

Comment trouver Ghosted gratuit

Seeding of a ghost

Seeding of a ghost

A Hong Kong taxi driver suffers after being cursed by a sorcerer he accidentally hit with his cab. After the driver's wife is raped and killed by teenage hooligans, he pleads with the sorcerer to lift the hex and restore his wife to the land of the living. Otherworldly zombie chaos ensues..

Hui Buh, le fantôme du château

Hui Buh, le fantôme du château

Il y a cinq siècles, le chevalier Baldwin a été victime d'un mauvais sort. Désormais, il est condamné à errer dans son château sous l'apparence d'un fantôme nommé Hui Buh. L'arrivée des nouveaux propriétaires des lieux vient perturber sa quiétude. Hui Buh va tout faire pour les chasser mais sa maladresse et sa bonne tête ne l'aident pas vraiment dans cette tâche....

There is a Ghost Here

There is a Ghost Here

Sashi, a 15-year-old girl who has a sixth sense, goes on an adventure to document supernatural things happening around her with her two best friends, Anya and Siska. Apart from that, as a normal teenage girl, Sashi faces a dilemma between the two boys she likes, while she still has to continue to satisfy her great curiosity to uncover every mystery..

Drowning Ghost

Drowning Ghost

Hundred years ago, three students at the Hellestads Boarding School were brutally slaughtered, the murderer drowned himself in a lake nearby and his body was never found. The story has become a legend for generations of students as well as a yearly festivity. Sara, a student, is writting an essay based on the legend and uncovers new facts from the event that will cast dark shadows on the family name of one of the school's main benificiaries. On the night of the hundreth anniversary, the festivities go awry, students disappear and something dark and unknown is moving through the schools corridors....

Ghost Writer

Ghost Writer

Ghost Writer is a 2010 Hong Kong television series produced by TVB. The protagonist of the series, Po Chung-ling, is based on the author of Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, a collection of Chinese tales on the supernatural. The series tells how he was inspired to write those stories based on his personal encounters with the supernatural..

Pod Ghost

Pod Ghost

A group of literature students were studying and received the assignment to research and study the history of literature in Tanjung Pinang. While in the village, they stayed at a grandmother's house. Mahiah is a beautiful woman. Syahdan began to be interested in him. However, Mahia didn't pay much attention to Syahdan's attitude. Knowing this, Bella really didn't like it. One night lit by a full moon, Bella and Ali saw Mahiah reciting poetry solemnly while dancing on the beach. And suddenly a woman's figure emerged from the nape of his neck. Immediately, Mahiah's real face was seen, namely an old woman. Bella and Ali told Syahdan this, but Syahdan didn't believe it at all. Terrifying terror has often haunted them since that night..

The happy ghost

The happy ghost

Lors d'un séjour camping, une étudiante trouve une vieille corde avec laquelle elle répare son sac à dos déchiré, sans savoir que cette corde avait servi des décennies auparavant à un vieil érudit déshonoré pour se pendre. Le fantôme de l'érudit se manifeste dans l'école et se lie d'amitié avec l'étudiante et deux de ses amis ; il leur enseigne l'importance des études, de l'amour, de la famille et de l'amitié..

Happy Ghost III

Happy Ghost III

A young, unsuccessful singer, after committing suicide, is to be reincarnated, this time into a musical family. Her spirit must get to the hospital where her future mother is currently ready to give birth to her, so that she can enter the womb and be born. Unfortunately, she misses her appointed birth time, twice, due to the accidental intervention of a young man, Mr. Hong. At first she is angry and makes life hard for him, but eventually they fall in love, although she can't stay around long as she has one last chance to be born..

Ghost Trail

Ghost Trail

Hamid est membre d’une organisation secrète qui traque les criminels de guerre syriens cachés en Europe. Sa quête le mène à Strasbourg sur la piste de son ancien bourreau..

Red Ghost

Red Ghost

Décembre 1940 : un petit groupe de soldats soviétiques s’échappe de la ville assiégée de Vyazma. Alors qu’ils tentent de rejoindre leurs compagnons, ils se retrouvent piégés face à une unité spéciale de la Wehrmacht. Alors que le combat semble perdu d’avance, ils vont trouver une aide inespérée auprès d’un mythe: le Red Ghost. Un fantôme que personne n’a jamais vu et qui sème la mort parmi les Nazis..

The Ghost Bride Takes Revenge

The Ghost Bride Takes Revenge

Yanhong was murdered by a traitor and is preparing for death on the charge of murdering her husband. She repeatedly told adults and those who executed him that she was wronged, but no one believed her. In the end, she could only die with injustice. Before her death, she told the executioners that she would retaliate... Yanhong died, but everything seemed to be the same as she said, and she began to retaliate. A series of supernatural events, such as causing zombies and being injured by ghosts, occurred in the house where he wanted to retaliate.

Le Fantôme de Canterville

Le Fantôme de Canterville

Au fin fond d'une Bretagne de légendes, le fantôme d'Aliénor de Canterville est condamné à hanter le château de sa famille et à en faire fuir tout nouvel habitant. Elle remplit cette mission à merveille, aidée de Gwilherm, son fidèle serviteur. Mais lorsque les Otis, une famille fuyant la vie parisienne, achètent le château, Aliénor se désole car elle n'arrive pas à effrayer cette tribu du XXIe siècle... Pire : les enfants la ridiculisent et les parents l'ignorent ! Seule Virginia Otis, âgée de quinze ans, émue par le sort du fantôme de Canterville, cherchera à la délivrer de la malédiction qui pèse sur elle….

Dead Friend

Dead Friend

Ji-Won est amnésique et cherche à retrouver son passé. Mais c'est lorsque ses anciennes amies meurent noyées et qu'elle commence à avoir des apparitions fantasmagoriques qu'elle commence à redouter la vérité….

Kaizoku Sentai Gôkaiger le bateau fantôme

Kaizoku Sentai Gôkaiger le bateau fantôme

The Gokaigers embark on a quest to find the ghost ship that harbors the legendary God Eye, which grants any wish to whoever wields it. During their adventure, they must face Los Dark, the captain of the ghost ship, and a host of revived enemies of the previous Super Sentai teams such as Agent Abrella and Baseball Mask..

Ghosts vs. Aliens

Ghosts vs. Aliens

Horror, gag, entertainment by Keisuke Toyoshima of "Heller master Shimizu Takashi ×" "Kaidan New Ear Bag Nobuhiro" !! "Kaidanui watching me ..." and "My alien" are included..