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Panique au pique-nique

Panique au pique-nique

Chargé de garder Baby Herman lors d'une randonnée en forêt dans le Parc national de Yellowstone, Roger tente de le sauver alors qu'il y part en exploration et découvre la faune locale. Tous ces efforts tournent bien sûr toujours en défaveur de Roger..

Croire en ses rêves

Croire en ses rêves

Rêvant de devenir joueur de base-ball professionnel, Early intègre un centre d'entraînement à Los Angeles, en Californie. Sur place, il sympathise avec Beto, qui tient un restaurant mexicain, et tombe sous le charme de sa sœur Ariana..

Canadian Pie

Canadian Pie

Lorsqu'il apprend qu'un producteur de musique tourne autour de sa fiancée, partie travailler à Toronto pendant l'été, Nick décide de traverser le Canada afin de la rejoindre et de reconquérir son coeur. Accompagnée par ses amis, pour un voyage en voiture qui réservera bien des surprises..



After some personal trauma, Wilson Walmsley is invited to work as a substitute teacher in a suburban public high school. He finds lack of authority and interest in the school direction and teacher body; uncontrolled and abusive students in an environment of disrespect and lack of discipline. He becomes close to the arts teacher Louise and to the smart and abused student Joey. When he saves Louise from a sexual assault of the student Davey, Louise and him are sued by Davey's family lawyer; then Davey's girlfriend beats Louise. The upset Walmsley lures, drugs and kidnaps Joey and six troublemakers of his class and brings them to his isolate real estate in Alpine, Texas. When the seven students wake up, they are naked and caged in cages with electric fences. When Walmsley arrives, he advises that his class will begin, and any disrespect or lack of discipline will be duly punished, and shots Joey to make clear his intentions. And the class begins..

La bellezza di Ippolita

La bellezza di Ippolita

Luca, a petrol dealer, marries a magazine dancer, Ippolita, a girl who likes to be courted by the many passing motorists. One day, the woman discovers that her husband has betrayed her with Adriana. Ippolita decides her revenge: she assures Luke that she will keep her duties as a wife only when she too has allowed herself similar distractions. Through a series of animated events, the two resume married life: but Luca will not be able to know if Ippolita was really unfaithful to him..

War of Lies

War of Lies

War of Lies is the story of an Iraqi refugee, whose information about portable weapons of mass destruction passed through the hands of the BND, MI6 and CIA. This information was ultimately used by the US government to legitimize the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Today we know the war was based on a lie. The press blamed Rafed Ahmed Alwan, he, though, proudly presents himself as the man who helped remove Saddam Hussein. Was Alwan really able to walk all over the worlds intelligence services and how did this lie become a convenient truth?.

The Chase

The Chase

Sur le point de se marier, Mikel voit sa vie bouleversée le jour où il rencontre Ari. La jeune femme le pousse à participer à des courses de voitures illégales. Commence alors une descente aux enfers pour Mikel....