

The Test sokroflix gratuit

The Religious Test

The Religious Test

In 2011, 20% of Americans said they would not support a Mormon (a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) for President of the United States..

Test (The IVF Film)

Test (The IVF Film)

Melissa tells the story of her 4 years of trying to get pregnant after the age of 40, including 18 months of infertility treatments. In monologues and recreations, we join her on her surreal, painful, ridiculous, confusing, and heartbreaking quest..



Quatre enquêteurs. Quatre époques. Une victime. Inspirée du roman graphique hallucinant de Si Spencer, Bodies est une série policière unique en son genre. Lorsque le même corps est retrouvé sur Longharvest Lane dans l'East End de Londres en 1890, 1941, 2023 et 2053, quatre détectives doivent mener l'enquête, chacun à son époque. Au fil des décennies, ils découvrent que leurs affaires sont liées, tandis qu'émerge un énigmatique leader politique appelé Elias Mannix (Stephen Graham). A-t-il joué un rôle dans l'un de ces meurtres ? Ou une vérité bien plus sombre se cache-t-elle derrière ces événements ? Pour résoudre le mystère, nos quatre enquêteurs vont devoir collaborer d'une manière ou d'une autre et dévoiler une conspiration qui s'étend sur plus de 150 ans..

Le Tout Nouveau Testament

Le Tout Nouveau Testament

Dieu existe. Il habite à Bruxelles. Il est odieux avec sa femme et sa fille. On a beaucoup parlé de son fils, mais très peu de sa fille. Sa fille c’est moi. Je m’appelle Ea et j’ai dix ans. Pour me venger j’ai balancé par SMS les dates de décès de tout le monde….

A History of the Bible: The Old Testament: Early Writings

A History of the Bible: The Old Testament: Early Writings

The belief that Moses authored the Pentateuch was debunked by the end of the 19th century. But scholars then began to realize just how complex the authorship of the Old Testament was. They revived an ancient idea that Ezra had woven together all the divergent accounts that came to be the Pentateuch, and on to his work other books were added to produce our Old Testament..

Worth: The Testimony of Johnny St. James

Worth: The Testimony of Johnny St. James

Johnny St. James was a young seminary student who lost his wife to a drunk driver. With his reason for living gone, John lost his faith and turned to alcohol. Ten years later, John is finally read to get his life back on track. With his best friend Hickey ('Eric Roberts') in tow John attends his first AA meeting. He soon finds that his road to recovery tested when he runs into the man who ran down his wife..

The Testimony of Randolph Carter

The Testimony of Randolph Carter

The Testimony of Randolph Carter is based on Lovecraft's "The Statement of Randolph Carter," with some additional story material lifted from other Carter tales, especially "Through the Gates of the Silver Key." The film was shot on VHS using home equipment in 1987. It was filmed at various locations throughout Colorado. Part of the budget came from The Colorado College Award in Literature, a grant to fund independent educational projects..

PERKINS 28: Testimony from the Secret Court Files of 1920

PERKINS 28: Testimony from the Secret Court Files of 1920

In 1920, Harvard University convened a secret court to interview, charge and discipline students suspected of being homosexual. Thirty-seven men testified before the Court, including a tutor, an assistant professor, Harvard students, and several Boston men. After two weeks of testimony, eight Harvard men were forced to withdraw, one of whom committed suicide. Based on actual court documents, "Perkins 28" dramatizes the testimony from the Secret Court Files of 1920, nine episodes of testimony before the Court. Filmed in Cambridge, MA, and starring Harvard undergraduates..

Endurance Test: The 1000 Days

Endurance Test: The 1000 Days

For the latest chapter of Endurance Test, Los Angeles-based director Ivan Olita talks about his portrait of the monks of Mount Hiei, Japan, where spiritual practices hearken back thousand of years, and where the kaihōgyō, a pilgrimage lasting 1000 days, has been completed by less than fifty monks in over a century: “Kaihōgyō, the 1000-day pilgrimage performed by Tendai Buddhists, is not a challenge in the usual sense. The literal translation is 'circling the mountain,' so the mountain itself and a connection to nature is crucial; it has a more meditative meaning, it is part of a lineage of enlightenment wisdom that spans centuries, ages and generations..

Who Wrote the New Testament?

Who Wrote the New Testament?

How did a collection of 27 compositions, letters, and narratives come to change the course of history? This feature-length film explores often controversial questions and debates at the heart of modern biblical studies. Who were the people that drove the spread of this seminal Christian text and how do modern scholars interpret the texts and other artifacts at the heart of this mysterious history..

The Pylos Shipwreck – Situated Testimony

The Pylos Shipwreck – Situated Testimony

On 14 June 2023, a boat carrying hundreds of migrants sank inside the Greek search and rescue zone in the Mediterranean Sea–the deadliest migrant shipwreck in recent history. Our digital reconstructions of the boat and mapping of its trajectory reveal inconsistencies in the Hellenic Coast Guard's (HCG) account and indicate that over 600 people drowned as the result of a failed towing by the HCG..