

voir film Goodbye streaming vf

Au revoir le bonheur

Au revoir le bonheur

À leur maison d’été aux îles de La Madeleine, quatre frères que tout oppose, leurs femmes et leurs nombreux enfants se retrouvent pour répandre les cendres de leur défunt père. Lorsque Nicolas, le plus jeune frère, perd l’urne contenant les cendres de leur père, les conflits commencent..

Embrasse-Moi Je te quitte

Embrasse-Moi Je te quitte

Kay Villano est veuve depuis trois ans. Elle ne peut se résoudre à oublier son mari, Jolly, un époux égoïste et infidèle , chorégraphe à Broadway. Kay tombe cependant amoureuse de Ruper Baines,un professeur d'Egyptologie. A l'approche de son mariage, Kay reçoit la visite du fantôme de Jolly, qui vient la hanter, voulant la disuader de se remarrier. Jolly refusera de disparaître malgrè le mariage de Kay....

Goodbye My Dear

Goodbye My Dear

“Who is the last person you would like to see?” When junior high school teacher Sakuraba Ayako wakes up, she sees a man standing there. Calling himself a guide of this mysterious place that extends in front of them, he tells her that this is “goodbye’s other side”. As his words sink in, Ayako recalls that she has died. She lets slip that she had never thought she would die in this manner. Visitors to this other side can meet people of this world one last time within a 24-hour time period. Ayako immediately thinks of her son Yuta and husband Hirotaka. However, the guide says the ones she can meet are only those who still do not know about her death. Ayako goes to the house of her former teacher Ishibashi Nobuyoshi. She is greeted by his daughter Megumi, but Nobuyoshi passed away about two years ago….

Creamy Mami: Long Good-Bye

Creamy Mami: Long Good-Bye

Shingo is planning the film "A Story of Two Worlds" starring Megumi. Yuu's transformation into Creamy Mami is happening without her wanting it. She is asked to star in the film too. But the magic doesn't last....

Goodbye & Amen

Goodbye & Amen

As John Dhannay, a CIA agent stationed in Rome, plans the overthrow of an African government, he discovers one of his men has been in contact with agents from the other side. Before he can confront the traitor, the man seemingly goes crazy, sniping several people before taking an adulterous couple hostage in a hotel room..

Goodbye, My Love

Goodbye, My Love

Is it a perfect marriage or a perfect act? A woman's life starts to crumble when she starts to realize that her husband is having an affair. Power couple Zhang Yi and Zhang Xin are the envy of everyone in the field of architecture. After Zhang Yi became pregnant, Zhang Xin offers to resign and become a househusband. Years have passed and their daughter Xiao Xiao is now five years old. On the surface, Zhang Yi's career is on the rise and her family is a happy home. However, she never imagined that she was actually living in a cesspool of lies....

Goodbye Solo

Goodbye Solo

Winston Salem, Caroline du Nord. Solo, jeune chauffeur de taxi d'origine sénégalaise, est engagé pour une course très spéciale: William, vieil homme sombre et taciturne, lui demande de le conduire deux semaines plus tard au sommet de la montagne "Blowing Rock". Sans retour. Bien décidé à lui faire changer d'avis, Solo décide d'entrer dans la vie de William en devenant son chauffeur attitré. Il espère ainsi garder un oeil sur lui et découvrir ses secrets. Pour William, le vieux rocker sudiste, le Rêve américain n'est plus qu'un passé amer, pour Solo c'est encore une promesse d'avenir. Malgré leurs différences les deux hommes vont apprendre à s'apprécier. Cette amitié inattendue sauvera-t-elle William ?.

Switching – Goodbye Me

Switching – Goodbye Me

After his parent's divorce, Kazuo Saito moves with his mother from Onomichi and must leave his girlfriend behind. At his new school, Kazuo is surprised to reunite with his childhood friend Kazumi..

An Irish Goodbye

An Irish Goodbye

In rural Northern Ireland, following the untimely death of their mother, a young man with Down syndrome and his estranged brother discover her unfulfilled bucket list..

Goodbye, Franklin High

Goodbye, Franklin High

Comic melodrama following the day-to-day life of high school senior Will, a promising but naive athlete struggling with choices that could determine his future, romance and family difficulties..