

Où voir Trust Netflix

600 kilos d'or pur

600 kilos d'or pur

Un groupe d'aventuriers entreprend de faire le casse d'une mine d'or au cœur de la Guyane. Mais l'opération ne se passe pas comme prévu, et, lors de leur fuite, leur hélicoptère doit se poser en catastrophe au milieu de la jungle. Ils ont mis la main sur six cents kilos d'or mais doivent maintenant les porter sur leurs dos dans un milieu très hostile. Le butin devient fardeau. Les sept fuyards, cinq hommes, deux femmes, s'enfoncent dans la jungle. Le climat, les insectes, la fatigue, la menace des poursuivants... Tout concourt à rendre leur longue marche impossible. La forêt semble devoir se refermer sur eux. Et la cohésion du groupe est rongée par la fièvre de l'or....

The Terminal Trust

The Terminal Trust

Shinzo Egi is an asthma sufferer who does not want to be place on life support. As a last request, Shinzo Egi asks his doctor Ayano Orii if she could follow his wish. Doctor Ayano Orii is then questioned in a criminal case because of her decision..

Solid Rock Trust

Solid Rock Trust

Armé seulement d'une collection de téléphones portables et d'un talent unique, un hacker orchestre un braquage de banque élaboré dans un bâtiment abandonné. Mais quand les choses deviennent incontrôlables, elle a son intelligence pour tout tenir ensemble....

Schirkoa: In Lies We Trust

Schirkoa: In Lies We Trust

Un employé de bureau qui s'ennuie dans sa vie, déclenche accidentellement une révolution dans un monde dystopique, Schirkoa, où les citoyens vivent avec des sacs en papier sur la tête pour éviter les conflits liés aux différences politiques, culturelles et religieuses..

Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal

Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal

Trust & Betrayal chronicles the story of Kenshin Himura as the Hitokiri Battōsai during the final years of the Bakumatsu era, while also revealing the origins of his cross-shaped scar and exploring his relationship with a woman named Tomoe Yukishiro. It is a prequel to the anime television series adaptation of the same name..

We Go Fast On Trust

We Go Fast On Trust

Chen Mo Bai regarded racing as a lifelong dream since he was a child and longed to one day represent China in the "Super Formula" arena. But in the eyes of Chen Mo Bai's family, this was an unsafe and unreliable joke until he met Shen Xi, an engineer who was also obsessed with realizing her dream in life. Shen Xi's rigor and professionalism make Chen Mo Bai believe that his dream can be brought into reality. But at this moment, Shen Xi is at the darkest moment in her life. The confusion of her career and the departure of her family have plunged her into the abyss..

In Debt We Trust: America Before the Bubble Bursts

In Debt We Trust: America Before the Bubble Bursts

Emmy-winning journalist Danny Schechter investigates America's mounting debt crisis in this latest hard-hitting expose. The film reveals the unknown cabal of credit card companies, lobbyists, media conglomerates and the Bush administration itself who have colluded to deregulate the lending industry, ensuring that a culture of credit dependency can flourish. Schechter exposes the hidden financial and political complex that allows the lowest wage earners to indebt themselves so heavily that even house repossessions are commonplace..

The Trust Fall: Julian Assange

The Trust Fall: Julian Assange

Examining the meaning and significance of the insights that WikiLeaks shared with the world, the resulting behaviour of the governments involved, the extraordinary personal risk taken by Assange, and the wider fundamental issues around press freedom that affect all of us and our right to know..

Who Do You Trust?

Who Do You Trust?

Who Do You Trust? is an American game show which aired from September 30, 1957, to November 15, 1957, at 4:30 pm, Eastern on ABC, and from November 18, 1957, to December 27, 1963 at 3:30 pm, Eastern - which helped garner a significant number of young viewers coming home from school. The series was originally emceed by Johnny Carson and originally announced by Bill Nimmo. A year into the run, Nimmo was replaced by Ed McMahon, and from that point until 1992 the two would spend the majority of their careers together. Carson and McMahon departed in 1962 when Carson was hired to take over Tonight Starring Jack Paar on NBC, where Carson would spend the next thirty years, and Woody Woodbury took over the hosting position while Nimmo returned to announce. While the format was somewhat similar to The Newlywed Game, it was actually much closer to the hit Groucho Marx game You Bet Your Life on NBC..

Trust Me

Trust Me

Harry plays hoaxes on gullible tabloid journalists. But when he gets ambitious and tries to sell the faked memoirs of a contract killer to a publisher, things start to go seriously wrong..

Trust Machine: The Story of Blockchain

Trust Machine: The Story of Blockchain

Hacktivist and blockchain expert Lauri Love fights extradition in TRUST MACHINE—his computer skills a threat to the US government. Tech innovators strike a raw nerve as banks and network pundits rush to condemn volatile cryptocurrencies and their underlying blockchain technology. Why are banks terrified while UNICEF embraces it to help refugee children? Award–winning filmmaker Alex Winter reveals that proponents of blockchain—a verified digital ledger—are already using the technology to change the world; fighting income inequality, the refugee crisis and world hunger..

Deceived by Trust: A Moment of Truth Movie

Deceived by Trust: A Moment of Truth Movie

When a student confides to her guidance counselor that the high school principal has been sexually harassing her, the guidance counselor attempts to have the principal fired. The student recants her story and transfers to another school. Just when everything seems to be lost, the counselor discovers the principal has a history of such activity. Can she prove the principals guilt before he does it again?.