

The Times That Are voirfilms

Graduation Time Limit

Graduation Time Limit

A popular English teacher, Mizuguchi Risako has been kidnapped three days before the high school's graduation ceremony. Four high school seniors received a mysterious challenge letter, asking them to solve the mystery of the kidnapping case within 72 hours. The four students are Kurokawa Yoshiki, his childhood friend Takahata Ayane, sports all-rounder Ogita Junpei, and school's beauty contest winner Komatsu Mio. The four students were wondering why they're the only ones who received the letter, but later gradually found out the "other face" of Mizuguchi which she has been hiding..

Evangelion:3.0+1.01 Thrice Upon A Time

Evangelion:3.0+1.01 Thrice Upon A Time

Quatrième et dernier volet de Rebuild of Evangelion. Misato et son groupe anti-NERV, Wille, arrivent à Paris rougie par la core-ization. L'équipage du vaisseau Wunder atterrit sur une tour de confinement. Ils ont 720 secondes pour remettre la ville sur pied. Une horde de NERV Evas apparaît et l'Unité Eva 8 améliorée de Mari doit l'intercepter. Entretemps, Shinji, Asuka et Rei flânent au Japon..

Wolf Messing: Seeing Through Time

Wolf Messing: Seeing Through Time

In the country of materialists, Messing is listed as a hypnotist and magician, he is both an experimenter and a test subject, and unofficially becomes Stalin’s own astrologer. He survived two dictators and remained here as an “unusual magician,” a strange predictor whose predictions invariably came true. Wolf Messing kept secrets that there was no one to share with him, secrets that died with him. But the greatest secret was himself, the genius and charlatan Wolf Messing..

Je me fais isekai pour la deuxième fois…

Je me fais isekai pour la deuxième fois…

Basé sur le roman Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome Desu de Kazuha Kishimoto. Alors que le monde d'Eclair était en danger à cause de la guerre entre les Humains, les Hommes-bêtes et les démons, un homme fut invoqué. Après avoir sauvé ce monde, il retourna au pays des humains. Cependant, ce qui l'attendait était un piège du Roi qui craignait sa puissance. Ainsi, le Roi le renvoya dans son monde originel, le faisant ainsi renaître dans le corps d'un bébé. Environ 16 ans plus tard, cet ancien héros nommé Suzaki Setsu est devenu un lycéen qui se fait harceler par les racailles du coin. Soudainement, il se retrouve une nouvelle fois invoqué dans cet autre monde avec cependant une petite différence : ses camarades de classe ont eux aussi été invoqués. Nous allons ainsi suivre le quotidien de cet ancien héros durant son voyage pour stopper une nouvelle fois la guerre..

Second Child Time

Second Child Time

The young mom Jin Cancan, born in 1985, brought up her daughter Lu Xin'er for four years at home. She wanted to have the second child. With the support of her parents-in-law, Jin Cancan went to apply for a second-child birth permit, but was opposed by her mother. Moreover, the income of Jin Cancan and her husband could not guarantee the life quality of the second-child family. The helpless Cancan sent her daughter to kindergarten in order to return to her job. When she returned to work, she found out that she was pregnant..

Tokio: Message Across Time

Tokio: Message Across Time

Has one person changed your life? A proud but lazy loser, Takumi dreams of getting rich as he gambles his girlfriend's money away. One day, he is rescued from a fight by a strange young man named Tokio. Tokio tells a weird story -- that he is Takumi's son from the future and has come to save his old man from a tragedy! Before this can sink in, Takumi's girlfriend disappears. Can they save her? Or will the future change for the worse?.

Les Couloirs du temps : Les Visiteurs II

Les Couloirs du temps : Les Visiteurs II

Un coup de théâtre interrompt les préparatifs du mariage de Godefroy de Montmirail et de Frénégonde de Pouille. On vient de dérober au duc, le père de Frénégonde, la dentelette de Sainte-Rolande, relique sacrée qui assure fécondité aux femmes de la famille de Pouille ainsi que tous ses bijoux. Ce sont Jacquouille et Ginette qui ont fait ce larcin et sont partis dans le présent. Il ne reste plus qu'une solution à Godefroy s'il veut réaliser son mariage et assurer sa descendance : repartir dans le présent, récupérer les bijoux, la dentelette et Jacquouille la fripouille..

Il était une seconde fois

Il était une seconde fois

Vincent Dauda, la trentaine, rêve de reconquérir son ex, l’envoûtante Louise. Il traîne son chagrin jusqu’au jour où un livreur lui remet un colis qu’il n’a pas commandé. Une boîte étrange, sans fond, au travers de laquelle il expérimente un voyage temporel qui le ramène… aux côtés de Louise avant leur séparation..

Moi quand je me réincarne en Slime - Le film - Scarlet Bond

Moi quand je me réincarne en Slime - Le film - Scarlet Bond

Une conspiration se trame depuis longtemps à Raja, un petit pays à l'ouest de Tempest, autour d'une mystérieuse puissance connue sous le nom de « Reine ». Lorsqu'un slime (créature la plus banale qui soit) ayant évolué en un roi-démon nommé Limule Tempest croise le chemin de Hiiro, un survivant des Ogres, une incroyable aventure commence ! Elle sera faite de rencontres avec de nouveaux personnages, mais leurs liens seront mis à rude épreuve….

My First Time

My First Time

6 young people gather on the rooftop of Tae-O's house as their hideout. Tae-O lives there alone. They all have their own stories..

Other Times

Other Times

Senator Merlin's battle for the abolition of houses of ill repute, told by the prostitute Maddalena through a letter. A story of redemption and female self-determination, in a historical context reconstructed with skill and accuracy..

The Life and Times of a Sentinel

The Life and Times of a Sentinel

The Life and Times of a Sentinel is a 2011 Hong Kong historical-fiction television drama produced by Television Broadcasts Limited, with Leung Choi-yuen serving as the executive producer. Set in the late 17th century, during the early years of the Kangxi Emperor's reign over Qing China, the drama stars Nip Dor-po, a third-grade imperial bodyguard. He is used by both the Kangxi Emperor and Prince Yu to pit against each other, conflicting Dor-po's loyalty for both..



What would you do if you knew that your time in life is ticking away by the minute? A mysterious "referee" appears in front of individuals in their dying moments while living their usual lives, and announces the exact amount of time they have left to live. Each individual must make a quick decision on how to best spend the time remaining before his or her time expires. --groink.

The Marshmallow Times

The Marshmallow Times

Sandy, a girl whose pet is a sheep-like creature named Cloud, and 6 other children — Jasmine, Lime, Basil, Clove, Nuts and Cinnamon — become friends and form a journalism team and adventure their world together..

Standing in the Time

Standing in the Time

A story that follows Lin Xia's journey to establishing a career in the world of publishing and how she finds love at the same time. Lin Xia has always been buoyed by her love for literary works and dreams of becoming a fashion editor one day. After graduation, she applies for a job at a publishing house but realizes on her first day that she has been 'lured' into the wrong department. Department head Qian Wen Feng has plenty of confidence in Lin Xia and tells her that as long as she does a good job, she'll have the chance to transfer to the editorial team. Lin Xia finds it difficult to keep up with the high-intensity nature of the work and her boss's expectations, but her optimistic attitude enables her to face the trials that come her way. By chance, Lin Xia encounters Zhou Zi Mo, a writer that she's been working with and they fall into a romance..

The Time Of Fever

The Time Of Fever

Ho Tae and Dong Hee have grown up like brothers since childhood. A few years ago, Ho Tae, who had moved to Seoul, returned to Gangneung after his father's funeral. Meanwhile, Dong Hee, who had come out and was kicked out of his home, began living alone in Ho Tae's empty house. Reuniting after a long time, the two start living together under one roof. Despite their close brotherly bond, Dong Hee can't help but feel excited seeing Ho Tae, his first love, again. Dong Hee tries to suppress his feelings, but it's not easy. Meeting Dong Hee after a long time, Ho Tae also starts experiencing emotions he has never felt before. In an effort to escape his confusing feelings, Ho Tae starts dating girls recklessly. Witnessing Ho Tae like this hurts Dong Hee, and after an unexpected incident, the delicate relationship between the two starts to gradually shift..

Morocco: Love in Times of War

Morocco: Love in Times of War

Oblivious to the strife that awaits them, a group of young nurses from Spain's upper class head to war-torn Marocco in 1921 to help where help is needed. Many lessons in love and life are learned before they overcome deepest conflicts, grow as human beings and find out what they really want from life and whom they truly love..