

Divine Will voirfilms

Divinely Evil

Divinely Evil

In a salmon-coloured drawing room, a writer of sadomasochist literature now in her seventies narrates her turbulent, sexually explicit life story, once as her pseudonym and once as herself. What makes up a true biography, the real or the imaginary?.

Divine Carcasse

Divine Carcasse

This film follows the fortunes of an old Peugeot off loaded in Cotonou, Benin. As it changes hands we get a glimpse into the lives of its successive owners..

Divine Bow

Divine Bow

There is trouble in a fishing village on a remote southern island. The catch has been meagre and Wang-nyeoni, the local shaman, is on strike: she refuses to perform a ritual to turn fortunes around. In flashback we learn how she married into a shaman (dang-gol) family, tried her best to help her husband succeed as fisherman, but found both their lives blighted by Pan-su, the village boss and main ship-owner. After agreeing to return to duty, blessing the fishing fleet, Wang-nyeoni will serve up cold revenge in spectacular style..

Vent divin

Vent divin

Dans une maison perdue au milieu du désert du Sahara, non loin de la ville de Timimoun vit Armine qui attend l'arrivée de sa supérieure. Cette femme syrienne appelée Nour a perdu toute capacité à sentir de l'empathie vis à vis de qui que ce soit. Dès le départ, Nour impose les règles à suivre et traite Armine comme un soldat de rang inférieur. Cependant, à mesure que passent les jours, entre les quatre murs de cette base secrète, en attendant que d'autres membres de l'État islamique leur apportent les explosifs nécessaires à leur mission, le jeune homme développe une fascination dangereuse vis-à-vis de sa compagne, une admiration qui va se transformer en attirance, et mettre l'opération en danger. Les doutes d'Armine sur le sens de la mission ne font toutefois que radicaliser davantage le comportement et les idées de Nour..

The Divine One

The Divine One

Mr. Mavadat in a party in his garden gets poisonous and his friends have to take him to doctor Hatam. But the doctor hides many dark secrets in his basement which are revealed little by little..

Divine Window

Divine Window

Maya Deren is reincarnated as a young woman from the Colombian Caribbean. Images from her old films intertwine with her walks along the beaches. Gradually, the experience becomes a love poem for all amateur filmmakers and a beautiful tribute to the legendary mother of underground cinema..

The Divine Way

The Divine Way

Loosely based on Dante's Divine Comedy, The Divine Way takes us along on the protagonist's epic descent through an endless labyrinth of staircases. As the woman journeys deeper, the staircases mutate, and she is trapped and pulled into their dangerous landscape, conducting us through more than 50 magnificent locations..

The Divine Emma

The Divine Emma

The opera lady singer Ema Destinnová is in all her splendor at the American stages. But in Europe there rages war and she decides to return home to Bohemia..

Divine Words

Divine Words

A work of Valle-Inclán, the story takes place in Galicia in the early twentieth century. To escape poverty, the wife of a sacristan uses a hydrocephalic child as a sideshow attraction. This causes a confrontation with her sister-in-law..

The Rider of Divine Providence

The Rider of Divine Providence

The bishop of Culiacan and three priests are dedicated to investigate the alleged miracles of Jesus Malverde, a bandit deceased at the end of XIX century who is said, stole from the rich and gave to the poor; which is enough reason for the locals to venerate him..

The Claws of the Divine Beast

The Claws of the Divine Beast

Based on a mystery by Taiwanese-Japanese author Chin Shun-shin. After two elderly men in Yokohama quarrel over a Yang dynasty artifact, one of the men turns up dead with mysterious claw marks across his face. A detective takes up the case, and uncovers secrets dating back to war crimes committed during Japan’s invasion of China in WWII..

Divine Changeling Enchantment

Divine Changeling Enchantment

In Medieval Japan's Genroku era, the young warrior Yoshiyasu Yanasawa approaches Takaharu, the leader of the Hazuki clan in search of power of the "Golden Dragon," unaware that the power of the power of the dragon flows within the very bloodstream of the maiden Orie. Based on a novel by Tani Kousei..