

Rats sokroflix gratuit

Ratman to the Rescue

Ratman to the Rescue

Gossip magazine journalist Tong Leung-sing has unfortunately lost his left ear in a traffic accident. He gains mystical rat power after undergoing transplant surgery. Leung-sing keeps creating fake news just to benefit himself. He clashes with righteous policewoman Sung Hoi-yan, causing both of them to lose their jobs. With the support of her uncle Ming Kwan-ngai, Hoi-yan becomes a private investigator. Leung-sing is forced to help Hoi-yan with her investigation activities as Hoi-yan catches him using his mystical power to peep at goddess Ming Cheuk-kei. Gold digger Tong Mei-fun is cruelly harassed as rich clan heir Tsui Tsun-wai and she become foes. Mei-fun forgives Tsun-wai and offers to help him as Tsun-wai gets into a difficult situation. Leung-sing becomes increasingly arrogant as he uses to his mystical power to solve cases. Meanwhile, Hoi-yan shockingly finds out Kwan-ngai’s real character. Leung-sing faces the danger of exhausting his mystical power and becoming a rat as he helps Hoi-yan..

Lab Rats

Lab Rats

Lab Rats is a 2008 BBC 2 situation comedy set in a university science laboratory starring Chris Addison, who co-wrote the series with Carl Cooper. The series was produced by regular collaborator Simon Nicholls and directed by Adam Tandy. Its executive producer was Armando Iannucci with whom Addison worked in The Thick of It. Iannucci stated that the programme would be a traditional-style sitcom recorded in front of a live audience. He hinted that it will be a "very cartoony" show featuring "lots of giant snails". A pilot was announced as part of a series called "Behind Closed Doors" in Autumn 2006, but was never aired. A series of six episodes was broadcast in 2008, although the show was not recommissioned for further series..

Les Ratties

Les Ratties

Dans un charmant "cottage" d'une paisible banlieue anglaise... Soulevez une plinthe et découvrez le monde fou, fou, fou, de la famille des petits rongeurs, les RATTIES..

Buppah Ratree - Saga

Buppah Ratree - Saga

Buppah Rahtree est une jeune fille discrète et sans amis. Elle a cependant un admirateur, Ake. Rahtree se rapproche d'Ake pour finallement découvrir qu'il n'est qu'un sale type. Forcée d'avorter, Rathree est abandonnée dans son appartement, où elle meurt. Oui, mais voilà, lorsque la police débarque, impossible de bougée le corps. L’esprit de Rahtree est toujours là et très en colère....

Un raton nommé rascal

Un raton nommé rascal

Sterling North, désormais sexagénaire, nous narre sa rencontre, alors adolescent, avec un jeune raton laveur, un été dans le Wisconsin. Surnommé Rascal, il partage avec lui de nombreuses aventures jusqu’à ce que l’appel de la nature soit le plus fort….



En 2032, après une guerre entre des humains hybrides à l'ADN modifié (appelés rats) et de simples mortels (Rat-Catcher), un père rat recherche une fille rat adulte cachée..