

Evidence sokroflix gratuit

The Lost Colony of Roanoke: New Evidence

The Lost Colony of Roanoke: New Evidence

In 1587, more than 100 English colonists settle on Roanoke Island and soon vanish, baffling historians for centuries; now, experts use the latest forensic archaeology to investigate the true story behind America's oldest and most controversial mystery..

Mission Hannibal

Mission Hannibal

Hannibal était l'un des généraux les plus célèbres de l'histoire antique. Il est connu pour avoir traversé les Alpes au début de l'hiver, en 218 avant J.-C., afin de gagner le nord de l'Italie avec ses fantassins, ses cavaliers et ses éléphants. Un périple sans cesse discuté. Pourtant, grâce à des indices archéologiques, géologiques et historiques, une équipe d'experts internationaux tente de prouver qu'Hannnibal a bien réussi cet exploit..

Evidences of the Book of Mormon

Evidences of the Book of Mormon

Nothing can take the place of a spiritual witness that the Book of Mormon is true. However, additional evidences of the divinity of this book also exist. In this inspiring and informative presentation, Dr. Daniel C. Peterson, a noted scholar and lecturer, provides an intriguing look at the evidences that support the Book of Mormon as an ancient text. He looks at such things as chiasmus, word-print analysis, geographical evidence, and much more as he shares his witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, brought forth by the prophet Joseph Smith. Dr. Peterson's engaging style and convincing presentation will make this video a valuable resource for every gospel library..

The Evidence of the Film

The Evidence of the Film

A messenger boy is wrongfully accused of stealing bonds worth $20,000. Luckily, a film crew is shooting a moving picture on the same street. The boy's accuser has the police convinced, until....

Suppressed Evidence

Suppressed Evidence

The wife and mother, in love with her local instructor, places her husband's revolver and a note to "get rid of him" in her lover's coat pocket. The professor telephones to the husband to meet him and is about to shoot when the husband, in a small table mirror, sees the action and wheels on the music teacher. In the struggle, the professor is killed, but before dying he gives the husband his wife's note. The husband is arrested for the murder, but for the sake of their little daughter, hides the note in a secret drawer of his desk and keeps silent about his wife's connection with the slaying. Fifteen years later he is pardoned, but his wife orders him from the old home. He gets the note and when he shows it to the wife, she craves his forgiveness..

Evidence of Power

Evidence of Power

When criminology student Tom Richardson returns home to Hyland for the summer break, he is shocked to learn of a series of horrible deaths and mutilations..

Sifted Evidence

Sifted Evidence

A woman is telling the story of how she went to Mexico looking for an obscure archaeological site; how she met a man who promised to take her there; how they stayed together locked in cross-purposes and misunderstandings - how, but never why. The central event has been reconstructed through stills, narration, and enactment by two performers in a tableau limited by the boundaries of the front projection screen..

Surviving Evidence

Surviving Evidence

Following on the heels of the film, "Please, talk with me", comes: Surviving Evidence. This paranormal thriller is set in the present and seeks to raise as many questions in the viewers' minds as it may answer -- acting as a 'what if' exercise in regard to the relevancy, morality and application of paranormal experience in relation to free will, societal customs and what the future may hold..

Evidence of Things Unseen But Heard

Evidence of Things Unseen But Heard

Louis Henderson’s Evidence of Things Unseen But Heard draws a relation between technologies of state surveillance against black communities in Bristol, the rise of sound system culture, and the exceptional character of “Bristol sound”. Shot around the St Pauls neighbourhood, while reflecting on Bristol’s history, which heavily rests on plantation labour and slavery, Henderson stitches a sonic archaeology through archival photographs of the St Pauls carnival and the direct aftermath of the riots of 1980..

U.F.O. Secret: The Roswell Crash - The Best Evidence

U.F.O. Secret: The Roswell Crash - The Best Evidence

Now presenting the most in-depth program ever produced on the single most significant alien UFO incident known to man. Based on the research of Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt on the Roswell UFO crash, this documentary film required over 400 interviews and is considered the definitive expose on the Roswell UFO crash and government cover-up of contact with aliens from another world..

The Roswell Crash - The Best Evidence

The Roswell Crash - The Best Evidence

Now presenting the most in-depth program ever produced on the single most significant alien UFO incident known to man. Based on the research of Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt on the Roswell UFO crash, this documentary film required over 400 interviews and is considered the definitive expose on the Roswell UFO crash and government cover-up of contact with aliens from another world..

This Is Circumstantial Evidence

This Is Circumstantial Evidence

This Is Circumstantial Evidence is a music DVD created by Strictly Amateur Films and released by Three One G on April 20, 2004, featuring videos of live performances by several bands from the label. The bands included are: The Blood Brothers, The Locust, Cattle Decapitation, Swing Kids, Moving Units, Get Hustle, Jenny Piccolo, Orthrelm, and Love Life..

Watchers 7: Physical Evidence

Watchers 7: Physical Evidence

SOMETHING IS HAPPENING UFOs are being reported all over the world in greater numbers than ever before. Has something changed? Who are these beings, where do they come from, why do they work in the shadows and what is their agenda? Has the U.S. been sharing tech from these visitors since the 50s? Well take actual samples from a sphere that crashed to earth in Mexico and analyze them under an Electron Microscope, (SEM). Well examine a piece of drywall from a home that was visited. Are the fingerprints human, or alien? WATCHERS 7 looks at the science behind UFOs and their origin in ancient Biblical texts. A UK poll indicates more people believe in ETs than God. Whats next??.