

Où voir My Baby Netflix

A Filha

A Filha

Ricardo Monteiro is a successful television producer specialising in reality shows. He is 45 years old and he has just received an award for the most popular television show of the year, when he receives an ultimatum from his 18-year-old daughter Leonor. If he does not come home that same evening to celebrate her birthday he will never see her again. Ricardo is distracted by business or other commitments and he is too late for the last flight home. When he returns next day the apartment is empty and Leonor is gone. At first Ricardo thinks that it is only a game, but there are no phone calls or messages and after a while he gets worried and starts looking for her. He discovers that she has quit school without telling him and that she has lost all contact with her old friends. She has become a complete stranger..

Vortex of Love

Vortex of Love

A group of mid-twenty friends with unsteady jobs meet for a party where they intend to hook up two of their friends. Over the following weeks we follow their lives in four different small apartments as their relationships change and evolve and as everyone struggles with love..

Les intrus

Les intrus

Le grand chirurgien Charles Bernard rentre de croisière avec sa femme Françoise et leur fille Viviane, âgée de trois ans. Dans sa villa de la Napoule, Bernard rencontre un inconnu qui le menace de tuer sa petite fille s'il ne lui verse pas 100 millions en espèces. Le complice de l'inconnu, Albert, tient l'enfant au-dessus du vide. Ne pouvant s'opposer aux deux bandits qui se sont entourés d'un grand luxe de précautions, Bernard s'incline. Le lendemain il prend l'avion avec l'inconnu pour aller chercher la somme à la banque. Pendant leur absence, l'inconnu a laissé à son complice Albert le soin de surveiller la femme de Bernard et sa fillette. Le chirurgien apprend que sa femme a été violée. Désormais, il n'a plus qu'un but: se venger des deux crapules ....

After the Dance

After the Dance

In this funny and moving documentary, acclaimed film-maker Daisy Asquith tells the very personal story of her mother's conception after a dance in the 1940s on the remote west coast of Ireland. By exploring the repercussions of this act, Daisy and her mother embark on a fascinating and emotional adventure in social and sexual morality. Her grandmother, compelled to run away to have her baby in secret, handed the child over to 'the nuns'. Daisy's mum was eventually adopted by English Catholics from Stoke-on-Trent. Her grandmother returned to Ireland and told no-one. The father remained a mystery for another 60 years, until Daisy and her mum decided it was time to find out who he was. Their attempts to find the truth make raw the fear and shame that Catholicism has wrought on the Irish psyche for centuries. It leads Daisy and her mum to connect with a brand new family living an extraordinarily different life..

Whose Baby Are You?

Whose Baby Are You?

When baby-care-book author Glenn Tryon has an abandoned baby dumped on him during a train trip, he discovers he should have read a book on the subject as well as having written one..

Le Bébé d'une Autre

Le Bébé d'une Autre

Layla et Nate, la quarantaine, récemment mariés, aimeraient bien un enfant. Le docteur Bianca Hartlin, spécialiste de la fertilité, leur conseille une FIV et soumet Layla à des injections d'hormones à fortes doses. Le traitement déstabilise Layla, déjà fragilisée par un nouveau contrat, un parfum associé à une starlette de la téléréalité. C'est le moment que choisit Allison, la fille que Nate a eue de son premier mariage, pour abandonner la faculté et revenir à la maison. Parallèlement, Bianca s'immisce peu à peu dans la vie du couple. Elle sympathise avec Layla, puis demande à Nate de lui donner des cours de golf....