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NiiSoTeWak: Two Bodies, One Heart

NiiSoTeWak: Two Bodies, One Heart

NiiSoTeWak means “walking the path together.” Tapwewin and Pawaken are 10-year-old brothers trying to make sense of the world, their family and each other. They’re already grappling with some heady questions about identity. What does it mean to be a twin? What does it mean to be Cree? How do you define yourself when you’re forever linked to someone else? The twins discuss these questions with their two elder brothers — 22-year-old actor Asivak and 20-year-old basketball player Mahiigan — and their parents, Jules and Jake..

Our Bodies Our Doctors

Our Bodies Our Doctors

OUR BODIES OUR DOCTORS tells the story of a rebellion in the field of medicine as a cohort of physicians faces abortion stigma within their own profession and confronts religious control over health care decisions. Their fight takes them into a larger struggle over the heart and soul of American medicine..

All Bodies on Bikes

All Bodies on Bikes

Kailey Kornhauser and Marley Blonsky are on a mission - a mission to change the idea that people in larger bodies can't ride bikes. The duo aims to make cycling more inclusive, beyond just inviting people of all sizes to ride bikes, but by changing the entire idea of what it means to be a cyclist — not just on screens, but on trails and in people’s minds..

Over Our Dead Bodies

Over Our Dead Bodies

This documentary traces the response to AIDS of gay activist groups in America and Britain. The film itself is also activist, giving platform to ACT UP, Queer Nation and Outrage, organisations fighting to keep AIDS and all the issues surrounding the disease in the public consciousness. Interviews are intercut with footage of meetings, demos and kiss-ins. The messages come hard and fast, with serious allegations levelled at church, state and health bodies. British lesbians and gays are criticised for failing to use grief and anger as political weapons for change. The opinions and statistics that dominate the film provoke a detached, intellectual response; only the few personal stories, and the scenes of demos where AIDS patients are manhandled by butch NYPD officers, encourage emotional involvement..

The Dead Bodies in #223

The Dead Bodies in #223

What would you do if you had not 1, but 2 dead hookers in your hotel room...and your wife waiting on you for dinner? Everyone has choices. Bill has to start making them, and making them quick before the whole world finds out about the Dead Bodies in #223..

What About the Bodies

What About the Bodies

A solitary man drives on an isolated road. He pulls over, checks on something in the back seat, gets out a shovel, and vomits. It seems he's looking for a place to bury a body..

Stray Bodies

Stray Bodies

Robin is pregnant but does not wish to become a mother. Katerina is not able to have a child, even though she wants to. Kiki's sole desire is to end her life with dignity. Unfortunately, abortion, in vitro fertilization and euthanasia are not legal in their respective countries. Stray Bodies explores the notion of body autonomy within Europe, a place where you are allowed to travel, work and consume freely, but not necessarily to live or die according to your wishes..

Let Rip: Bodies Lean and Ripped

Let Rip: Bodies Lean and Ripped

Employs protest art, of modes of representation /chanting (NO BODY SHAME, NO BODY SHAME) within ACT UP and queer movements, of political campaign, including my own drawings of my own body, and visual techniques used throughout Marlon Riggs' Voices United (1989)..

Foreign Bodies by Kader Attou

Foreign Bodies by Kader Attou

Take a look at Kader Attou's choreography, Les corps étrangers (Foreign Bodies), performed by the Accrorap Company. A dance inspired by an absolute masterpiece of Dutch painting,The Last Judgement by Rogier van der Weyden..

Weak Bodies and Strong Wills

Weak Bodies and Strong Wills

The visual track of Weak Bodies and Strong Wills comes from my 1973 film, Enlightenment through Experience: Interim Semester at Albright College. The found film images had been kept in a closet at Albright College, where I was invited to teach a workshop. I edited the original silent footage and added audio as a demonstration. In video, it has been turned into a little song about the rust belt. Incidentally, “The Boss” is played by Harry Truman, seen as he visited Reading, Pennsylvania, sometime around the middle of the century. —Tony Conrad.