

The Body voirfilms

Body and Soul: The State of the Jewish Nation

Body and Soul: The State of the Jewish Nation

Through incisive conversations with key experts in history, archaeology, international law, political science and media, Body and Soul – The State of the Jewish Nation not only shows the undeniable historical connection between the Jewish People and the Land of Israel, but also succeeds in debunking the propaganda, myths and misinformation that have become deeply entrenched in public discourse..

The Rebel Body

The Rebel Body

Takes the story of Anna Göldi, the last European witch to be executed (1782) in Switzerland, as the point of departure and considers the ramifications of hearsay and storytelling. Highlighting the role of the witness, the work documents the landscapes that contain—and subtly recount—buried histories of injustices..

Stigmata: The Transfigured Body

Stigmata: The Transfigured Body

A graphic depiction of the many ways that women modify their bodies, through piercing, tattooing, branding and cuttings. This is a documentary about self determination and sexuality, beauty and the use of the body as a tool for self discovery..

Bodyline - The Ultimate Test

Bodyline - The Ultimate Test

This is the story of one of the most well known but perhaps least understood moments of conflict and controversy in the history of sport: the infamous Bodyline test cricket series of 1932 and 1933. Self-confessed cricket tragic and comedian Adam Zwar will try to discover what happened at the crease and chart the wider social and cultural implications of the controversy by enlisting historians, sports scientists, and cricket stars to simulate the actual events. Is there more to the legend of Bodyline than we think? Adam is going back in time to live out a childhood fantasy or two. He is going to use machines, fancy cameras, and the latest in computer graphics. Modern day players will help him prepare. Adam will witness the real damage a high speed cricket ball can do. In the end, Adam will be on his own - with no helmet, no modern padding, and just a bat for protection. How will he handle this ultimate test?.

The Body Besieged

The Body Besieged

Animated instructional photographs from yoga and workout books reveal bewitched and frenzied bodies and maneuvers. Exercising women move through a possessed psychic space that distorts and mirrors some of our daily routines. Their bodies point to haunted forces may lay behind a fevered sense of wellness..

The Body Machine

The Body Machine

The Body Machine is a landmark special on the human body that shows us just how much, how many, how large, how strong, how fast - just how amazing the body really is. Utilizing impressive large-scale real-life stunts, CGI and strong character stories, the show makes the staggering scale of the inner workings of the body tangible. We will show you how far our blood travels in just one day - an astounding 19, 000 km - from Quebec City to Buenos Aires and back. You will see all the cranial fluid you produce in your lifetime laid out in front of you - all 26,280 pint glasses worth. And in just one day you will take 23,000 breaths - enough air to fill 7,714 helium balloons. You will see all this and much more..

Concerning the Bodyguard

Concerning the Bodyguard

An anonymous henchman fulfils his role in a rigid hierarchy of power and control in this ingenious and visually dazzling film. Salman Rushdie clearly relishes his role as narrator for this adaptation of a razor-sharp satire written by Donald Barthelme..

The Body Electric

The Body Electric

Red Sector A was a paradise...for man's machines. The domed city was home to the last of the human race, where they lived in comfort, served by their robotic servants. Until one day a mysterious force turns the robots against their masters, and the machines cast the people out of Red Sector A into the wastelands outside. Years later, the robots have collapsed into dust without human maintenance, leaving two young people - Woody and Andrea - to live in the city. But the city is on the verge of a exploding as the shield generator approaches meltdown. Andrea and Woody have a few hours to escape Red Sector A, but the unknown force that caused the revolution is still present, and has it's own plans for them..

The Body Remembers

The Body Remembers

The footage was collected at AIDS fundraisers held at the time in Vancouver East Side, Canada from 1994 to 1996. The Body Remembers chronicles Francisco Ibanez-Carrasco's struggle to make drag into a form of artesania (not art) that heals. Drag allows us to present our damaged selves to others when we are disfigured and ugly by conventional standards. Ibanez-Carrasco struggled with Kaposi's Sarcoma and other AIDS-related opportunistic infections at that time and drag shows were a way to bring his extended family around him and to create awareness about AIDS..

The Second Body

The Second Body

It's been a long day, and you're tired. You come home, nearly doze off in front of the television set, then wander down the hall and plop on your bed expecting to fall asleep in a instant. But - suddenly and mysteriously - you find yourself paralyzed. Gushing sounds fill your ears. Bright flashes of light flicker under your closed eyelids. Then you feel as if you are beginning to float... The second film in our tribute to the late parapsychologist D. Scott Rogo, murdered in 1990 under mysterious circumstances..

Archiving the Body

Archiving the Body

As a striking experiment in framing and the body, two Australian dancers, Leisa Prowd and Tim Crafti (Tsuki) create a playful homage to the work of iconic performance artist Marina Abramovic. This Berlin apartment ritual is in monochrome with splashes of colour, as the dancers explore their own bodies, masks and clothing, stills and multimedia. Archiving the Body traces the dancers’ bodies as they move through stillness to playfully taking up space and frantically, wrapping and unwrapping themselves..