to his fiancée, which takes place after the end of the world, where a boy travels through an abandoned aquarium to rescue a dying mermaid. As the story progresses, the park seems to gradually become isolated from the world, and Mianshan searches for an exit back to reality, while the clues seem to be hidden in the experiences that Muduo shares with his fiancée..



De combien de douleurs, de combien de vies se compose l’existence au Moyen-Orient ? Notturno a été tourné au cours des trois dernières années le long des frontières de l’Irak, du Kurdistan, de la Syrie et du Liban ; tout autour, des signes de violence et de destruction, et au premier plan l’humanité qui se réveille chaque jour d’une nuit qui paraît infinie..

Talk Radio

Talk Radio

Dans une radio locale de Dallas, un animateur avec une très forte personnalité bat les records d'audience avec une émission de nuit où il dialogue en direct de façon agressive avec les auditeurs, principalement des marginaux et des psychopathes attirés par l'antenne libre....

Nocturno: Ghosts of the Sea in Port

Nocturno: Ghosts of the Sea in Port

The Spanish vessel ‘Ilha Brava’ arrives from the deep seas of the south Atlantic. 55 days at sea are interrupted by only five days docked in the port of Montevideo. The city exists as a hologram for the sailors, standing like a shadow behind the vessel that gives shelter. Men of diverse nationalities and religions, yet all share the same broken gaze, in which a dream of home absorbed through a screen is a haunting and entertaining presence during the long dead hours of waiting..