

Comment regarder The Darkness sur Netflix gratuitement

The Prince of Darkness

The Prince of Darkness

In this picture some very remarkable effects are obtained by the reversal of the motion of the negative. A man comes home, somewhat under the influence of liquor, and starts to remove his outer clothes. As fast as he removes each article and throws it from him, it immediately flies back, and when he is completely bewildered by this weird proceeding, His Satanic Majesty suddenly appears, and the man collapses..

Somewhere in the Darkness

Somewhere in the Darkness

In this Australian drama, a department store collapses, trapping an old man (Barry Jenkins) and a young boy (Rowan Whitt) underneath. In hopes of keeping the child calm, the man tells him a series of folk tales which teach a moral lesson while they entertain. Somewhere In The Darkness received its world premier at the 1999 Slamdance Film Festival in the United States; it was later screened at Australia's Sydney Film Festival the same year. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi.

Out of the Darkness

Out of the Darkness

More than half of the world’s preventable blindness is caused by cataract disease, a clouding of the clear lens of the eye. In developing countries like Nepal, it is not only a personal tragedy, but can devastate the economy of entire communities. Fortunately, it is also easy to cure. Cataract surgery is one of the most effective medical interventions on earth, but until recently was considered too expensive to provide to the rural poor. Most of the world’s blind people live in remote, impoverished areas. The majority of doctors able to cure them work in cities. Dr. Sanduk Ruit from Nepal, and his American partner, Dr. Geoff Tabin, have made perfecting a portable low cost surgical procedure to restore sight their life‘s work. They trek to Nepal’s remote Northeast, carrying an entire hospital on porters‘ backs. Their mission is to bring the needlessly blind out of the darkness..

The Light in Darkness

The Light in Darkness

Bank cashier Ramsey Latham is sentenced to prison for violation of the banking laws. On his way to the penitentiary, he encounters Hilary Kenyon, a young girl who speaks encouragingly to him. Later he is surprised to discover that Hilary is also a prisoner, having been found guilty of manslaughter for killing a man who attacked her..

The Trinity of Darkness

The Trinity of Darkness

Dream Car, Caruncula et Never Ever After : Trois courts-métrages sombres et bizarres qui sont issus de l'imagination fiévreuse de Mariano Baino.Dans Dream Car, un jeune homme est convaincu que tous ses problèmes disparaîtront quand il possédera la voiture de ses rêves. Mais ceux-ci trouvent le moyen de se transformer en cauchemars dans l'œuvre de Baino et l'homme apprend bientôt que l'on ne doit pas se fier aux rêves qui semblent se matérialiser tout simplement sur notre chemin. Dans Caruncula ,une fille sourde-muette, fragile d'apparence, est traquée par un homme qui pense avoir trouvé en elle la victime parfaite. Il ne tardera pas à apprendre que même les tueurs en série doivent se montrer prudents quand leurs souhaits et désirs semblent s'accomplir un peu trop facilement. Never Ever After est un conte de fées surréel qui parle de l'inquiétude maladive d'une fille pour son corps et de l'opération miraculeuse qui promet de la soulager à tout jamais de ce complexe....

I Am The Darkness

I Am The Darkness

"The relationship between illumination, darkness, celluloid, and memory is the topic of conversation for two unseen forces of the cinema. Created with Regular 8 found footage, and three different stocks of Super 8, this film is a celebration of the communication of ideas and feelings we find within darkness and light of the moving image." (the8fest).

Out of the Darkness

Out of the Darkness

Anteroom Productions proudly presents "Out of the Darkness", the incredible true story of Shelly Lubben and her journey from a life in the porn industry to a life in Christ. "Out of the Darkness" also looks at the life and work of Mark Houck, a young man who struggled with a porn addiction for 16 years, but now fights to end its monumental influence. With important commentary from from world-renowned experts, Dr. Judith Reisman and Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons, this new style documentary charts the liberating power of love in the lives of two extraordinary people..

Sitting in the Darkness

Sitting in the Darkness

Out of the darkness a sound emerges. It echoes and drones. Terrified people take to the streets in search of its source. They get their cameras out and document the sky, searching for an author. We watch on, sitting in darkness, our muscles contract and our pupils dilate. “I hope the camera picks this up”. “Sitting in Darkness” is a sensory essay film that explores the circulation, spectatorship and undeclared politics of contemporary networked images..

Urban Explorers: Into the Darkness

Urban Explorers: Into the Darkness

Welcome to the captivating world of urban exploration, an international subculture of fearless thrill-seekers who lurk beneath city streets and trespass into long-abandoned buildings, defiantly searching for unseen treasures of modern civilization. Documentary filmmaker Melody Gilbert follows Max Action, Slim Jim, Katwoman and Turobzutek as they infiltrate aging lunatic asylums, government sites, faded tourist attractions, sewers, drains, and even the forbidden Catacombs in Paris. Many explore armed with only a camera, often snapping astonishingly beautiful photos..

Passed the Door of Darkness

Passed the Door of Darkness

Two young children dead, floating face down in their family's bathtub. Their mother, shot in the back of the head, lies next to the tub in a pool of her own blood. On the floor slumped against a blood covered wall is her husband, dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. For rookie Homicide Detective Chris Malloy this grisly scene is more than he expected to see in his first week of working the graveyard shift. For his partner, grizzled yet poetic Detective Murphy MacCasey, this is but one tragedy among countless in his fifteen years in homicide. They haven't seen anything yet..

Realm of Darkness - The Elusive Depths of Mexico

Realm of Darkness - The Elusive Depths of Mexico

Ce film documente l'expédition britannique au Mexique de 1982-1983 dans l'État mexicain le plus méridional du Chiapas, qui, malgré certains membres souffrant de problèmes de santé liés à l'histoplasmose et à la typhoïde, a découvert quelque 12 kilomètres de grotte. Les grottes présentées dans le film incluent Sótano de las Golondrinas, Cueva del Chorreodero, Grutas de San Cristobal, Cueva Borohuix et, en particulier, la nouvelle découverte la plus importante de l'expédition, Cueva Veshtucoc. Ce film a été diffusé pour la première fois sur Channel 4 le 4 novembre 1984. Il a remporté le Prix Antenne au 7e Festival International du Film de Spéléologie à La Chapelle-en-Vercorst en 1984, et le Grand Prix au 4e Festival Internacional de Cinema Espeleològic en Barcelone en 1985..

Sholem Aleichem: Laughing In The Darkness

Sholem Aleichem: Laughing In The Darkness

A riveting portrait of the great writer whose stories became the basis of the Broadway musical Fiddler on the Roof. Sholem Aleichem: Laughing in the Darkness tells the tale of the rebellious genius who created an entirely new literature. Plumbing the depths of a Jewish world locked in crisis and on the cusp of profound change, he captured that world with brilliant humor. Sholem Aleichem was not just a witness to the creation of a new modern Jewish identity, but one of the very men who forged it..