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There are many in-betweens in my film. The most relevant that are in the source material are essential to the film, they are their own Time and Space generators, they are what exists between each of the imagens..

In Between Mountains And Oceans

In Between Mountains And Oceans

Finding their place between the forest and the sea, the Japanese have always felt awe and gratitude toward Nature. Since ancient times, they have negotiated their own unique relationship with their natural surroundings. Acclaimed photographer Masa-aki Miyazawa discovered the essence of that ancient way of living in Ise Jingu, Japan’s holiest Shinto shrine. Inspired by the idea of sending a message to the future in the same way this ancient shrine keeps alive the traditions of the past, Miyazawa used an ultra-high resolution 4K camera to create a breathtaking visual journey linking the Ise forest with other forests throughout Japan..

In Between

In Between

A documentary about dreams that run away when you wake up, but above all about fragments from dreams that linger. And about fears as driving forces..

In Between

In Between

Johan's mother Inga Britt falls ill with Alzheimer's disease at the same time as he himself becomes a parent. These crucial life events force them to deal with their complicated relationship, which essentially has lasted a lifetime. In this personal documentary, Johan decides to unravel and deepen his relations with his mother, before it is too late..

In Between

In Between

By instinct, he covers the flame before him. The fire consumes tears and fever, little by little. Only then the sorrow begins. A cold wind sweeps the ashes from the floor and freezes the room..

In Between

In Between

A young medic decides to escape the devastating horrors of war and wanders off into the endless snowy wilderness. Unexpectedly, he crosses paths with a family who has set a table in the cold fields..

In Between

In Between

Osman can understand his mother tongue, Kurdish, but cannot speak it, and he speaks Turkish, which happens to be his second language, but cannot understand it. As a result of this condition of his, Osman starts to fail at handling two concurrent tasks. Just like he cannot respond to his patrons while he is working, he cannot engage in a conversation with his friends whilst they are having coffee together. Even though he wants to get married, he fails at sustaining a long-term relationship with women whom he meets. Osman’s life starts to change after a customer tells him that she could help him with his obsession..

In Between

In Between

In rural Kosovo, identical houses are built for family members working abroad, in the hope that they will one day return to settle in their old homeland..

In-between seasons

In-between seasons

Yoon-hee, who is just around the corner of her official dance class exam, is very sensitive to her boyfriend Hyun-woo. without knowing the circumstances of Hyun-woo.

In-between World

In-between World

It showcases stories of migrants and their descendants in Germany: a monument for a Pakistani poet, the payslips of a Turkish Gastarbeiter, three sisters turning a decolonial gaze on Bavarian history..



Some people say that "movies are made by connecting still pictures”, but that is not true. A frame of the film is not a photograph, but “something that failed to exercise”..

In-Between Takes

In-Between Takes

In-Between Takes is a story of what happens in between two takes on a film set, and showcases the subtle conflict that arise between cast and crew, told from the static observations of the film set's camera..

In-Between Days

In-Between Days

Chiranjit and Bubai are two young transgender friends from Kolkata. Hailing from poor and uneducated families, they confronted social castration from a tender age. However, it helped strengthening their bond as friends. Bubai, often mistreated in his family, seeks love and care outside. He falls in love with a boy only to be dumped for a 'real' girl. Chiranjit, an only child, is relatively accepted by his parents. He wants a good job. But nobody wants a feminine boy in company. In 2009, they joined Manas Bangla, a non-profit organization working in LGBT advocacy and HIV awareness. Their job is to generate consciousness amongst high risk youth and bring them in for blood test. Days pass. Bubai gets a new boyfriend. He is happy now. Chiranjit gets a promotion in Manas Bangla and becomes Bubai's superior. But this development in their personal life and career opens up a rift. Soon they stopped talking to each other..