

NEGRA sokroflix gratuit

The Black Virgin

The Black Virgin

Life of inhabitants of a small fishing village of the caribbean , changes drastically after the apparition of a Black Virgin, which disallowed the skies to get dark, stopped the vandals from invaden town. After months of intense changes in the chaotic life of this fishing town, the inhabitants had to face the most cruel of changes in their lives.La vida de los habitantes de un pueblo pesquero del caribe, cambia drásticamente tras la aparición de una Virgen Negra, ésta no permitió que el cielo volviera a oscurecer, impidió que los vándalos invadieran el pueblo. Luego de meses de intensos cambios en la caótica vida de este pueblo pesquero, sus habitantes tuvieron que enfrentarse al más cruel de los cambios en sus vidas.

Black Box

Black Box

It tells the story of three characters: a young woman who works at a dry cleaner, a father who leaves prison and the Salvation Army, and an old woman..

Life of Sin

Life of Sin

The film dramatizes the life of Isabel "la Negra" Luberza Oppenheimer. Pablo, a Caribbean peasant, and Isabel, a politician's mistress, open a brothel that becomes internationally famous. Though they gain wealth and power, the one thing that Isabel seeks continues to elude her..

Black Sheep

Black Sheep

Two friends that work on a ranch herding sheep are fed up with the mistreat given to them by their boss. They come up with a plan to steal the sheep and sell them at the Mexican-American border and with that being able to fulfill their dreams of a better future. What could possibly go wrong? That is the question on Jose's and Kumbia's mind. Jerónimo, the boss's son, will do anything in his power to catch them and not let them get away with anything that someday will rightfully be his. When the plan seemed like it could actually work, María, a young girl learning her ways with men, appears to shake things up even more between Jerónimo and José..

Rosas blancas para mi hermana negra

Rosas blancas para mi hermana negra

The story revolves around Laura, a white singer, and Angustias, her longtime black friend, with both mothers dedicated to the education of their daughters: Alicia and Roberta. Trouble ensues when Laura’s daughter, Alicia, falls in love with Ricardo, a young black medical student..

La Tour sombre

La Tour sombre

Le dernier Pistolero, Roland Deschain, est condamné à livrer une éternelle bataille contre Walter O’Dim, alias l’Homme en noir, qu’il doit à tout prix empêcher de détruire la Tour sombre, clé de voûte de la cohésion de l’univers. Le destin de tous les mondes est en jeu, le bien et le mal vont s’affronter dans l’ultime combat, car Roland est le seul à pouvoir défendre la Tour contre l’Homme en noir….

Someone Called me Black Snake

Someone Called me Black Snake

Alguén me chamou Serpe Negra explores the tortuous path that memories and dreams take in our mind. Thanks to the texture of analogue hand-painted animation, the film is an invitation to an oneiric universe made of loose connections and revised spatial dimensions. Filmmaker Borja Santomé Rodríguez takes us with him on a journey made of images that play with love and adventure, childhood curiosities and adult desires, and in which the ultimate reward is to get lost..

Black Story

Black Story

Peter is a widower who writes crime novels, signing as Peter P. Peter, and is about to marry Beatriz (Analia Gade), a widow who proves to be a ruthless woman who makes his life miserable. As an expert in inventing crimes committed by his characters, he imagines a plan to get rid of his new wife. The trouble is that she also plans to kill him..

J’ai vu trois lumières noires

J’ai vu trois lumières noires

Un vieil homme sage entreprend son dernier voyage dans la jungle colombienne pour y trouver un endroit où mourir. Mais les groupes armés illégaux qui contrôlent la région mettent en péril sa transition vers le royaume des morts..

Mysteries of Black Magic

Mysteries of Black Magic

Six hundred year old witch butts heads with a scholar over the possession of a rare ancient grimoire and then discovers that his daughter's fiance is the reincarnation of her first boyfriend..