

Enchanted sokroflix gratuit

The Enchanted Treehouse

The Enchanted Treehouse

While skipping through the woods Sarah comes upon Marcel and Florette working on a miniature fairy tale house. When Marcel and Florette leave the house, its tiny inhabitants come to life and speak to Sarah. She meets Stephan and Reuben and hears the story of The Enchanted Treehouse. Sarah is guided through all the rooms by each little person. When the people agree to let Sarah return they realize they may have compromised the secrecy Marcel and Florette have kept for the last one hundred years..

Some Enchanted Evening

Some Enchanted Evening

Comedy in which a young Geordie, Peter, is put under pressure by his fiancee who wants him to name the wedding day. Enough pressure to make him consider jumping off the Tyne Bridge. Peter tells the story to a lass he meets at a club..

The Enchanted Masquerade

The Enchanted Masquerade

Longing to be closer to the woman he loves, Martin auditions to join the dance company “Masquerade.” In this fateful night, he will confront the masks and realize the truth about his complex relationship with the enchanting Carmen..

The Enchanted Lake

The Enchanted Lake

Il lago incantato is based on a true story. Nestled in the mountains at the edge of Greater Turin, the small town of Balangero is known for hosting one of the largest asbestos quarries in the world: the Balangero asbestos open-pit mine, or so-called “monster.”.

La Parenthèse enchantée

La Parenthèse enchantée

En 1969, sur la Côte d'Azur, Paul et Vincent font la connaissance d'Alice et d'Ève. Le premier tombe amoureux de la seconde et finit par l'épouser. Alice, happée par le militantisme féministe, échappe à Vincent, qui rencontre Marie. Au cours de la décennie qui a vu les femmes s'émanciper et obtenir la légalisation de l'avortement, les uns et les autres vont se croiser, s'aimer ou se quitter. Entre l'arrivée de la pilule et celle du sida, ils vivront une parenthèse enchantée..

La Chaise à porteurs enchantée

La Chaise à porteurs enchantée

A fine magician of the Royal Court materialises an elegant attire from a transparent glass container, and then, a refined dandy appears, as an ornate palanquin is summoned. Now, what does the illusionist have in mind?.

Kaisa's Enchanted Forest

Kaisa's Enchanted Forest

Crottet came to Suonikylä in Petsamo for the first time already before the World Wars, and was enchanted by the self-regulatory community he met there. Gauriloff skilfully combines documentary material and the most dreamlike layers of the human mind, letting the harmony of the inner voices crash into the chaotic noise of the surrounding world..

The Enchanted Island

The Enchanted Island

Robinson Crusoe teaches children Viernes the principles of the white man's culture and build a raft to leave the island to calling "of despair". Shortly before finishing rescue a white men and the father Friday when they will be slaughtered by cannibals. Then comes a ship taken by the foreman, who plans to leave the island to the loyal crew. Robinson helps the crew..

La Route enchantée

La Route enchantée

Fils d'un professeur de mathématiques quelque peu original, Jacques est un rêveur que les murs de la maison familiale emprisonnent. Il la quitte pour vivre son rêve, à la recherche d'un trésor. Après bien des déboires, il tombe sur une demi-folle dont la manie est de se croire au Moyen Âge et de déguiser ses gens à la mode d'autrefois. Jacques devient son troubadour et poursuit plus que jamais son rêve et sa folie. Il devient amoureux de la nièce de la prétendue comtesse de Méricourt. Il organise un enlèvement qui échoue. Alors, il reprend sa vie bohème et devient un chanteur célèbre. Aussitôt, sa famille veut prendre une part de sa célébrité. Mais lui ne s'en offense pas, car il a retrouvé celle qu'il aime..

Enchanted Doll

Enchanted Doll

Writer Brando (Zheng Hao) and his wife's relationship break down. After the couple divorce, their 13-year-old daughter is left to live with her mother..

Enchanted Journey

Enchanted Journey

A traveling theatre company comes to a small town and performs to a packed house. But during the show the theatre director decides to run away with the money..