

Homeland voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Back in the Homeland

Back in the Homeland

A documentary film almanac of 9 short stories about people who returned from different parts of the mine to their small homeland, to the Perm Territory, and successfully realized themselves in creativity, business or professional activities. These are real, successful, sometimes sentimental, sometimes funny, with ups and downs, but most importantly, these are happy stories of returning home..

Son of the Homeland

Son of the Homeland

The life and destiny of the statesman and enlightener of Peter the Great's era, Vasily Tatishchev. Tatishchev's foundation of the cities of Perm and Yekaterinburg..

Back to Our Homeland

Back to Our Homeland

A group of older Cabécares from Talamanca rediscover their past when they visit for the first time since they left the indigenous territory of China Kichá, in Pérez Zeledón, where they were born, grew up and left. In the process, they get to know the generations that did remain in the territory and that are currently in the process of fighting for the recovery of the land. "Returning to the land where we were born" is a documentary that deals with the memory of dispossession and the current struggle for the recovery of lands of the indigenous community of China Kichá..

Homeland on the Move

Homeland on the Move

At the outbreak of war, two Ukrainian women find themselves in Europe. Tetiana, 45, lives in Poznan and works in a spaghetti shop while learning the language. Meanwhile, 29-year-old Alyona is settling down in Weidenberg, forcing herself to learn German to distract herself. Her husband is at war in Ukraine. The Ukrainian women do not know each other, but their status binds them as IDPs. After 1,5 years of waiting, it's time to make a choice - to stay abroad or to return to Ukraine, where the war is ongoing. Each woman will make her own choice..

A Sentimental Trip to My Homeland. Music of Russian Painting

A Sentimental Trip to My Homeland. Music of Russian Painting

Nikita Mikhalkov introduces his favorite paintings by Russian painters of the XIX century. The viewer is presented with a qualified look at the artistic trends and preferences of that period. The series tells about the fate of artists and the heroes of their paintings, the history of creating masterpieces, the overall picture of Russian artistic culture. The text is read by Evgeny Steblov..

Two Homelands

Two Homelands

In the Pearl Harbor era, a second-generation Japanese-American grapples with his identity amid the turmoil of World War II. Born in Los Angeles and educated in Japan, he returns to the USA and works at a Japanese newspaper. However, the outbreak of war and a racist executive order forcefully deport his entire family to a detention center in California. Torn between his American upbringing and Japanese heritage, he decides to serve as a translator and goes to war..

Sniper 7: L'Ultime Exécution

Sniper 7: L'Ultime Exécution

Le chef de la drogue colombien Jesús Morales paie secrètement les services d'un tireur d'élite surnommé "The Devil", capable de tuer un à un les ennemis de quiconque l'embauche. Sans adversaires laissés en vie, Morales devient plus fort et obtient le contrôle de plus de trafic de trafic vers les États-Unis. La DEA, alarmée par cette menace pour le pays, envoie l'agent Kate Estrada, qui a suivi Morales depuis des années, et Sniper Marin Brandon Beckett en Colombie. Leur mission: Tuez "The Devil" et ramène Morales aux États-Unis pour être jugé pour ses crimes. Les agents pensent qu'ils ont tout sous contrôle, mais Morales et "The Devil" ont préparé beaucoup de surprises pour empêcher la mission de réussir..

Mon espion préféré

Mon espion préféré

Après deux années passées à l'étranger comme correspondant du FBI, Henry rentre chez lui pour intégrer l'antenne locale de Shreveport. Sa mère, Marty, qu'il a quittée obèse et chroniquement déprimée, a profité de son absence pour faire un régime et retrouver sa joie de vivre et son pouvoir de séduction. Tommy, à Shreveport pour un soi- disant " voyage d'affaires ", tombe par hasard sur l'excentrique Marty et tombe, malgré lui, amoureux de cette insouciante fofolle. De son côté, Henry se voit confier la surveillance d'un voleur d'oeuvres d'art recherché dans le monde entier. Ce dernier découvre qu'il s'agit du nouveau petit ami de sa mère !.



The story of several Russian emigrants who moved abroad forever. Despite the complete change of scenery and immersion in another culture, they cannot get rid of their love for their motherland, no matter how hard they try..

Prison Walls of Abashiri 3

Prison Walls of Abashiri 3

De retour à Nagasaki, sa ville natale, Tachibana Shinichi, récemment libéré, doit réintégrer la famille du gang Asahi afin de rembourser une dette passée. Des problèmes surgissent lorsque le gang rival qui l'a envoyé en prison apprend son retour. N'ayant pas d'autre choix face à leur harcèlement constant et à leurs menaces, Tachibana décide de s'en prendre à eux..

The Clone Returns Home

The Clone Returns Home

Kohei Takahara, an astronaut who dies in the line of duty, is legally resurrected as a clone: however, contrary to the scientists’ expectations, he reverts to his childhood memories when his twin brother drowned sacrificing his life for Kohei. Kohei’s clone discovers the body of his former self mistakenly believing that it is his deceased twin. Reliving his tragic past, he sets off carrying his corpse body to the beautiful hometown where he lived with his now dead mother..

Rodina Trip

Rodina Trip

«Rodina» means «homeland». It is a 50 minutes road movie about 2 football fans traveling 3000 km from a rural village to the World Cup. The main hero, Uncle Sasha, has never left his village (the place even without mobile services) for 30 years. For the first time in his life he sees foreigners, big cities and his own country not on a tv screen..

Mon beau pays

Mon beau pays

Le jeune Casaque Amantai vit avec sa famille au milieu des steppes de Xiangjiang au Nord-ouest de la Chine. Amoureux de Mayila, étudiante en chant, il part la rejoindre à la ville. Fasciné par la vie moderne, il envisage d’y rester, contrariant son père. Ce dernier veut que son fils cadet épouse sa belle-soeur Jiana devenue veuve afin de garder sa famille au complet. Un facteur s’échine à conquérir Jiana mais celle-ci préfère rester auprès de son beau-père, sentant que tel est son devoir. A la ville, Amantai se découvre une passion pour la conduite automobile. Mais son cœur balance toujours entre ses racines et la vie moderne. Désemparé par le mariage de Mayila, il rentre chez lui. Il y apprend le décès de son père, prend alors conscience de l’importance de la famille et de l’amour profond qui le rattache à son pays natal. (Festival du Cinéma Chinois de Paris).