

Frankenstein streaming vf complet gratuit

Shaolin vs Frankenstein

Shaolin vs Frankenstein

Chung Dracula (Eurasian, great grand son of Tranzylvania's famed vampire) has a score to settle with the half breed descendents of Van Helsing, now residing in Korea. In order to capture the Eurasian Van Helsing women, he conspires with extraterrestrials. But the aliens have an ulterior motive: Awaken the hibernating, giant, destructive dinosaur, Yongary! While the military closes in on Yongary, the skull-faced phantom The Golden Bat and a Shaolin kung fu master seek to destroy the remaining zombies, monsters & vampires now wrecking havoc, while rescuing the captured an Helsing girls..

Operation Frankenstein

Operation Frankenstein

Three siblings find a broken mannequin in the dumpster and decide to rebuild it using whatever they can find. After that, they try to animate it like Dr. Frankenstein did with his monster..

Warsaw Frankenstein

Warsaw Frankenstein

Cologne artist Boris Sieverts manages the “Büro für Städtereisen”, an agency that organizes trips to the unusual places of our daily routine. Sieverts is interested in spaces created by misplanned development patterns. Places that defied control or were just forgotten, but still shape the face of a town. Following an invitation of the Goethe Institute in Warsaw in the context of the “promised cities” programme, Boris Sieverts is going to offer a tour through Poland’s capital Warsaw in 2010. The film will accompany this unique artist on his trip to and through Warsaw, telling the audience about this extraordinary city, its places and dynamic, town planning and social coexistence..

Hillbilly Frankenstein from Hell

Hillbilly Frankenstein from Hell

The world is in a miserable state. Racism and division are rampant everywhere. This particular tale of hate follows the monster of a nazi scientist. This machine of cruelty was unleashed on the world. For decades it was a agent of evil. Time can change destiny though when the creature finds out about his twisted origins he takes the fight to his creators. No hate group is safe with the Hillbilly Frankenstein from Hell alive, because he will kill them all. Prepare yourself for a Grindhouse social commentary, prepare yourself for the Hillbilly Frankenstein from Hell..

Cinematic Titanic: Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks

Cinematic Titanic: Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks

Things get a bit randy in this version of Mary Shelley's immortal classic about... immortality. Just as our resident mad scientist is about to bring his creature back to life, he is forced to use a sub-standard brain. The Cinematic Titanic crew offer more hilarious commentary as they set their sights on a Frankenstein's castle chock full of angry villagers, grave robbers, and skinny dippers..

The Frankenstein Syndrome

The Frankenstein Syndrome

Young scientist Elizabeth Barnes (Tiffany Shepis) and her group of researchers are conducting illegal stem cell research, and discover a cell anomaly that has the potential to regenerate dead tissue. Unable to conduct legal human trials, the researchers turn to corpses to test their serum..

Frankenstein's Baby

Frankenstein's Baby

Paul quarrels with his girlfriend Jane about when to start a family and Dr Eva Frankenstein comes to his aid by helping him to become the world's first pregnant man.

Frankenstein Reborn

Frankenstein Reborn

The latest psychiatrist assigned to assess whether inmate Victor Frank is mentally fit to stand trial for murder gives up in frustration and so the asylum head Dr Robert Walton steps in to do the job. Frank tells Walton his story. He was a scientist experimenting in the field of nanotechnology. Using nanobots that were capable of rebuilding the human body, Frank and his team had great success in helping the crippled, wheelchair-ridden Bryce Daniels regain use of his faculties. But then Bryce started to become unstable....

No Telling (Or, The Frankenstein Complex)

No Telling (Or, The Frankenstein Complex)

Geoffrey, un scientifique, et son épouse Lillian s'installent à la campagne pour fuir le stress de la ville. Dans ce cadre idyllique, Geoffrey mène des expériences de vivisection dans sa grange, tandis que sa femme sympathise avec un écologiste local. De plus en plus obnubilé par ses expériences, Geoffrey décide de court-circuiter ses sponsors et de se procurer lui-même des spécimens vivants..

Les Vampires du Dr. Dracula

Les Vampires du Dr. Dracula

Lorsque, au cours d'un bal masqué, le jeune Rudolf retrouve son amie d'enfance Hyacinthe, il est ébloui par sa beauté et ne demande qu'à évoquer le souvenir des vacances d'autrefois en bâtissant de tendres projets. Mais la jeune fille n'a d'yeux que pour le prince Waldemar dont la solide trentaine et la faconde l'impressionnent. Dès le lendemain, alors que Hyacinthe a entraîné Rudolf dans les caves d'un château voisin abandonné, ils y retrouvent Waldemar qui leur conte la légende des Wolfstein, anciens propriétaires de la demeure : l'un d'eux, victime des loups-garous, est paraît-il endormi dans son caveau, une croix d'argent plantée dans le cœur..