

voir film Der Fall streaming vf

Gardenia - Quand le rideau tombe

Gardenia - Quand le rideau tombe

Très applaudi en 2010 au Festival d’Avignon, le spectacle "Gardenia", autour de l’identité transsexuelle, a fait le tour du monde. Cet émouvant documentaire revient sur les derniers jours d'une véritable aventure..

Commissaire Hunkeler et l'affaire Livius

Commissaire Hunkeler et l'affaire Livius

Un cadavre découvert dans la zone frontalière entre la Suisse et la France contraint un commissaire bâlois à enquêter avec son homologue alsacien. On a trouvé un cadavre dans la cabane d'un jardin ouvrier de Bâle. Le défunt a été sauvagement assassiné : tué par balle, il a ensuite été suspendu à la poutre du cabanon par un crochet de boucher. Confiée au commissaire Hunkeler de Bâle, l'affaire se complique d'emblée : si la plupart des propriétaires des parcelles habitent en effet à Bâle, le terrain où le meurtre a été commis est rattaché à la France. Hunkeler va donc devoir collaborer avec un collègue français. Très vite, les soupçons se portent sur un certain Cattaneo, qui jardine aussi dans le secteur. Hunkeler découvre pourtant un détail qui l'intrigue : la victime, Livius, qui s'appelait autrefois Schmidt, semble avoir un passé trouble lié à la Seconde Guerre mondiale....

The Hunter of Fall

The Hunter of Fall

In the first light of day, one can see a mountain farm close to the forest. Nothing stirs far and wide. Suddenly, a figure comes out of the forest, running quickly to the farm. There's a quick grab and the hunting rifle is hidden in the gutter. There's a jump to the window sill: Obermeier Martl creeps like a cat into his room. No one's seen him. At the same time, the doorbell rings at Doctor Rauch's place. The hunter's mate Hias is standing outside. "Doctor, you have to bandage me: I've been shot!" By whom, he doesn't know..

Plitvice - Land of Falling Lakes

Plitvice - Land of Falling Lakes

The Tale of 1001 waterfalls takes place day and night right in the heart of Croatia. For here lying hidden among rough karst mountains is a “Natural Wonder World” – the Plitvice Lakes, one of the oldest Nationalparks in Europe. The Plitvice Lakes are embedded in a grandiose karst region. The film follows the course of the water taking it’s wondrous paths through the limestone. Rain and snow seep through the porous layers, cavities and caves to disappear from the surface but once in the depths these small water veins collect to mighty torrents..

L'Assassin idéal

L'Assassin idéal

La jeune commissaire Yvonne Weber quitte Francfort pour prendre ses nouvelles fonctions à Eisenach. Epaulée par son collègue Franz Wolf, elle réexamine une affaire de meurtre non élucidée : l'assassinat, au milieu des années 1980, de Dareen Wojcik, fille de policier. Le petit ami de Dareen, un malfrat prénommé Konrad Ritter, avait été immédiatement inculpé malgré un solide alibi. Les deux enquêteurs découvrent alors un dossier truffé d'incohérences, tandis que leurs interrogatoires restent infructueux. Mais des découvertes troublantes aux archives de la police de Gotha les mènent sur une piste étonnante. Tout indique que des policiers haut placés cherchent à freiner l'enquête....

Phantom RAF - The unsolved Herrhausen case

Phantom RAF - The unsolved Herrhausen case

On November 30, 1989, Alfred Herrhausen, CEO of Deutsche Bank, set off in his armored limousine for Frankfurt. At 8:34 a.m., the attack took place. Herrhausen, a top manager with threat level one, was killed instantly. Near the scene of the crime: paper with RAF emblem. Hidden in the bushes: the detonating mechanism of a bomb. An unprecedented, technically sophisticated attack. To this day, the case raises questions: Who were the perpetrators? Why was Herrhausen targeted? To what extent are international terrorist groups involved in the case?.

Kings in Paradise: The Vieques Case

Kings in Paradise: The Vieques Case

For many decades, the Caribbean island of Vieques was used for military tests and training. In Mississippi, a small-town lawyer receives a phone call, drawing his attention to increased incidences of cancer. He takes the case to court. Based on his investigation, "Kings in Paradise - The Vieques Case" shows how the military destroyed the island's ecosystem and its people. It is a story about a desperate fight for justice..

The Wiesel Tracked Vehicle - Firepower For Paratroopers

The Wiesel Tracked Vehicle - Firepower For Paratroopers

The weapon carrier Wiesel is a small track vehicle of the Bundeswehr. Visually, it looks like a toy tank, but it's packed with firepower and power. The 20mm machine gun and the anti-tank guided missile TOW are dangerous weapons. The weasel was designed to be extra small and light so that it can be quickly brought into its field of application by helicopter and transport aircraft. It is probably the most diverse armored vehicle in the Bundeswehr..