

Où voir Obraz Netflix

Occupation, the 27th Picture

Occupation, the 27th Picture

We encounter the controversial Croatian film director Lordan Zafranovic in voluntary exile in Prague. The film follows his rise from a talented outsider to the celebrated Yugoslav director of the acclaimed war film, 'An Occupation in 26 Pictures'. His life story is an unconventional depiction of a rise and fall that reveals compromises made in order to survive artistically during communism, as well as the missed opportunities and miscalculations that led to his inability to adapt in later years. Is the charismatic Zafranovic a national traitor or a victim of historical circumstances in which the only thing he wanted to do, in his own words, was to be himself and make films?.

The Last Image

The Last Image

What’s it like to live with vision loss, knowing that someday soon you’ll never be able to see the faces of those you love again? This film is a survey of the lives of people living with visual impairments who have either already gone completely blind or are slowly losing sight of the world around them, but still do not give up in their pursuit of happiness and a life of positivity..

MBS, le prince d'Arabie

MBS, le prince d'Arabie

Prince héritier d'Arabie saoudite, Mohammed ben Salman (dit MBS) se trouve - à seulement 34 ans - à la tête d'un État d'Asie occidentale qui possède d'immenses réserves pétrolières et pèse sur l'économie mondiale. Ce pays abrite également les principaux lieux saints de l'Islam et demeure le premier acheteur d'armes du monde. Accusé de l'assassinat barbare d'un journaliste, de l'enlèvement d'un Premier ministre étranger, engagé dans une guerre sanglante au Yémen, décidé à contrer l'Iran à tout prix, MBS est aussi un partenaire-clé dans la lutte contre le terrorisme, mène des réformes spectaculaires qui changent le visage de son royaume..