

Comment regarder Speak sur Netflix gratuitement

Havel Speaking, Can You Hear Me?

Havel Speaking, Can You Hear Me?

This time-lapse documentary follows the last years of former President Václav Havel's life, creating a multi-layered portrait of a world-famous political icon and important playwright, but also an ordinary man plagued by health problems. Havel allows the filmmakers a glimpse behind the scenes of his life, revealing purely personal moments that present him in previously unrecognised contours. With a sense of humour, he reflects on his political legacy and universal human issues. The central motif is formed by the parallels between Havel's life and the successful play Leaving, which Havel always wanted to direct as a film adaptation..

I Would Like to Speak Armenian Well

I Would Like to Speak Armenian Well

In the spring of 2022 Vigen came back to the little town in Armenia that he left when was 11 y.o. He has to remember his mother’s tongue over again, settle in and find a job. There are old things in the basement of his house that were brought from the village where his ancestors lived a long time ago. These things keep the history of Vigen’s family, childhood and support him with starting a new life..

Personne Ne Parlera De Nous Quand Nous Serons Mortes

Personne Ne Parlera De Nous Quand Nous Serons Mortes

Lorsque son mari torero tombe dans le coma, la vie de Gloria bascule. Elle sombre dans l'alcoolisme et quitte Madrid dans l'espoir de faire fortune au Mexique. Devenue prostituée, elle assiste à un règlement de comptes entre policiers et mafieux mexicains. Vivante, elle rentre en Espagne avec un précieux carnet d'adresses qui devrait lui permettre de repartir à zéro. Mais, un tueur est à ses trousses..