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Sale of the Century

Sale of the Century

Sale of the Century was a UK game show based on a US game show of the same name. It was first shown on ITV from 1971 to 1983, hosted by Nicholas Parsons. The first series was supposed to air only in the Anglia region, but it rolled out to other regions since 8 January 1972 and achieved full national coverage by the end of 10 May 1975, at which point it was one of the most popular shows on the network - spawning the often-mocked catchphrase "and now, from Norwich, it's the quiz of the week." It has been revived twice first on Sky One from 1989 to 1990 hosted by Peter Marshall and then on Challenge TV in 1997 hosted by Keith Chegwin..

Half a Century of Poetry Later

Half a Century of Poetry Later

Quarter the century after the Rivian Pogrom (the very last events from the Witcher Saga) Kaer Morhen, an old keep of the witchers from the school of the Wolf, is being attacked. Leader of the assault is a mighty warrior - Agaius. A few years later from Aretuza, newly rebuilt school of the sorceress, runs Ornella, who has been suspected of finding the legendary Alzur's Almanac. In pursuit comes Triss Merigold, with help of an old bard, Dandelion, his bastard son Julian and Lambert, the last monster slayer, seeking for revenge..

Winston Churchill : Un géant dans le siècle

Winston Churchill : Un géant dans le siècle

Sauveur de l'Europe, héraut de la civilisation se dressant face à la barbarie nazie puis face au communisme pendant la Guerre froide, chef de guerre infatigable et pugnace, amateur de cigares et de bons mots, buveur exceptionnel, mais jamais ivre, prix Nobel de littérature, peintre à ses heures, oscillant entre euphorie et dépression, Winston Churchill incarne une ardente multiplicité. Il fut l'homme de toutes les contradictions, de tous les coups d'éclat et de tous les échecs. Force de vie, homme de l'éternel rebond, il sut aussi échapper plusieurs fois à la mort. Portrait d'un géant de l'histoire..

Les Enfants du siècle

Les Enfants du siècle

1832, George Sand vient de publier "Indiana", livre scandaleux ou elle évoque sa vie de femme. Musset, lui, avait écrit "Namouna" dans une langue qui déconcertait et ravissait les femmes. Il avait vingt-deux ans. Elle avait six ans de plus..

The Tank: Weapon of the 20th Century

The Tank: Weapon of the 20th Century

On the Battlefields of the World Wars: Since its invention at the start of the 20th century, the tank has served as a symbol of political power as well as military strength. These huge vehicles have long since found their way into global culture - whether as a monument, in films or on billboards. Tanks have made history and have themselves become part of the story..

The 101 Events That Made The 20th Century

The 101 Events That Made The 20th Century

The history of mankind is a never-ending story of change, revolution, and evolution, but surely no span of a hundred years can claim to have changed the world so dramatically as the Twentieth Century. In this series we examine the 101 Events which, in the judgment of experts, including those who contribute to the series, most influentially shaped the century, our world, and our way of life..

20th Century Nostalgia

20th Century Nostalgia

A young student believes that the spirit of an alien from another planet has gone back in time, taking over his body to infiltrate and study humanity in order to find the reasons why our civilization is doomed to future destruction. He replicates the spirit of another alien in a girl that he meets, and together they use their video cameras to document modern urban Japanese society..

War of the Century - When Hitler Fought Stalin

War of the Century - When Hitler Fought Stalin

In June 1941, Hitler broke the golden rule of warfare never to fight on opposite fronts and marched into the Soviet Union. What would drive him to make the most catastrophic mistake of World War II? This acclaimed four-part series investigates what led to the largest military operation in history - and the bloodiest. Assisted by leading historians and granted unique access to Eastern film archives and to both Soviet and German participants, War of the Century is the definitive series on a war that shaped the borders and attitudes of Europe for the second half of the 20th Century..

21st Century Cleo

21st Century Cleo

A fictional story about Cleopatra in her teen years. She lives a Royal life of luxury in Ancient Egypt with her parents and siblings. One night she is enticed to let loose and break the rules. What have they done?!? She is severely punished. King Pharaoh banishes her far away to set her straight and teach her a Cardinal Life Lesson. She is sent into the 21st Century alone. Cleopatra is pretty much lost and abandoned in our time, but she's still Royal and that's undeniable. Will she ever know the real truth of the matter? What has happened to Ancient Egypt and her family after her exile Into the 21st Century? Stay tuned to know more about Cleopatra's journey into the 21st Century and back..

The Wedding of the Century

The Wedding of the Century

This feature-length documentary reframes one of the most iconic days in history like never before, with beautifully restored original film of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer's wedding, now presented in full 4K resolution..

Fair Cop: A Century of British Policewomen

Fair Cop: A Century of British Policewomen

With 2015 marking the 100th anniversary of the first British policewoman being given the power of arrest, this film takes us through the remarkable history of 100 years of Britain's female police force. It explores the individual careers and ambitions of women police officers who, through their bravery and guile, were determined to succeed in a profession that never wanted them. It is a story about ingenuity and determination as well as law and order. A Fair Cop is a hidden history of our society, depicting a battle of the sexes that masked a battle for power..

Intercept: A Century of Signals Intelligence

Intercept: A Century of Signals Intelligence

A thought provoking documentary feature film providing a comprehensive exploration of the evolution of signals intelligence over the past century. Whether you're intrigued by the secretive world of intelligence agencies or concerned about the implications of digital surveillance, this film will leave you with a deeper understanding of the role signals intelligence plays in society..

Century Hotel

Century Hotel

David Weaver makes his feature debut with this omnibus film in which each tale is told during different points during the 20th century, but in the same hotel room -- room 720. The film opens during the swinging '20s when a beautiful young woman, married against her will to a brutish thug of a man, endures a tension-fraught honeymoon. During the Depression segment, a mail-order bride from China meets her husband for the first time. Following the end of WWII, a soldier returns home to meet his girlfriend and his best friend. During the paranoia of the 1950s, a professor searches for his wife. During the 1980s, a lawyer has too much sex and debt, and during the dawn of the millennium, a woman comes to a newly refurbished room 720 to meet her Internet lover. Such acclaimed Canadian actors as Tom McCamus, Sandrine Holt, and Colm Feore star in this film, which was screened at the 2001 Toronto Film Festival..

The 101 Who Made The Twentieth Century

The 101 Who Made The Twentieth Century

The 20th century was a golden age that changed the course of the world rapidly, irreversibly and dramatically. The rapid technological progress of the century was built on science, exploration and other creative possibilities -- and heavily influenced by two world wars. It was based upon the actions of individuals and what they created, what they discovered and even what they destroyed. This documentary series takes a look into the 101 people who were most responsible for shaping the world and how the people view it today..