

Gangsters sokroflix gratuit

Les gangsters de l'expo

Les gangsters de l'expo

Les époux Meulemans, commerçants bruxellois viennent à Paris avec leur fils Arthur visiter l'exposition universelle. Ils font la connaissance des Barberoux, un couple de Marseillais accompagné de leur fille. Olive Barberoux se vante d'avoir sur lui le montant de son gain à la loterie nationale : 250.000 Francs..

The Hidden Secrets: Gangsters of the 1920s and 1930s

The Hidden Secrets: Gangsters of the 1920s and 1930s

Never before has a gallery of cops, robbers, and daredevil crooks ever been assembled into one collection. Using FBI and police film, archival footage, and rare photographs, this story traces the life of Al "Scarface" Capone, Machine Gun Kelly, and many other Depression Era gangsters of the 1920s and 1930s..

Les Gangsters du château d'If

Les Gangsters du château d'If

Parce que Jean Mariole veut se debarrasser de sa maitresse, il simule un enlevement mais la jeune fille qui l'aime, apprenant qu'il vit avec la sequestree, se considere comme trahie. Jean se reconcilie avec les deux femmes, il dedommage l'une et epouse l'autre..

Suburban Gangsters

Suburban Gangsters

This series exposes the true stories of Australia's most notorious anti-heroes. Each episode will recount the life and crimes of two criminals each connected by their criminal DNA. With never been seen before interview material from crime figures Mark "Chopper" Read, Roger Rogerson and Graham "Abo" Henry to name a few..

Brigade Anti-Racket

Brigade Anti-Racket

Une bande de racketteurs terrorise les commerçants d'une ville italienne non identifiée. Pour faire face à cette menace est créée une unité spéciale avec à sa tête le commissaire Varelli. Mais l'enquête patauge tandis que les assassinats de témoins gênants se multiplient....

Al Capone - Profession : gangster

Al Capone - Profession : gangster

Parrain de la pègre de Chicago de 1925 à 1932, Al Capone (1899-1947) fut l'un des plus grands criminels des États-Unis et l'inspirateur de la figure du antihéros dans les films de gangsters. Comme le héros de ce film, le criminel a le visage balafré et sort dans le monde toujours tiré à quatre épingles, Borsalino vissé sur le crâne. Parti de rien, issu d'une famille pauvre italienne immigrée à New York, Al Capone, obligé de s'exiler à Chicago en 1919, tira notamment profit du marché noir de l'alcool dans les speakeasies, ces bars clandestins qui fleurirent durant la prohibition. Il fit également de la corruption des politiciens et des policiers la clé de son business lucratif.

Baron Noir

Baron Noir

L'histoire d'un président français en devenir et d'un ami à lui, le maire d'une petite ville du nord de la France..



Yong-gae is a rowdy gangster from Musan with no home, no background and nothing to lose. He's the loyal dog of Chairman Choi, his boss, and does even the dirtiest task he asks. One day he meets Soo-yeon, the daughter of a debtor. Yong-gae, who used to think being born in and dying in Musan wasn't so bad, falls for Soo-yeon and decides to leave Musan for the first time. However, Chairman Choi orders for him to be killed, and Yong-gae is provoked by his rival, Sang-cheol..

Gangsters in Paradise - The Deportees of Tonga

Gangsters in Paradise - The Deportees of Tonga

"In Gangsters in Paradise - Deportees of Tonga, VICE embeds with four Tongan nationals who have been sent back to the tiny island nation where they were born after serving prison time in New Zealand and the United States. Former gang members, they often struggle to reconnect with the culture, the language, and the people. "They are haunted by the stigma of their criminal pasts, which casts a pall over their employment prospects and puts a barrier between them and their compatriots. "Government support for returnees is non-existent, wages are low, and with Tonga in the midst of a methamphetamine crisis, the temptations to revert to the lives of crime they hoped to leave behind when they left prison are high.".

Einstein Castle & The Peppercorns - On the Gangster Hunt

Einstein Castle & The Peppercorns - On the Gangster Hunt

Five Einsteiners and three peppercorns from Hamburg experience unforgettable holidays together. Io (Clara Jaschob) and Joyce (Matilda Willigalla) from "Schloss Einstein" secretly stay at their boarding school in Erfurt during the holidays. But suddenly there is a break-in at night. They then decide to go hunting for criminals themselves..