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Tiny Tim: King for a Day

Tiny Tim: King for a Day

The story of Tiny Tim’s improbable rise to stardom is the ultimate fairytale - and so is that of his downfall. For a brief time, the shy and truly unusual outsider artist was the biggest star in the world..

King Christian IX Receives Grand Duke Friedrich-Franz

King Christian IX Receives Grand Duke Friedrich-Franz

In September 1903 the ferry line between Gedser in Denmark and Warnemünde in Germany was opened. The images are from the opening of the route which included King Christian IX, Grand Duke Friedrich-Franz IV of Mecklenburg Schwerin (1882-1945), Crown Prince Frederik and members of the Duentzer ministry (1901-1905)..

Le Roi Lion - Les nouvelles Aventures

Le Roi Lion - Les nouvelles Aventures

Les animaux batifolent joyeusement. Les singes sautent de branche en branche et les éléphants se retrouvent au point d'eau pour se désaltérer. Tout est prétexte au jeu et les petits éléphanteaux s'aspergent avec leurs trompes. Sur la berge, un lionceaux o,souciant passe son temps à gambader avec un crocodile. Dans sa mare, l’hippopotame reçoit....

Zuckerberg: King of the Metaverse

Zuckerberg: King of the Metaverse

The documentary explores Zuckerberg's journey from a Harvard student to founder and CEO of Facebook. Two decades after Facebook was established, a feature-length documentary tells the inside story of the events that shaped Mark Zuckerberg's life and career, and the impact they have had on people's lives. Told through testimony from key figures and archive footage, Zuckerberg: King of the Metaverse looks at the rise of the world's youngest billionaire..

Le Voleur du roi

Le Voleur du roi

Réalisateur: Robert Z. Leonard Scénaristes: Robert Hardy Andrews (histoire) Christopher Knopf Date de sortie: 5 août 1955 (USA) Voir plus » Genre: Aventure.

Letter to the King

Letter to the King

In Letter to the King we meet a group of refugees, all with their own agendas, on an excursion to Oslo. A young man about to be deported visits his former employers to collect his off-the-books salary, a martial arts expert is looking for work, a young woman is haunted by the past and out for vengeance and an old man named Mirza is busy writing a letter to the king to get his final wish granted. An altogether urgent and nuanced portrait of a motley group of individuals, too often regarded as a homogeneous group..

Un roi à New York

Un roi à New York

Chassé de son pays, l'Estrovie, le roi Shahdov a choisi, comme des millions d'exilés avant lui, de se réfugier aux États-Unis, la nouvelle Terre promise. Dès son arrivée, les autorités prennent ses empreintes digitales. Les déboires du roi déchu ne font que commencer. Il fait la connaissance d'Ann Kay, qui travaille à la télévision, et participe bientôt, contre son gré, à une vulgaire émission publicitaire. Plus tard, visitant une maison de redressement, il se lie d'amitié avec un malheureux gamin doué d'une conscience politique précoce. Cette rencontre, elle non plus, ne lui portera pas chance….

The Bloody Fists

The Bloody Fists

Yuen Woo Ping, who would in time become one of the world's leading martial arts choreographers, blocked the fight scenes for this Kung Fu action extravaganza. A small Chinese town is being torn apart by a conflict between local farmers and Japanese soldiers of fortune, who have been brought to town to liberate supplies of a rare Chinese herb. A martial arts expert gifted in both Chinese and Japanese fighting disciplines passes through town, and takes it upon himself to settle the feud..

La Boutique d'Animaux

La Boutique d'Animaux

Mickey est l'employé de Tony dans sa boutique d'animaux. Mais l'un des pensionnaires, Beppo le gorille, arrive à s'échapper de sa cage. Il prend en otage Minnie. Mickey se bat contre les animaux de la boutique afin de sauver sa fiancée..