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Inspetor Max

Inspetor Max

"Inspector Max" is a Portuguese television series created by Virgílio Castelo e Produções Fictícias and broadcast on TVI. Its story is a dog called "Max", who is caught by Inspector Jorge Mendes' two sons (Fernando Luís). Jorge Mendes is a lonely man whose wife died when his children were still small. He works at the DIC of Setúbal, Department of Criminal Investigation, in the 1st season. The successful DIC team from Setúbal was invited to go to DECC (Special Department for Combating Crime) and started the 2nd season. His boss, Graça Madureira (Fátima Belo), after some cases resolved in the DECC, was invited to join Interpol. In the 2nd season, the place is occupied by actress Sílvia Rizzo. Max, Jorge and Sérgio, Jorge's best friend, constitute the victorious trio. A series based on mystery and case solving..

Max et le diable

Max et le diable

Lorsque Max meurt dans un accident, il va tout droit en enfer. Mais le diable Barney lui fait une offre: s'il parvient à obtenir trois jeunes innocents de lui vendre leurs âmes dans les deux prochains mois, il peut rester sur la terre. Max accepte et retourne à la terre, doté de pouvoirs spéciaux. Cependant sa tâche est plus difficile que prévu, surtout à l'âge de 7 ans Tobi exige qu'il épouser sa mère..

Mister Max

Mister Max

Le marchand de journaux Gianni (De Sica) est confondu avec le comte Max Varaldo et commence à mener une double vie, courtisant une noble comme comte et sa femme de chambre comme marchand de journaux. Une délicieuse comédie de "téléphones blancs" jouait tous sur le malentendu sentimental..



From the moment Máxima Zorreguieta appears at the Dutch crown prince’s side, she finds herself in the spotlight. When Willem-Alexander asks her to marry him, the past catches up with her. Heated discussion erupts about her father’s political career in the Videla regime – a discussion she never faced in her own circles. What allows this Argentine to finally thrive at an old European court? And how can Máxima stay true to herself without giving up her family – or do these things not go together?.