

Où voir Instinct Netflix



Giallo about a woman who rents a house where a murder occurred, and begins an affair with a gigolo who also seduced her sister..

Family Instinct

Family Instinct

'Family Instinct' is a film about incest - an illegal act, social taboo and a violation of religious norms. Zanda is a 28-year-old woman, worn out by hard work. Surrounded by poverty and despair, she is trying to survive with her two children in a god-forsaken Latvian village. Her hardships can be traced back to living in a relationship with her brother Valdis. When Valdis is put in jail, the local community forces her to make a difficult choice: to stay with him or with her children. Despite her ill fortune, she manages to express her love for the children, still hoping to save her family. The film offers a tragicomic but highly authentic insight into the bleak reality of post-soviet era..

The Homing Instinct

The Homing Instinct

Every summer, herds of salmon return to Sakhalin Island from the ocean. Every year their number is dramatically reduced. Vanya's family is destroyed like an ecosystem of wild salmon: his parents do not live together. Yielding to the persuasion of his elder brother, his father takes Vanya with him on a journey around the island. He promises Vanya to show him spawning salmon..

The Light of Maternal Instinct

The Light of Maternal Instinct

Although Hui-Ying is now married to a husband that offers a life of stability and comfort, over ten years ago her first husband (Jia-Hu) fled from Shanghai to Nanyang (old name for Southeast Asia) to escape capture by a warlord - leaving her and their toddler daughter (Shao-Mei) behind in helpless desperation. Despite the mother's emotional attachment to her absent husband, she has never told the daughter about Jia-Hu so the daughter believes the stepfather is her biological father. But the mother begins to have second thoughts about the stepfather when she sees the teen daughter zealously follow the path paved by him - a path that the mother fears will lead to her daughter's moral decline..

Instinct Burst

Instinct Burst "Sweet Pool"

Yoji was a quiet and inconspicuous student. He had to repeat the school year due to health reasons but when he returned things were unfamiliar. But Yoji has a secret. His body is tormented by unexplainable pain and he witnesses vivid nightmares which seem to be getting darker in nature....

Human Instinct

Human Instinct

Tod is a war veteran who is always haunted by the images of the battle field. Tada brings him home after he has been treated in the hospital for a while. Tada’s boss takes her along on a business deal, and she sees her boss’s men being arrested for transporting heroin. Her boss and his men are coming to make her shut up, because she has seen and knows too much, but Tod sees the images of the enemy coming to attack him and Tada, so he kills them all..



Un jeune et brillant entrepreneur fuit les fantômes du passé en assouvissant ses fantasmes sexuels dans un mystérieux club. La psy de son frère autiste réussira-t-elle à lui faire tomber le masque et affronter ses peurs ?.

47 Meters Down

47 Meters Down

Une expédition d'observation des requins tourne au cauchemar. Deux sœurs se retrouvent bloquées au fond de l'océan dans une cage d'observation. Lorsque le cable de la cage se brise, le manque d'oxygène les guette, de même que des grands requins blancs, attirés par le sang..



Une jeune femme se réveille dans un tube rempli de pièges mortels. Pour ne pas mourir, elle devra constamment avancer….

Mort ou Vif

Mort ou Vif

Herold, qui règne en maitre sur la petite ville de Redemption, organise chaque année un tournoi de duels dont le vainqueur empoche 123 000 dollars. Jusqu'à présent il a toujours gagné. Cette fois-ci, Ellen, une ravissante jeune étrangère participe à la compétition. Qui pourrait, vingt ans après, reconnaître en elle la petite fille en larmes dont le père, shérif à Redemption, avait été torturé à mort par Herold....

Between Love and Friendship

Between Love and Friendship

This show is about four men and four women who are friends in real life going on a journey to look for love. On their journey, their friendship is tested and some friends turns out to be enemies. They have to choose between giving up love for their friendship or letting go of their friends for love..

The Furies

The Furies

8 jeunes femmes sont kidnappées et relâchées au beau milieu du bush australien. Kayla l’une d’entre elles, pense d’abord à une blague de mauvais goût jusqu'à ce qu’elle tombe sur deux autres victimes poursuivies par un homme masqué armé d’une hache. Se rendant compte qu’elles ne sont que de vulgaires proies d’une chasse à l’homme organisée par une bande de sadiques, leur cauchemar ne fait que commencer. Sauf que Kayla va vite découvrir qu’à chaque fille est assignée une bête. Et cette petite subtilité va fortement compliquer la partie de cache-cache..



Olive vient tout juste de vivre une rupture en plus de perdre son emploi. Confuse et exaspérée, elle écoute le conseil de sa mère et, via un site Internet, loue une demeure en campagne pour la fin de semaine. Lorsqu’elle obtient les clés du propriétaire, Harvey, ce dernier commence à croire que c’est finalement le bon moment de cocher « meurtre » sur sa liste de choses à faire avant qu’il meurt..

First Kill

First Kill

Un commissaire de police tente de résoudre une affaire d'enlèvement impliquant un braquage de banque et la retenue d'un jeune garçon en otage..