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Come Get Some: The Women of the WWF

Come Get Some: The Women of the WWF

The hottest women in the World Wrestling Federation : Sable, Tori, Jacqueline, Chyna, Debra, Terri and Ivory are all profiled in this documentary style video with footage from womens matches including interviews with the ladies themselves and a few WWF stars..

Beyond the Powder: The Legacy of the First Women's Cross-Country Air Race

Beyond the Powder: The Legacy of the First Women's Cross-Country Air Race

The first Women’s Air Derby was flown in 1929 with brave women making history by breaking into a competition that was thought to be for men only. They encountered sabotage, death, and all the difficulties of flying at the dawn of aviation. Today the Powder Puff Derby continues as the Air Race Classic. The modern-day racers carry out the legacy of the original racers with their adventurous spirit..

Letters Live from the Archive: International Women’s Day

Letters Live from the Archive: International Women’s Day

Celebrate International Women’s Day with this brand new inspiring film from LETTERS LIVE. In “LETTERS LIVE from the Archive: International Women’s Day”, remarkable letters are read by a diverse array of outstanding luminaries, including stunning performances from Olivia Colman, Gillian Anderson, Daisy Ridley, Caitlin Moran, Rose McGowan, Adwoa Aboah, Louise Brealey and more. Plus music from Roxanne Tataei..

Jacky au royaume des filles

Jacky au royaume des filles

En république démocratique et populaire de Bubunne, les femmes ont le pouvoir, commandent et font la guerre, et les hommes portent le voile et s’occupent de leur foyer. Parmi eux, Jacky, un garçon de vingt ans, a le même fantasme inaccessible que tous les célibataires de son pays : épouser la Colonelle, fille de la dictatrice, et avoir plein de petites filles avec elle. Mais quand la Générale décide enfin d’organiser un grand bal pour trouver un mari à sa fille, les choses empirent pour Jacky : maltraité par sa belle-famille, il voit son rêve peu à peu lui échapper….

WWII Women on the Frontline

WWII Women on the Frontline

Defying expectations, overcoming prejudices, and often outperforming their counterparts, these are the courageous, and unwritten stories of the women who fought the Nazis. This remarkable documentary explores the daring and unknown histories of the remarkable pilots, journalists, guerrillas and spies who fought, flew, and died across Britain, Germany, France and beyond during World War II..

Le Bal des folles

Le Bal des folles

Paris, fin du XIXe siècle. Eugénie est une jeune fille lumineuse et passionnée. Mais Eugénie a un don unique : elle entend et voit les morts. Quand sa famille découvre son secret, elle est emmenée par son père et son frère dans la clinique neurologique de La Salpêtrière, sans possibilité d’échapper à son destin. Cette clinique, dirigée par l’éminent professeur Charcot, l’un des pionniers de la neurologie et de la psychiatrie, accueille des femmes diagnostiquées hystériques, folles, épileptiques, ou plus simplement victimes de maladies physiques et mentales. Le chemin d’Eugénie va alors croiser celui de Geneviève, une infirmière de l’unité neurologique, dont la vie défile sous ses yeux sans qu’elle la vive vraiment. Leur rencontre va changer leurs destins à jamais, alors qu’elles se préparent à assister au fameux « Bal des folles » organisé tous les ans par le professeur Charcot au sein de la clinique....

The Women of Doctor Who

The Women of Doctor Who

Behind every great time lord there's a great woman. Whether they're busting Daleks or the Doctor's ego, the women of Doctor Who prove that you don't need testosterone to save the universe..

Black Women and World War II: The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion

Black Women and World War II: The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion

In the midst of World War II, the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, an all-female African-American unit, undertook the monumental task of sorting and delivering a massive backlog of mail for the U.S. military. Despite facing deplorable working conditions and the pervasive dual discrimination of race and gender, these women served their country with unbreakable determination and pride. Led by the formidable Major Charity Adams, they not only achieved their mission in half the expected time but also broke barriers, standing firm against inequality and inspiring future generations. Tragically overlooked for years, the story of the 6888th sheds light on a remarkable, untold chapter of American history, reflecting both the triumphs and injustices that shaped the nation's path towards civil rights. Their courage and resilience continue to resonate, a poignant reminder of the societal strides still needed to fully recognize and honor their invaluable contribution..

All the Women in the World

All the Women in the World

In this contemporary romantic comedy about love in all its forms, All the Women in the World tells the story of Paulo, a bohemian dreamer that lives his relationships intensively, falling deeply for all the women he meets. Never able to forget Maria Alice, his greatest love, he counts on the advice of his two best friends to face the emotions of his accomplishments and breakups..

Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelot

Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelot

They were more than Washington wives. They were part of an American dream known as Camelot. With strength and cunning they upheld their public image by concealing their private truths. Jackie, Ethel and Joan had little choice. They were Kennedy women. What really unfolded behind the monolith of Kennedy power is revealed for the first time: the true story of the Kennedy reign told through the eyes of the three women who lived it..

Sisters of the Screen - African Women in the Cinema

Sisters of the Screen - African Women in the Cinema

Exploring the extraordinary contributions of women filmmakers from Africa and the diaspora, Beti Ellerson’s engaging debut intersperses interviews with such acclaimed women directors as Safi Faye, Sarah Maldoror, Anne Mungai, Fanta Régina Nacro and Ngozi Onwurah with footage from their seminal work. With power and nuance, Ellerson also confronts the thorny question of cultural authenticity by revisiting the legendary 1991 FESPACO (Pan-African Festival of Cinema and Television of Ouagadougou), in which diasporian women were asked to leave a meeting intended for African woman only. This film is both a valuable anthology and a fitting homage to the pioneers and new talents of African cinema..