

Où voir The Barrier Netflix

La collection Cousteau N°13 | Australie : l'ultime barrière | L'Australie : à l'ouest du bout du monde

La collection Cousteau N°13 | Australie : l'ultime barrière | L'Australie : à l'ouest du bout du monde

Australie : l'ultime barrière Voici le premier documentaire d'une série de quatre consacrés à l'Australie. Nous découvrons la Grande Barrière de corail, les sites archéologiques aborigènes, mais rencontrons aussi les kangourous, les ornithorynques et les redoutables crocodiles d'eau salée. L'Australie : à l'ouest du bout du monde L'Alcyone explore les récifs coralliens et la faune parfois inhospitalière de la côte occidentale de l'Australie. Au large de la ville côtière de Broome, l'équipe fait la rencontre d'étranges et paisibles sirènes, les dugongs, qui comptent parmi les mammifères marins les plus rares..

Fascination Coral Reef: Hunters and the Hunted

Fascination Coral Reef: Hunters and the Hunted

Eat or be eaten, is the theme of this documentary. But there is a natural balance between the hunters and the hunted. Observe with us hunting methods of big and small fish and their strategies to eat but not be eaten and see their clever tactics. Fish pretending to be much larger than they really are and while others are hiding, calmly waiting for their prey. So what is the best strategy with which to avoid predators, live to see the next day, be able to breed and secure your offspring? Mackerel, shark, napoleon fish and morays are hunters we observe closely and many inhabitants are constantly on the run from these dangerous predators. Fortunately, there are caves and crevices to hide in and ship wrecks to find a safe home. Explore this amazing world in real 3D!.