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Hummus Full Trailer

Hummus Full Trailer

A satirical crime, comedy of errors that involves three trailers that have been smuggled into Israel. A mistake in the harbor brings together Arabs, Orthodox Jews and a gay couple that must join forces in order to solve the mishap..

It’s Not A Full Picture

It’s Not A Full Picture

Russian war changed the lives of Ukrainian filmmakers entirely. Some are at the frontline, some volunteering or trying to take care of their kids, but everybody is reflecting. What is the picture the war reveals?.

Full Moon

Full Moon

A ruminative, understated drama on the nature of overwork versus an "unachieving" life away from the city, Pelnia examines the experience of one man. After leaving his high-pressured existence as a successful architect, the newly resolved dropout goes to live in a small community of cabins and summer homes in a lake-filled region north of Warsaw. His interactions with the villagers, including a drunkard and other eccentrics, provide an informative background for what happens next. The ex-architect's wife is a professional singer who has not abandoned the city or her life -- and she soon arrives to spend some time with her very changed husband..

Full Employment

Full Employment

The revolutionary new government program allows young people to assist the elderly in carrying out their occupational responsibilities, even when said duty is...out of the ordinary..

Full Speed

Full Speed

Alors qu'il est en train de pêcher tranquillement en barque sur un lac, le professeur Banti voit tomber du ciel en parachute la fantasque Dora Sandri qui multiplie les paris pour repousser son mariage avec le prince Huerta. Immédiatement amoureux, le professeur va renoncer à son existence surprotégée auprès de sa riche tante Agata et tout faire pour conquérir la jeune femme en découvrant les joies de l'alcool, se lançant dans une descente en ski ou participant à une course cycliste....

Two Down Full Base

Two Down Full Base

Based on the children's book by Sunada Hiroshi. Musuke "Shorty" Sato is a shortstop for the local junior baseball team, the Eggs, who is asked by his mother to look after some money for her. He foolishly lends it to Tower and Dump, the school bad-boys, and must enlist the help of the pitcher's pretty little sister..

Marc Anthony - Una Noche (Full Concert)

Marc Anthony - Una Noche (Full Concert)

MIAMI, March 3, 2021 / PRNewswire / - Marc Anthony once again takes over the stage in an innovative way, with his only LIVESTREAM concert: "One Night", broadcast live, on Saturday, April 17, from the city of Miami A first level historical show, completely renewed and in keeping with these new times, that will move the most intimate fibers of all its fans. The artist with more than 70 # 1 hits on the Billboard (Latino) chart, seven times GRAMMY® and Latin GRAMMY® winner, with more than 30 million albums sold worldwide, will give every viewer an experience like no other. , a live show, in which energy, production and music will be destined to capture the public and not let go until the end..

À toute allure

À toute allure

A young couple who are amateur roller-skating buffs practice their chosen avocation at a Parisian roller rink. Their hopes rise with a chance to go to Chicago to compete, especially when a magazine reporter assures them that his company will back them -- but then lets them know some sex-related business is a part of the package. Caught up in the couple's drama are several other characters who look like they might need some help themselves, making the problem of how to get to the Windy City seem more and more insoluble..

Full Moon

Full Moon

A police officer Hamza has to work that night even though his wife has gone into labour, because the police are short-staffed. To make everything worse, it seems that people showing up at the station have decided to prove the old belief about the mysterious powers of the full moon and its influence on human behaviour. In the course of that one night, representatives of all the absurdity and tragedy of life in Bosnia and Herzegovina parade through the station and somehow help Hamza get ready for a new life..

À pleines dents

À pleines dents

When the night is up, the ashamed vampire goes up to the butcher shop where the owner welcomes him and reconciles him with his nature. A tasty toast follows..