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Hawar, Our Banished Children

Hawar, Our Banished Children

In 2014, Daesh took control of Northern Iraq, home to the Yazidi community. They separated families, killing the men and kidnapping the women and girls, who were then “offered” to the jihad fighters. The reporter and filmmaker Pascale Bourgaux tells the story of the children born during this period of captivity, “the bastards of Daesh”, shedding light on this human tragedy..

Deftones: Live in Hawaii

Deftones: Live in Hawaii

Music in High Places, la série d'aventures et de musique internationales par excellence, emmène les meilleurs artistes du disque dans les sites les plus anciens du monde. Chaque expédition emmène les plus grands artistes de la musique aux quatre coins du globe et propose des performances acoustiques passionnantes dans le contexte des lieux naturels les plus intrigants de la planète. Faites un voyage intime avec les Deftones alors qu'ils découvrent la culture, l'histoire et la spiritualité d'Hawaï tout en interprétant certains de leurs plus grands succès!.

Hawaii FC Tour 2011 ~Morning Musume.~

Hawaii FC Tour 2011 ~Morning Musume.~

4th Hawaii FC Tour; interviews, guided tours of coffee, choco, tofu, and game w/fans; mem-do, surprise-pop, age-sum, hula-hoop, dance-off, & a race. Also; interviews, 'photo-chance', and the Special Live Hawaii Concert with Member Solo Performances. Disc 1 (63mins), Disc 2 (82mins)..

Hawaii FC Tour 2012 ~Morning Musume.~

Hawaii FC Tour 2012 ~Morning Musume.~

5th Hawaii FC Tour; interviews, frisbee, photo-chance, game w/fans; name-how many, charades, ping-pong dash, ball-toss, and bracelet making. Also; interviews, fan quiz, the Special Live Hawaii Concert with Member Solo Performances, then a field-trip. Disc 1 (70mins), Disc 2 (72mins)..

Hawaii FC Tour 2014 ~Morning Musume.'14~

Hawaii FC Tour 2014 ~Morning Musume.'14~

6th Hawaii FC Tour; interviews, choco-make, golf-train, Hula-dance, photo-chance, shake-count, broad-balance, ball-toss, charades, and Jankenpon. Also; interviews, fan quiz & surprise-pop, Rehearsals, Hawaii Concert, dance-charades, and Member Solos. Disc 1 (64mins), Disc 2 (84mins)..



Two friends (a conservative and fearful mathematician and an unfulfilled rapper) meet in the forest after years of separation. But instead of making up for lost time, they engage in a heart-wrenching argument that puts their friendship to the test..