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The Seventh Day

The Seventh Day

This five-hour documentary traces the history of the Sabbath. Hosted by award-winning actor Hal Holbrook, the series features more than fifty historians, theologians and other experts. Backed up with careful documentation, "The Seventh Day" is an authoritative presentation of the controversy over Saturday and Sunday as Christian days of worship..

Le Jour d'après

Le Jour d'après

Alors que les journaux télévisés et la radio font allusion à une intervention armée des Soviétiques en Allemagne de l’Est, la vie quotidienne de citoyens américains habitant de Lawrence et de Kansas City est sur le point d'être bouleversée ! Une guerre nucléaire est sur le point d'éclater..

The Forgotten Day

The Forgotten Day

Because of a kidnapping case, an amnesia case, a missing woman and a big sum of money, waiter Ng Yiu-chung and interior designer Meng Yat-yin bump into each other and develop a subtle friendship. After being saved, Yat-yin becomes an amnesia sufferer. He forgets the kidnapping. His wife Yau Fei-yi, who has paid a ransom, is also missing. Yat-yin wants to rely on Yiu-chung to unravel the kidnapping case and also track down Fei-yi. But Yiu-chung wants to use Yat-yin for finding the vanished ransom. He also has to keep his involvement in the case secret. With psychotherapist Lam Hoi-ching’s help, Yat-yin regains fragments of his memory. However, the surprising truth is steadily revealed as lost moments are gradually realigned..

La Magie de l'amour

La Magie de l'amour

Livy, la fille d'un pasteur se trouve enceinte hors mariage. Pour sauver les apparences, son père organise un mariage avec un fermier recruté par un de ses confrères. Obéissant à la volonté paternelle, la belle citadine instruite et raffinée, quitte Denver pour découvrir son futur époux, Ray Singleton, une heure avant la cérémonie. Ils rejoignent ensuite sa ferme isolée au milieu des champs. Elle s'adapte vite tandis que Ray, affable et attentif, ne souhaite que son bonheur. Au contact de la simplicité de la famille de Ray, Livy découvre la tendresse mais, pas l'amour, trop rongée par la culpabilité. Si bien qu'à l'approche de l'accouchement, Livy prévient secrètement le père biologique de l'existence du bébé..

Inside IS: 10 Days in the Islamic State

Inside IS: 10 Days in the Islamic State

Le journaliste allemand Jürgen Todenhöfer profite de cette occasion unique pour exposer la vision apocalyptique d'ISIS pour le monde et pour documenter la vie quotidienne dans les villes qu'il contrôle. Il découvre une population terrifiée par les décapitations, l'esclavage et la torture, et une organisation inébranlable dans son engagement envers sa mission divine : répandre la peur et la violence dans le monde entier, quel qu'en soit le prix..

The Day After Tomorrow

The Day After Tomorrow

The Day After Tomorrow is a 1975 British science-fiction television drama produced by Gerry Anderson between the two series of Space: 1999. Written by Johnny Byrne and directed by Charles Crichton, it stars Brian Blessed, Joanna Dunham and Nick Tate, and is narrated by Ed Bishop. It first aired in the United States on NBC, as an episode of the children's science education series Special Treat, in December 1975. In the UK, BBC1 broadcast the programme as an independent special in December 1976, and again in December 1977. The plot of The Day After Tomorrow relates to the interstellar mission of Altares, a science vessel of the future that can travel at the speed of light. Departing from its original destination, Alpha Centauri, Altares moves deeper into space and her crew of three adults and two children encounter phenomena such as a meteor shower, a red giant star and, finally, a black hole, which pulls the ship into another universe. Originally commissioned to produce a child-friendly introduction to Albert Einstein's special relativity theory in the form of an action-adventure, Anderson and Byrne conceived The Day After Tomorrow as the pilot episode of a TV series. To this end, writer and producer proposed the alternative title "Into Infinity", although their limited budget precluded the production of further episodes. With a cast and crew that included veterans of earlier Anderson productions, filming on The Day After Tomorrow ran from July to September 1975 and consisted of ten days of principal photography and six weeks of special effects shooting. The visuals of Space: 1999 influenced both special effects technician Martin Bower, the designer of the scale models that appear in the programme, and production designer Reg Hill, who re-used set elements from various episodes of Space: 1999 to construct the Altares interiors. Newcomer Derek Wadsworth collaborated with Steve Coe to compose the theme and incidental music..

The Old Days Of Shanghai

The Old Days Of Shanghai

Dans la garde secrète secrète de Wu Yi Gao Qiang, Liu Yuxi, est responsable de la protection de l'empereur et de l'impératrice et a plusieurs fois pour protéger la voiture. Quel genre de complot choquant va arriver....

Le jour de la momie

Le jour de la momie

Dans l'espoir de mettre la main sur le célèbre diamant connu sous le nom de Codex de pierre, Jack Wells rejoint un groupe d'archéologues pour explorer un tombeau nouvellement découvert en Egypte, celui du roi maudit Neferu. Quand la momie du roi revient des morts à la recherche de victimes humaines, Jack va vivre l'expérience la plus horrifiante de sa vie..

La Nuit du lendemain

La Nuit du lendemain

À son arrivée à l'aéroport d'Orly, la fille du richissime M. Dupont est enlevée. La jeune fille est séquestrée dans une maison isolée, sur une plage de la Côte d'Opale..

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

Morgan Spurlock (Academy Award Nominated Director of "Supersize Me") has spent the majority of his career turning the camera on himself, inviting the audience to be a part of his own life experiences. This time, he's refocusing his lens on the most innovative and intriguing individuals in our pop culture landscape, allowing the audience to experience what it's like to be at the pinnacle of an exciting and extraordinary career by being "a fly on the wall" during the course of a typical day. Each episode goes behind the scenes with today's leading figures - celebrities, musicians, comedians, dancers, entrepreneurs - literally chronicling one day in their lives in a half-hour documentary film..

The Last Days on Mars

The Last Days on Mars

Un groupe d'astronautes découvre des bactéries extraterrestres dans le permafrost martien. C'est alors que l'un des membres de l'équipe est victime d'un accident. En attendant les secours, le groupe tente d'organiser la survie....

The Last Days Of...

The Last Days Of...

The lives and deaths of the heroes and villains who have shaped our world. History is peppered with men and women who changed the world, only to become more controversial in death than they were in life. ʻThe Last Days of...ʼ examines six giants of history who suffered bloody and brutal deaths, retelling their stories, which are packed with unexpected twists and turns. Each episode features a panel of writers, thinkers and historians who set about exploring the downfall and legacy of these characters. This is history as it should be - compelling, dramatic and highly contested. It makes us question everything we thought we knew about the lives and deaths of the heroes and villains who have shaped our world..

10 days before the wedding

10 days before the wedding

A number of obstacles stands in the way of a young couple as only 10 days are left for their wedding, each obstacle is in one way or another caused by the aftermath of the 2015 war in Yemen..

The Battle of Britain: 3 Days That Saved the Nation

The Battle of Britain: 3 Days That Saved the Nation

Dan Snow and Kate Humble present a three-part guide to the critical aerial battle that changed the course of the Second World War, featuring personal stories of pilots, ground crews and members of the public. The first episode tracks the first skirmishes of the three-day battle,as the Luftwaffe began an all-out assault to rid Britain of air power prior to a land invasion. The first skirmishes were being tracked by a 19-year-old WAAF member in a secret London bunker, and her secret diaries provide fresh insight into the strategies behind the aerial combat..

The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie

The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie

Porky and Daffy, the classic animated odd couple, turn into unlikely heroes when their antics at the local bubble gum factory uncover a secret alien mind control plot. Against all odds, the two are determined to save their town (and the world!)...that is if they don't drive each other crazy in the process..

Today's the Day

Today's the Day

Today's the Day was a British television daytime quiz programme that was broadcast on BBC2 from 12 July 1993 until 12 March 1999. The programme was originally hosted by Andrew Rawnsley until he was replaced by Martyn Lewis. A book based on the programme, with the same title, was issued in 1995. The first series was won by Andy Whitworth and Tony Stevens, friends from The Foresters pub in Dartford, Kent. The prize for winning the series was a voucher for an aeroplane ticket around the World..

Le jour viendra où...

Le jour viendra où...

Moses Al Shabaz est le Sultan de la ferme "The Star of Six", un projet qu’il mène à Miami avec son épouse Venus. Avec son armée de quatre personnes, il désapprouve les armes à feu, combat le crime et rêve de renverser le gouvernement. Afin de sauver sa famille de l'expulsion, il décide d'accepter de l'argent d'un inconnu qui lui propose de financer sa révolution . C'était sans savoir que son bienfaiteur travaille pour le FBI qui prévoit de le transformer en criminel en alimentant ses rêves révolutionnaires les plus fous..