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Jyoou no Kyoushitsu

Jyoou no Kyoushitsu

Une nouvelle année scolaire commence à l'école primaire Hanzaki et il y a une nouvelle enseignante nommée Maya Akutsu en sixième année, classe 3. Kazumi Kanda entre maintenant en 6ème année et s'enthousiasme pour la nouvelle année scolaire. Kazumi a donc Maya Akutsu comme nouveau professeur principal. Les élèves de 6e année, classe 3, réalisent rapidement que Maya est impitoyable. Elle organise un système de test où les élèves qui reçoivent les scores les plus bas doivent effectuer des corvées dans la salle de classe..

Screaming in High Heels: The Rise & Fall of the Scream Queen Era

Screaming in High Heels: The Rise & Fall of the Scream Queen Era

Three girls living in Los Angeles, CA in the 1980s found cult fame when they "accidentally" transitioned from models to B-movie actresses, coinciding with the major direct-to-video horror film boom of the era. Known as "The Terrifying Trio," Linnea Quigley (The Return of the Living Dead), Brinke Stevens (The Slumber Party Massacre) and Michelle Bauer (The Tomb), headlined upwards of ten films per year, fending off men in rubber monster suits, pubescent teenage boys, and deadly showers. They joined together in campy cult films like Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-a-Rama (1988) and Nightmare Sisters (1987). They traveled all over the world, met President Reagan, and built mini-empires of trading cards, comic books, and model kits. Then it all came crashing down. This documentary remembers these actresses - and their most common collaborators - on how smart they were to play stupid.

God Save the Queens

God Save the Queens

A dramedy about four Drag Queens who find themselves at the very same therapy retreat. In an effort to overcome issues holding them back, they dissect their problems, told in vignettes of their lives. They discover common ground; Perhaps, it wasn't serendipity that brought them together. Maybe they're not alone?.

Le seigneur de l'aventure

Le seigneur de l'aventure

A la fin du XVIè siècle, Sir Walter Raleigh rêve de diriger une expédition vers le Nouveau Monde. Pour arriver à ses fins, il joue de ses charmes et parvient à se faire introduire à la cour de la Reine Elizabeth 1er. Très vite, la souveraine s'attache au fougueux explorateur....

The Evil Fairy Queen

The Evil Fairy Queen

Lured to a beautiful but remote farmhouse by a deceitful relative, a family decides to move in. Little do they know it’s in the middle of a dying kingdom of fairies and the only way for them to rejuvenate their life force is by sacrificing their young daughter. As she is baited to the fairies’ lair, her mother must fight to return her to safety and bring an end to the evil fairy queen’s reign..

La Reine des Vikings

La Reine des Vikings

Saline hérite du royaume d'Angleterre la veille de la signature du traité partageant le pouvoir avec l'Empire Romain. Toutefois, la révolte gronde et menace cette paix fragile..

Paxman on the Queen's Children

Paxman on the Queen's Children

Jeremy Paxman examines the lives and roles of the Queen's children - looking at their changing relationship with the British public over the past 60 years. Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward, were the first generation of royals to grow up as celebrities..

A Tribute to Her Majesty the Queen

A Tribute to Her Majesty the Queen

On the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II, a special documentary featuring contributions from HM King Charles III, her children, public figures, and those who worked with her. With previously unseen archive footage from the Queen's collection..

Flirt Dangereux

Flirt Dangereux

Posy Pinkerton se doit de sortir de sa coquille. Pour cette monogame sérieuse en fin de la vingtaine, la vie a, jusqu’à ce jour, progressé sans encombre. Elle a Tom, son fiancé docteur; une carrière en plein essor en tant qu’illustratrice médicale, et est artiste dans ses temps libres. Par contre, suite à la rencontre fortuite de Jack, un bel homme d’affaires, la coquille de Posy commence à craquer. Elle le trouve mystérieux et il la trouve charmante, ce qui permet à Posy d’exercer son assurance comme jamais auparavant. Elle est réticente à l’idée d’en faire plus qu’un simple flirt, mais sa cousine Laura, qui est tout son contraire, l’encourage à avoir une dernière aventure avant de se ranger avec Tom, le seul amant qu’elle n’ait jamais connu. Avide d’une plus grande libération, Posy explore son for intérieur avec Jack à travers un alter ego qu’elle nomme la Reine du Péché. Ce que Posy ne sait pas, c’est qu’en se liant à Jack, elle fait plutôt un pacte avec le diable..

The Snow Queen

The Snow Queen

When Gerda befriends penniless Kay their growing friendship is cut short as one cold winter night a fragment of glass pierces Kay's eye, turning his heart cold. Enchanted by the Snow Queen he is swept away on her chariot over the glittering landscape to her frozen palace in the North. Gerda embarks on a magical and perilous journey to find and rescue Kay, finally arriving in the realm of the Snow Queen. But will this little girl in her red velvet cloak be able to match the power of the winter witch?.

The Queens

The Queens

This documentary chronicles over two years in the heels of four of the world’s most famous drag queens including former RuPaul’s Drag Race winners Jinkx Monsoon and Sharon Needles, former All Stars champion Alaska Thunderf*ck and season 7 and All Stars 2 contestant Katya Zamolodchikova. From performing across world stages to winning (and losing) Drag Race or dealing with major tragedies, The Queens lifts the lace front, giving an insight into one of the most fascinating and quickly ascending entertainment artforms..

Behind The Drag Queen of the Year Pageant Competition Award Contest Competition

Behind The Drag Queen of the Year Pageant Competition Award Contest Competition

Legendary drag queens Alaska Thunderfuck and her creative drag partner Lola LeCroix are putting together their annual drag pageant, The Drag Queen of the Year Pageant Competition Award Contest Competiton. With a venue in place and rehearsals gearing up, Alaska and Lola have to deal with an unreliable crew, packages not being delivered, and eight drag queen contestants who all have a variety of talent, costumes, and performances. After a nightmare in tech rehearsals and with only hours away from showtime; will these queens get to crown their latest winner?.