

In the Garden voirfilms

A Dwarf in the Garden

A Dwarf in the Garden

The title Un enano en el jardin is an allusion to the Super 8 format and the setting where the actions that comprise the film unfold. A catalogue of extreme experiments with the mobility of the camera coordinated with brief improvisations by the Brazilian dancer Alice Bloch. It was mostly filmed with an Instamatic m22 camera (possibly the simplest and lightest Super 8 camera, with a fixed lens and manual diaphragm), so resistant that it functioned in conditions that would be unthinkable with a more complex camera, rotating at high speed around the optical axis or tied to a 35mm reel rewinder..

In the Garden of Sounds

In the Garden of Sounds

Un portrait de Wolfgang Fasser, musicien et thérapeute aveugle spécialiste des sounds studios. Ce film raconte l’histoire inhabituelle d’une personne qui tire parti de sa propre expérience d’aveugle pour aider des enfants handicapés profonds à accepter un monde qui leur semble hostile. Un voyage poétique à la découverte des confins de la communication, un film touchant qui parle tout en silences du monde des sons, des tonalités et des bruits..

The Bronze Garden

The Bronze Garden

Fabian Danube est un architecte de Porteño dont la fille a disparu. Après des mois sans réponses de la police, il décide de lancer sa propre enquête à la recherche d'indices indiquant la piste de sa fille. Sa recherche l'amène dans une partie de Buenos Aires qu'il ne connaissait pas, le forçant à s’adapter à un monde nouveau et sombre....

Le jardin des météores

Le jardin des météores

Bien déterminée à réussir dans l'université de ses rêves, Dong Shan Cai y découvre un groupe élitiste d'étudiants brillants et très populaires, le F4 conposé de : Dao Ming Si, Hua Ze Lei, Xi Men Yan et Feng Mei Zuo..

Grandfather in the Garden

Grandfather in the Garden

A disadvantaged area in the south of Kazakhstan is isolated due to coronavirus restrictions. Viktor Schmidt, once a resident of besieged Leningrad, many years later finds himself in a situation of blockade again..

Two Rembrandts in the Garden

Two Rembrandts in the Garden

The documentary follows the Englishman Mark Atkin in search of both his Jewish past and the family treasure which his father had told him about and has been an object of familial fascination for decades.

Golden Garden

Golden Garden

Eun Dong-Joo attempts to get back her stolen life. When she was 6 years-old, she was abandoned at an orphanage. She did not remember anything except her name. Despite her difficult environment, she has grown into a woman with a positive and bright personality..

The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden

Mary Lennox recently became an orphan because her parents died from a cholera epidemic in India so she was sent to live in England with her uncle. However, her uncle is a very distant man who talks to noone so she is left alone in the mansion with nobody to play with. Soon she meets a friendly servant boy named Dicon and his older sister Martha and they soon become good friends. Later on she discovers a secret garden and hopes it will bring happiness to her new family, including her cousin Collin who is crippled..

The Garden of Words

The Garden of Words

Takao, un jeune lycéen qui souhaite devenir cordonnier, sèche les cours et se rend dans un jardin japonais où il s’entraîne à dessiner des chaussures. Il y fait la rencontre de Yukino, une étrange jeune femme qui ne vient dans le jardin que les jours de pluie. Alors qu’ils deviennent de plus en plus proches, la saison des pluies touche à sa fin….

Meteor Garden

Meteor Garden

Shan Cai, whose parents are far from wealthy, attends Ying De University, the private school established exclusively for rich students. Besides being looked down by rich classmates, she has angered the leader of F4, Dao Ming Si..

Heaven's Garden

Heaven's Garden

When her husband goes to jail for bankruptcy, a woman takes her two daughters to live with her father, who severed ties with her years ago..