

Dinosaures voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Pororo: Dinosaur Island Adventure

Pororo: Dinosaur Island Adventure

An unidentified airship crashed in a peaceful little Porong Porong forest. Pororo and his friends find a little dinosaur 'Alo', which sleeps in an egg-shaped airship that crashed in the forest. When they opened the lid of the airship, the little dinosaur ‘Alo’ awakened. But he can not remember anything other than his own name. Eddy repairs the airship that Alo rides on, and as soon as he powers on, the airships that start working swallow Crong and Alo and disappear from the sky. Can Pororo and his friends save their friends and dinosaurs and go back to home?.

Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger

Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger

Un jour, les membres d'une expédition spatiale japonaise envoyée sur une lointaine planète, ouvrent malencontreusement une étrange boîte dont sortent alors une terrible sorcière et ses acolytes. Ceux-ci se rendent à Tokyo et commencent à semer la destruction. Mais Barza, un magicien ennemi de la sorcière réapparaît alors, et se dresse contre elle. Après l'avoir affrontée, il se rend à son quartier général souterrain, où il entreprend de réveiller cinq combattants endormis depuis 170 millions d'années... Cette série fut utilisée par Haim Saban pour produire la première saison de la série américaine Power Rangers..

Time-travelling Dinosaur Knights

Time-travelling Dinosaur Knights

The anime series take dinosaurs as the core and tell the science fiction adventure stories of ""past, future and present"" in the city of Zigong in three different spacetimes. Fascinating stories show the protagonists' moral concern for the Earth and life community, conveying the values of humanity, fraternity, dedication, and the constant salvation of the people. It revolves around the adventures of the Dinosaur Defenders in prehistoric past : In order to save dinosaurs and protect the past, present and future of Zigong, they battled against the dark forces of Star's Army. and ends in a spectacular finale with Star defeated and dead but the dinosaurs' world in ruins and the portal closing (presumably) forever....

Les Monstres de la Préhistoire

Les Monstres de la Préhistoire

Un village japonais est menacé par un plésiosaure surgit du fond des mers. Dans le même temps, dans une profonde caverne gelée, est découvert un œuf préhistorique sur le point d'éclore… Les deux sauriens, dans leur campagne de destruction massive vont finalement être amené à s'affronter..

Cinéastes de notre temps: Le dinosaure et le bébé, dialogue en huit parties entre Fritz Lang et Jean-Luc Godard

Cinéastes de notre temps: Le dinosaure et le bébé, dialogue en huit parties entre Fritz Lang et Jean-Luc Godard

Sur des extraits du Mépris et de M le Maudit, Godard et Lang s'entretiennent sur le cinéma. Appelez-moi un "dinosaure", dit Fritz Lang. Dans Le Mépris, Lang, figure centrale du film, incarne justement un Dieu agonisant qui a fait son temps. Qu'est-ce qu'un metteur en scène? Qu'est-ce que la censure? Telles seront les questions tour à tour abordées avec Godard qui brise le cinéma, cet art de "bébé"..

Il pianeta dei dinosauri

Il pianeta dei dinosauri

Il Pianeta dei Dinosauri was a television documentary series, hosted by Piero and Alberto Angela in 1993, dedicated to the life of the Dinosaurs studied by the reconstructions, thanks to the co-production with Agip and the advice of Professor Dale Russell.

Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs

Gary is turning into a dinosaur, and Eric must find the cure. This becomes a globetrotting journey into everything dino while searching for the magic waters needed to stop Gary's odd transformation. Will Eric be too late? Get ready to meet the Garysaurus!.



This is the story of Mario, a ten-year-old boy who locks himself in his room all day playing with his dinosaur dolls. But his father Herman does not see a favorable attitude towards his child. One day Herman is going to run with his son. Due to Mario's stubborn refusal, the father confesses that a giant dinosaur is waiting along the way..

The Island of the Dinosaurs

The Island of the Dinosaurs

A group of scientists in search of lost Atlantis are plane wrecked on an uncharted island full of stock footage monsters fresh from One Million BC. Occasionally we get an original papier mache monster peaking out from behind an alcove, but for the most part this is typical Mexican filmmaking for the period. With Armond Silvestre and Alma Delia Fuentes..

The Prince of the Dinosaurs

The Prince of the Dinosaurs

Join Rakhal, Prince of the Land of Ice, and his five dinosaur friends on a journey to find the meaning of an ancient parchment. The friends must free Princess Aura and bring peace back to the land in this high quality animated feature..