

Où voir Stella Netflix

Laura's Star Xmas Special

Laura's Star Xmas Special

Just when Laura and her family were preparing to spend the Christmas holidays at Aunt Martha, the car breaks down and must spend Christmas at home, and without a tree. A fun adventure for the whole family..

Rising Star

Rising Star

A middle-aged lady, Myung-ja becomes one of the candidates for an amateur swimming competition. Myung-ja doesn’t want to let a teenage girl, Ji-gyu get the chance..

L'Étoile de Valencia

L'Étoile de Valencia

Pedro avait abandonné sa femme, croyant qu'elle le trompait. Il la retrouve par hasard, devenue chanteuse dans un cabaret de Palma. Elle est embarquée de force sur l'Étoile de Valencia, un navire qui fait la traite des femmes, mais Pedro parvient à la délivrer ainsi que ses compagnes..

Voyage autour d'une étoile

Voyage autour d'une étoile

An old astronomer has been transfixed by a star for a long time. He had but one thought: to travel to it, to declare his love for it! But how? A simple but ingenious solution-- A giant bubble. Velle remade the film for Italian studio Cines in the same year..