

voir film Der Fall streaming vf

Un coupable parfait : l'affaire Bruno Lüdke

Un coupable parfait : l'affaire Bruno Lüdke

L'incroyable histoire de Bruno Lüdke (1908-44), le présumé pire meurtrier de masse de l'histoire criminelle allemande ; ou en fait, une histoire de dossiers falsifiés et de fausses nouvelles qui se déroule pendant les années les plus sombres du Troisième Reich, lorsque les principes de la justice pénale, soumis au joug d'un système totalitaire qui commence à s'effondrer, ne veulent absolument rien dire..

Homicide Hunter: Lt Joe Kenda

Homicide Hunter: Lt Joe Kenda

A non-fiction investigative series of murder cases told through the personal experience of retired detective, Lieutenant Joe Kenda. Through re-enactments, discussions with investigation teams, and interviews with victims' families and other involved persons, the show highlights Kenda's successes with his 400 homicide case history and 92 percent solution rate..

The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny

The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny

Depicts the consumerism of the mythical city of Mahagonny, conveying all its ripe decadence. A Hollywood Babylon full of pyramidal towers, carved elephants, commodified sex and licensed gluttony. An opera in three acts, live from the Salzburger Festspiele, 1998. Conductor: Dennis Russell Davies. Stage Director: Peter Zadek..

Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny

Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny

In an imaginary American city, God consigns its licentious citizens to hell but they truculently reply that they are already there. Mahagonny ‘the city of nets’ is founded in the desert by three criminals on the run from the police. It is to be a city devoted to pleasure. The only god is money. So Jimmy Mahoney, the hedonistic lumberjack, is condemned to death for being unable to pay the bill for the whisky he has consumed. A testament to the fertile but fraught collaboration between composer Kurt Weill and man of theatre Bertolt Brecht, Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny is one of the great operas of the 20th century. Brecht might have resented the dominance of the music over the words but together they created a work with rich melody and unstoppable dramatic momentum..

Richard Cœur de Lion - Le Roi pris au piège

Richard Cœur de Lion - Le Roi pris au piège

Retour sur l’épopée médiévale de ce souverain pressé. Roi d’Angleterre, Richard Cœur de Lion a régné à la fin du XIIe siècle pendant une décennie sur des terres qu’il connaissait à peine. Ne parlant guère la langue de Shakespeare et comptabilisant tout juste 6 mois de séjour dans son royaume d’Angleterre, Richard Cœur de Lion (1157-1199), héritier des possessions des Plantagenêt après la mort de son frère aîné, ne ressemble à aucun autre souverain..

Ausgerastet und abgestürzt: Der Fall des Angry German Kid

Ausgerastet und abgestürzt: Der Fall des Angry German Kid

Be it as ‘Unreal Tournament Kid’, ‘KeyboardCrasher’, or ‘Angry German Kid’: Almost everywhere across the world this video of a youth who freaks out whilst playing on the computer and destroys his keyboard is known. Many still share it today as a meme when chatting without knowing that it was staged. Also: the young guy never uploaded the video himself. Powerless, he had to witness how it was shared and distorted countless times – how it destroyed a part of his life. Now, for the first time, Norman Kochanowski speaks with ZAPP about his story and the consequences of virality..