

voir film Forgiveness streaming vf

Dieu me pardonne

Dieu me pardonne

This video is made up of television footage recorded between 2001 and 2004. A large part of the imagery was collected during a residence where participants were invited to record their channel-hopping of television stations from all over the world. A hadith – a narration brought from the prophet Muhammad - concerning women, provides the thread: “the first look at a woman is for you, the second is for the devil, the third is a crime”. (MF).

I Won't Forget, I Won't Forgive

I Won't Forget, I Won't Forgive

The daughter of the hero of the film urgently needs the help of a qualified doctor. He has the cherished address in his hands. The one to whom he is already rushing across the city recognizes him immediately. But now she's an obstetrician—gynecologist, and she's going to have a hard night..

God Doesn't Forgive Me

God Doesn't Forgive Me

Lezo Urreiztieta was a 16th-century pirate, born by mistake in 1907. Risking his life, he saved that of hundreds of people; he negotiated with foreign governments for a free Basque Country; he managed to slip 17 boats full of weapons into Bilbao during the Civil War; he was on the point of killing Franco... Forty years after his death, the tape recorder of writer Martin Ugalde reveals his incredible story told in the voice of the actual protagonist. Starting with unpublished conversations between the two held from 1975 to 1978, this film sheds light on the testimony of a key character in 20th century Basque history..

I forgive you, Mama

I forgive you, Mama

Maya is Ayaibex's daughter, an addict in recovery that feels a blame for damages that caused her daughter, Maya decides to remember her mother's childhood experiences in her world of addiction to seek the redemption of the weight that her mother has loaded for 20 years and get both to forgiveness..

God Will Forgive

God Will Forgive

The Ukrainian chaplain trying to get out of the Donbas gray area, stumbles upon a shot convoy of separatists, where he encounters a mortally wounded mercenary and is faced with a choice - to help or continue to flee, but suddenly inadvertently steps on an antipersonnel mine..

Aishiteru - Kaiyo -

Aishiteru - Kaiyo -

Un jour en rentrant de l'école, Ozawa Kiyotaka (7 ans) se fait tuer par Noguchi Tomoya (10 ans). Cette série montre la vie des 2 familles, pourtant sans histoires, après le drame..

Conscience Doesn't Forgive

Conscience Doesn't Forgive

Nurdin is a man who failed to protect friendship and love, who retreated before deceit and hypocrisy. The benevolent viewer is personified by the Old Man, a character who seems to stand outside the plot. Nurdin tells the Old Man about his life..



Sinners unsuccessfully try to get out of hell on the rock. One of them asks for the help of an angel flying by, and he decides to help....

Yalda, la nuit du pardon

Yalda, la nuit du pardon

Iran, de nos jours. Maryam, 22 ans, tue accidentellement son mari Nasser, 65 ans. Elle est condamnée à mort. La seule personne qui puisse la sauver est Mona, la fille de Nasser. Il suffirait que Mona accepte de pardonner Maryam en direct devant des millions de spectateurs, lors d’une émission de téléréalité. En Iran cette émission existe, elle a inspiré cette fiction..

Blood of the Innocent

Blood of the Innocent

A Chicago cop goes to Poland to get the hoods who killed his brother. When he finds out they belong to the local outfit of the Russian mob, he takes on the outfit's boss, as well as Dr. Lem, who handles illegal organ trade for the mob..



In a small western town our hero Durango delivers his prisoner to the jailhouse and then goes to the local saloon where the lady saloon owner Joanne has eyes only for him. But Durango only has eyes for his bride-to-be Lucy. Four masked men attack Lucy's father's farm and steal Lucy's dowry. They kill Lucy and her parents after the father strips the face mask from one of the bandits. A pocket watch is stripped from one of the bandits by Lucy's father and this is the only clue that Durango will have to revenge his love... With Joanne's help can Durango avenge himself?.

Cruel Perdón

Cruel Perdón

A high class boy lives with his mother and aunt in a gothic mansion. One day he finds his death mother, laying in the bath. Apparently she killed herself. The boy starts to live under his Aunt's custody, mysteriously he starts to get sick for no reason..