

The Listener voirfilms

Listen to the Radio

Listen to the Radio

Europe’s most successful public cultural radio station is struggling. The film follows the passionate radio crew over a period two years as they attempt to reinvent their program. Just when the station begins to regain listeners the right-wing government starts to threaten its independence..

Écoutez le battement de nos images

Écoutez le battement de nos images

Écoutez le battement de nos images aborde la construction de la base spatiale de Kourou (Guyane française), à travers le regard d’une jeune guyanaise qui observe la transformation de son territoire comme une spectatrice. Combinant l'enquête de terrain et un processus de montage d'images d'archives, ce film aborde la conquête spatiale française d’un point de vue inédit..

When You Listen

When You Listen

Multidisciplinary Catalan flamenco singer Francisco Contreras Molinas, known by the artistic name of Niño de Elche (The child from Elche), sets off to Bolivia aiming to discover the origins of music and reach the very core of the art creation process. Along this existential quest in the depths of the Latin American soul, full of extraordinary acquaintances and experiences, he will reacquaint himself with his innermost feelings, reshaping his relationship with music, with his family, with life as a whole. A self-awareness journey embarking for the final liberating destination: the child hidden inside us all..



A film about sound and hearing. Some of the world's most daring composers and musicologists probe the nature of sound and hearing in this unique documentary. The sounds of a rabbit sleeping, the rhythms of a tugboat on water, and the music inspired by industrial machines are among the sounds explored. Includes insights from John Cage, Luciano Berio and Knud Victor..



Deaf or hard of hearing, the young man captures the rhythms played on the hang by a young woman, but will the two hear each other?.

Listen To The Grass Grow

Listen To The Grass Grow

"Listen to the grass grow" is a short abstract personal memory; sometimes too emotional, sometimes too illogical. But that’s the way our thoughts are floating in the space of our consciousness. This is the story of Maria. We are observing her at the beginning of her ‘new life’ in a new and unknown place. An unfamiliar house, she has no memories here, not yet. Her past belongs to other spaces, far away from here. She’s exploring this new place with her body, in order to awaken its physical memory and to reach an inner authentic movement. Maria is trying to feel this place; her body is trying to feel this space; her movements, driven by old memories, are filling the void..

Listening To The Air

Listening To The Air

The 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami destroyed large parts of the small town of Rikuzentakata. Here, Hiromi ABE hosts a radio show in which she reports on local events and interviews the residents. She focuses not only on the time after the disaster and the ongoing rebuilding of the community, but also on recording personal stories..

Listening to Moscow

Listening to Moscow

Moscow has become a home and stage for artists from all over the world. Music in this city sounds without stopping: a cosmopolitan Venezuelan who settled in Moscow is preparing the presentation of the album of his band – an important event of the underground rock scene. A Chinese pianist from the Conservatory, who is in love with Rachmaninoff, is preparing for a serious exam. American and Kazakh are experimenting with formats and looking for a listener among the neighbors in the entrance, inviting them to an apartment party. The Cuban ensemble once again takes to the stage of the restaurant with national songs and dances. A Ghanaian drummer plays with a gospel choir at a Protestant service. Each of them exists in its own small worlds, accessible to the listener; and these worlds make up the musical landscape of Moscow..

Go, Look, Listen

Go, Look, Listen

Can a blind person see the Acropolis? Can a deaf person hear the sound of the sea? Do people with mobility impairments always use a wheelchair? Are museums in Greece accessible to each and every one? A documentary about the issue of accessibility in Greece and how persons with disabilities experience reality. They share their thoughts and express their demands not only from museums but society in general..

À qui veut bien l'entendre

À qui veut bien l'entendre

This film features the actors of the improbable milieu of Noise and noisy or extreme music. These artists have made the choice of transgression in a die-hard approach in forms for the least diverse. From the voice, from usual diverted objects or from instruments of their manufacture, they develop their own language and jostle the listener unceremoniously, plunging him into sound universes with unknown topographies. Gathered behind closed doors for the purposes of the film, these nine turbulent French, European and South American artists confront and question their practices. The opportunity for each of us to share an unprecedented performance..

Listen To Fairy Tale

Listen To Fairy Tale

The film tells about how on the Leningrad radio programs were created for children, about how the child perceives a fairy tale told on the radio. The film features the Honored Artist of the RSFSR, known to all Leningrad children Maria Petrova and People's Artist of the USSR Alexander Borisov..

Listen Little Man

Listen Little Man

A man is trapped in a kind of parallel and weird universe. He is forced to accept "the real world" in order to become "normal" himself."The real world" is based on so-called "harmony" and he will try to change that..

Bana Congo Oyez!

Bana Congo Oyez!

This film is documents the struggles of Mr. Jean-Lucien Bussa, an idealistic member of the National Assembly, who routinely confronts his own conflicting incentives of service to others and service to his own needs. When does patronage end and corruption begin?.