

Our Time

Our time on the Grass

Our time on the Grass

23-year-old young artist aims to build a settlement in Central Taipei, offering the artists a place to work with total freedom. As a result, he sets up a tent on the Huashan Grassland and carries out an experimental project called the “120 Grassroots Self-Autonomous Zone.” As the settlement gets bigger and bigger, the Utopia gradually takes shape. Nonetheless, when the shocking murder and dismemberment of a woman happens on the Grassland, the authorities demolish the settlement and these young artists are chased out of the Grassland by the public opinion. Having experienced the rise and the fall of the 120 Grassroots Self-Autonomous Zone, where would this group of young people go as they are forced into exile?.

A Fairy Tale of Our Time

A Fairy Tale of Our Time

A story in the form of a fairy tale, that tells of the time the Princess calls upon her hero to slay the modern day dragon. The film is unusual in the way it portrays ecological issues in a highly artistic way..

The Journey: A Voyage

The Journey: A Voyage

Beset with foreign threats and internal turmoil, China's concoction of woes compels its citizens to leave for Nanyang in search of a better life. When Shi Tou, manages to save enough money after years of working at a tin mine, he returns to marry his childhood sweetheart, Ya Zi. On the return trip, they cross paths with two penniless brothers, Zhang Tian Peng and Zhang Tian Ying with the former becoming Shi Tou's sworn brother out of gratitude. Framed for robbery and murder, Shi Tou is thrown behind bars while Ya Zi desperately seeks help. Feeling sympathetic towards them, Hui Niang and her stepbrother, Zhang Dong'en proves Shi Tou's innocence. When he returns back to the mine, Shi Tou is lured into a destructive spiral of gambling by his scheming boss and runs up a huge debt, while his supervisor, Hei Long lusts after Ya Zi's beauty and plots to ruin him..

Our First Time

Our First Time

Sud Yod, a famous live online game streamer who has an office syndrome in which he has sit for a long time in front of the computer, has received a gift voucher of a free special 2-hour hotoil massage from a famous massage parlor on Nimman road Chiang Mai, Thailand. He decides to try this oil massage for the first time. Num Un, a nephew of the massage parlor owner, is not aware that today he has to be a special masseur for this game streamer and the story of the two timid boys and their “first” time of impression has begun..

Now and in the time of our death

Now and in the time of our death

Observing all the world in a flower; an ecstatic study of colour, a hum of petals opening, a cacophony of bells and saintly icons. ‘Ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte’ is a hymn to the universal found in the minutiae of nature.

The Restaurant

The Restaurant

Lundi 7 mai 1945 – la Seconde Guerre mondiale touche enfin à sa fin et un nouvel avenir, plus radieux, s'annonce. Au milieu des célébrations du centre de Stockholm, deux inconnus se réunissent pour un rapide baiser, se séparant immédiatement après. Nina, une jeune fille de la classe supérieure, et Calle, le cuisinier, ne savent pas encore que leur brève rencontre aura des conséquences tumultueuses..

The Time Is Ours

The Time Is Ours

Writer Martin Sestrimsky and Secret Service agent Boyan Tilev got to know each other on the day when Martin gave Tilev a special dossier of grave consequences, which the writer has tried to surmount. With the ousting from power of Todor Zhivkov’s totalitarian regime, their relations take a new turn, when Tilev’s stepdaughter, Nevena, a mysterious young woman of double identity steps in. While Tilev is making a fortune from illicit deals, Sestrimsky, encouraged by Nevena, is doing his best to reconcile to his past. The truth of the two men’s shared past will come to light..

S.O.S. Beckham

S.O.S. Beckham

David Beckham revient à la maison. Durant une saison, David rejoint les Westward Boys, un club de l'est de Londres jouant dans le championnat où tout a commencé pour lui quand il était enfant, l'Echo Premier League. Westward n'a pas gagné un seul match de la saison et risque d'être relégué en division inférieure. David a une tâche colossale à accomplir..

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday

Yoo-jeong en est maintenant à sa troisième tentative de suicide. Son dédain pour sa mère et son indifférence face au reste du lui enlèvent toute chance de trouver le bonheur. Yoo-jeong a une tante appelée Sœur Monica. Sa tante se rend souvent à la prison afin de rencontrer des détenus du couloir de la mort. La sœur Monica rencontre un nouveau détenu du couloir de la mort, qui lui demande s’il pourrait rencontrer sa nièce. Sœur Monica demande également à Yoo-jeong si elle accepterait de donner des conseils à ce condamné à mort. Yoo-jeong accepte à contrecœur….

Docteur Mabuse le joueur

Docteur Mabuse le joueur

Dans les temps troublés de la république de Weimar, le mystérieux docteur Mabuse use de ses pouvoirs psychiques pour perpétrer des crimes audacieux dans le plus grand anonymat. Sur les traces de ce génie du mal, le procureur Von Wenck se lie d'amitié avec Gerhard Hull, jeune industriel fortuné. Ce dernier, qui a été la victime d'une étonnante arnaque au jeu, va l'introduire dans le milieu interlope du Berlin nocturne..