

Intruder streaming vf complet gratuit

The intruder

The intruder

A couple descends through a forest in the surroundings of Valparaíso. Suddenly, old ghosts begin to appear between them: the trees and the water begin to sing provoking the emergence of a dreadful element..



Twenty-year-old Thomas Lindgren gets out of a youth rehab clinic, after being falsely accused of raping his ex-girlfriend's younger sister. He is looking forward to a new life and the summer in Oslo with his friends - But soon, he finds himself beaten, tied up and held hostage by the victims father who is desperate to find the truth..



A young filmmaker has a hard time finishing his script. In it tells the story of a toxic couple, their tragic separation, and a bloody hunt about to begin..



By following the battles of five different people, all battling different invasive species in their own local environments, we get to know them, the unwelcome species, and the landscape that they want to protect from uncontrolled evolution. Nature is an open battlefield, and these people know it. They will do whatever it takes to protect the landscape from the intruders. This film is a documentation of different hunts for different invasive species, a study of what it means to be invasive, and a modern perspective on nature in the Anthropocene era..



Jae Min tries to rob his own house with the help of his friend, Young Min. When Jae Min’s attempt fails, Young Min brings a friend, Hyun Jin, who has a car. The following day, Jae Min tries to break into his house again, this time with Hyun Jin. But Jae Min soon realizes involving Hyun Jin was a big mistake, and desperately tries to stop him, but things take a wrong turn and there’s no turning back..

The Intruder

The Intruder

Five siblings are brought back under the same roof after their father's passing, with a deadly intruder roaming their halls and no way out they are forced to face the truth, the intruder, and worse, each other..



A salaryman living alone in a small apartment is visited by complete strangers, a large family with grown-up sons and a daughter, who take over his apartment and his life. They use his money and he has to wait on them as their servant. They even steal his girlfriend. Although they behave very dictatorially, everything is decided "democratically" by the majority..

Lifeforce : L'Étoile du mal

Lifeforce : L'Étoile du mal

Une mission spatiale est envoyée explorer un vaisseau extra-terrestre apparemment naufragé dissimulé dans la queue de la comète de Halley. On en ramène trois êtres humains, une femme et deux hommes, apparemment en état d'hibernation. Lorsque ceux-ci se réveillent, on découvre qu'ils « vampirisent » les êtres humains en leur soutirant non leur sang, mais leur « force vitale ». Les victimes de cette ponction, pour survivre, se voient obligés de vampiriser à leur tour, donnant ainsi naissance à une épidémie....

Moon 44

Moon 44

En 2038, les ressources naturelle de la Terre sont quasiment épuisées et la lutte est âpre pour s'approprier les dernières portions minérales disponibles sur les autres planètes. Des corporations se créent. Lorsque l'une d'elle voit disparaître ses robots, elle fait appel à des prisonniers pour la défendre. Au sein de l'équipe, la tension monte..

Les Passagers

Les Passagers

Road Movie tragique. Alex, qui a épousé Nicole, se rend à Rome pour récupérer Marc, le fils de celle-ci. En cours de route, ils sont agressés tout d'abord à l'hôtel et ensuite en voiture, par un mystérieux individu. Celui-ci, assassin de policiers, connaît Nicole et dans sa folie n'a qu'une idée: la retrouver. La fin sera dramatique car il va arriver à Paris avant Alex et Marc et à la suite d'une bagarre, trouver la mort..



Horror anthology with segments entitled: "See No Evil", "The Intruder", "Have a Nice Day" and "The Good Samaritan"..