

The Nurse

Nurse ga Konkatsu

Nurse ga Konkatsu

Yokoyama Yoko is the representative of the matchmaking agency specializing in nurses, "Nurse no Tomo." A former nurse herself, Yoko, who has experienced many years of marriage hunting, is known as a charismatic figure who, with her straightforward manner of speaking, guides those lost in the world of marriage hunting to success one after another..

La grève des nourrices

La grève des nourrices

A nanny quits her job, and convinces all the other nannies in the apartment building to go out on strike. The strike spreads to the city, with nannies everywhere abandoning their charges, in the park and in the streets. A counter-protest of abandoned babies follows..

How Viktor

How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home

Viktor spends his free time trawling bars with ladies of questionable repute, from where he is picked up by a wife he doesn’t love, the mother of a child they never planned. Viktor himself was abandoned by his own father, his mother then committed suicide, and he was left to grow up in an orphanage. Years later, his errant dad returns, now a disabled felon, and Viktor discovers a timely legacy is in the offing – his father’s apartment. The documentation for securing dad’s move into an old people’s home is signed in a flash. Nevertheless, the only one that can take him is miles away and, what’s more, the invalid starts to recuperate during the journey, which is when their real problems begin..

Nurse Witch KOMUGI R

Nurse Witch KOMUGI R

Komugi Yoshida a un emploi du temps très chargé : d’une part, elle est une étudiante pleine d’entrain, mais un peu maladroite. D’autre part, elle mène une carrière de chanteuse, même si sa popularité reste encore timide. Un jour, une drôle de créature se faisant appeler Lap-P lui offre des pouvoirs magiques. Sans l’avoir vraiment demandé, Komugi se transforme en infirmière et doit combattre des monstres ! Arrivera-t-elle à mener de front ces trois vies ?.

Sick Nurses

Sick Nurses

Le docteur Taa et sept infirmières à ses ordres revendent des cadavres de patients. Les sentiments des infirmières envers le docteur ne faisant qu'augmenter avec le temps, la jalousie fait éclater le petit groupe et elles décident de tuer l'une d'entre-elles. Bien sûr, le corps de la défunte sera revendu. A moins qu'elle ne reviennent hanter le cabinet et les responsables de son malheur....

Nurses for Sale

Nurses for Sale

Hamburg ship captain Markus Jolly is hired to transport a vaccine to a Latin American port, but when the precious cargo is stolen by mobsters, he is falsely accused of engineering the theft..

Nurse's Confession

Nurse's Confession

Yukiko is a nurse working at a general hospital. Because of the long, hard hours she keeps, she is under a great deal of stress. One day, she meets Kenta, a handsome patient hospitalized with a broken leg. After an unexpected turn of events, they end up having a bout of wild, hospital sex. Yukiko falls madly in love with him and has never felt so happy. Meanwhile, Taeko, Yukiko's fellow nurse, is dating an intern who is heir to a fantastic fortune. Taeko shows all her skills in sadomasochistic play as she trains Dr. Yamada to obey her every command. Kaori, a humble, somewhat square nurse, releases her daily stress with bouts of shopping which only drag her deeper into debt. Then she starts working as an "actress" at the Image Club..

Nurse Diary: Beast Afternoon

Nurse Diary: Beast Afternoon

A doctor develops a new scientific breakthrough in female psychotherapy with the discovery of the “Dream Ring,” a device that is inserted into a woman to record her thoughts and dreams. But, one dark and stormy night, the doctor and his assistant end up dead… hanging by ropes from the rafters of their lab. The lovely Reiko suffers from a condition known as “genophobia” (the fear of sexual intercourse), so she is admitted to the Tachibana Clinic for observation. Another group of doctors have the “Dream Ring” device and use it on Reiko to analyze her wildly erotic, and violent, dreams and nightmares. The clinic doctors have more sinister reasons to test this device on Reiko, however, and secretly put her under hypnosis so that the ring is activated at any time she hears the sound of a bell. Can she escape the evil doctors’ experiment and, even if she does, who is that strange person, dressed all in black, following her around?.

Ghost Nursing

Ghost Nursing

Jackie is a young woman determined to reverse her bad luck. She consults the God of Gold, who advises her to "nurse a ghost". She is given a small figure to worship, and the worship includes dripping three drops of her own blood every three days. At first, all goes well and she falls in love. But this new happiness causes Jackie to forget to worship the figure, and the spirit doesn't like it. With good intentions, her new boyfriend, Raymond, discovers Jackie's strange predicament and attempts an exorcism which goes horribly wrong. The spirit takes over Raymond, who starts doing nasty things..

Les grands patrons

Les grands patrons

A famous surgeon earns enormous amounts of money by speculating on patients, although he is generally considered a great man and an excellent doctor. Only one of his colleagues rebels against the situation and tries to reveal the truth. But during a dramatic operation, the famous surgeon forces him to turn accomplice and the doctor must keep quiet. Not for long, however..