

Of the Flesh voirfilms

Mirror of Flesh

Mirror of Flesh

A mirror bought in an auction changes the life of an executive and his wife. They become sexually aroused under the influence of the strange object, which belonged to a bordello in the past. Soon the friends who come to pay a visit also become affected by it..

Violence and Flesh

Violence and Flesh

Three criminals escape from prison and break in a seaside house to wait for the getaway boat. They subdue four aspirant actresses and three men and rape and torture them. One of the escapees is an idealistic political prisoner that falls in love with Letícia. When the violent Jorge kills a woman camped on the beach, the police investigate the area..

Du Barry, Woman of Passion

Du Barry, Woman of Passion

Jeannette Vaubernier, an impulsive shopgirl en route to deliver a hat, dreams of luxury and position as she saunters through the woods, and attracted by a pool of water, she disrobes and plunges in. Cosse de Brissac, a handsome private in the King's Guards, comes to her rescue and they become sweethearts. Meanwhile, Jean Du Barry, a shrewd roué, takes note of her at the millinery shop and tricks her into staying at La Gourda's, where she soon becomes a favorite among the men..

Zombie 4 : Après la mort

Zombie 4 : Après la mort

Un couple de chercheurs subit les foudres d'un prêtre vaudou, pour n'avoir pas réussi à guérir son épouse atteinte d'un cancer. L'homme convoque une horde de zombies, qui sème la terreur sur l'île. La fille du couple parvient à se sauver. Elle revient quelques années plus tard, bien décidée à se venger..

Gate of Flesh

Gate of Flesh

The background is Yuraku-cho in Tokyo and the film shows how desperately the women, who had led sheltered lives before the war, struggled to keep alive and the innate strength of post-war women..

Bloody Flesh

Bloody Flesh

August 6, 1956 during the military dictatorship of Rojas Pinilla. A military convoy loaded with dynamite explodes in the center of Cali, destroying a good part of the traditional buildings of the city and exposing the roots of some houses that for years had kept the secret stories of their inhabitants..

La rage au corps

La rage au corps

Une cantinière de chantier, Clara, se donne sans retenue à tous les hommes. Tonio, le seul à refuser ses avances, éveille en elle un sentiment amoureux lui faisant espérer qu'il refrénera ses sens. Ils se marient, mais, lors d'une absence professionnelle de Tonio, Clara se retrouve sous l'emprise de ses démons. Elle découvre alors l'existence d'un traitement médical soignant la nymphomanie. À la faveur d'une hospitalisation inopinée, Clara va bénéficier du traitement..

Battered Flesh

Battered Flesh

Pendant le régime franquiste, Berta est accusée de fraude et envoyée derrière les barreaux. En prison, elle se lie d'amitié avec Xenta, une femme énigmatique au passé torturé..

Fortress of Flesh and Blood

Fortress of Flesh and Blood

Professor Lo Yeung-guo (Hou Yao) and his students escape death from the Japanese army, and call on villagers in the countryside to form a guerrillas group. His son Lo Yung (Lau Hark-suen), however, indulges in debauchery. Entrapped by the Japanese, chicken-hearted Yung leaks information about the guerrilla that leads to deaths and injuries in the group. Yeung-guo reprimands his son for being an invisible traitor, inflicting even more harm than an outright traitor. Placing righteousness before family, he decides to execute his own son. As a writer-director-actor in the film, Hou Yao proclaimed his unwavering stance on resistance on the screen, and delivered a scathing attack on the cowardly ‘invisible traitors‘ at that time. Not long after, Hou was sadly arrested and executed by the Japanese army in Singapore..



Maryo J. Delos Reyes' gritty noir, about the triangle that develops between a man, his wife, and his best friend..



Brothers Alonzo and Casper run their city from different points of the spectrum with Alonzo serving as the Chief of Police and Casper the biggest street king in the city. When their youngest brother Nick returns home he's immediately drawn into the middle of the brother's feud and an even bigger threat as the seductive Eve threatens Casper's empire with her growing human trafficking business. With the brothers now caught between the cartel and the law they must decide if blood is thicker than water in this story of loyalty, betrayal, and the ultimate sacrifice..

Le grand jeu

Le grand jeu

In this romance, a jilted lawyer joins the French Foreign Legion to help him forget his faithless love. While in the desert he espies a village beauty who is the exact double of his true-love..

Banned Book: Flesh Futon

Banned Book: Flesh Futon

The film is based on 17th century Chinese erotic novel by Li Yu best known as The Carnal Prayer Mat. Mio is a struggling writer who writes a pornographic book entitled Flesh Futon which becomes a surprise best seller. With his newfound wealth, Mio begins indulging in the nightlife, excusing his activities to his wife by saying it is for research. Mio's reputation comes crashing down when a prostitute reports that his penis is like a "guppy". More bad luck follows. His book is banned, and his wife puts him on a short leash. At the height of his misfortune, his house is robbed. Mio meets the robber who turns out to be the Japanese folk-hero Nezumi Kozō. The two become friends, and Kozō introduces Mio to a doctor who can perform penis-enlargement surgery. With his new equipment, Kozō and Mio become frequenters of the red-light district, until the real Nezumi Kozō appears, and evil luck returns to Mio..

Dog Flesh

Dog Flesh

« Carne de Perro » nous plonge deux semaines durant dans l’univers chaotique d’Alejandro (55). Un homme fragile jusqu’à la rupture, imprévisible, écrasé par un passé opaque, égaré entre ses fantasmes et sa véritable identité. Un homme au bord de l’abîme dont le regard sur le réel s’est troublé. « Carne de Perro » est l’histoire dans le Chili d’aujourd’hui d’un ancien tortionnaire qui tente de se réinventer pour retrouver un sens à sa vie..